/ / Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich: biography, bibliography, best books

Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich: biography, bibliography, best books

Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich - one of the mostinteresting and amazing authors of modern youthful and children's literature. This well-known and respected writer has been studied very little by authoritative criticism. He rarely gives a public assessment of his own creativity, inviting readers to judge him independently. However, in his works a whole world was created, having plunged into that, I do not want to return to reality. We will talk about the fate and creativity of this unique author in our article.

nettle Vladislav

Childhood and youth

Krapivin Vladislav was born in 1938,October 14, in the family of teachers Olga Petrovna and Peter Fedorovich Krapivins in the city of Tyumen. He was the third child of his parents. His father served as a priest in the Orthodox Church for a long time and moved to Siberia from Kirov (Vyatka), fleeing from inevitable repression. This moment of family history was unknown to the writer until the very old age.

Even as a child, Vladislav Krapivin beganto invent various entertaining stories with which you entertained your peers. In 1956, after graduating from school, the future writer entered the Gorky Ural State University at the Faculty of Journalism. As a student, he attended a literary circle under the leadership of V. N. Shustov, editor of the Ural Pathfinder magazine.

After completing the second course, Krapivin enteredwork practice in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", where he worked in the department of studying youth. There he met another important man for himself - the author of the pedagogy of cooperation Simon Soloveichik.

Beginning of literary activity

Krapivin Vladislav, by his own admission, inhis work has experienced considerable influence of Konstantin Paustovsky. The author carefully studied the works of eminent writer. In addition, the novice writer in 1963 worked under the direction of Lev Kassil in the section of children's literature.

In 1960, in the spring, in the publication “UralPathfinder "appeared the first story of Krapivin. As a student, he worked in the newspaper "Vecherny Sverdlovsk", then worked for several years in the "Ural Pathfinder." The author’s first book, Orion’s Flight, was released in 1962. She was released in the Sverdlovsk publishing house.

Vladislav Krapivin

Creative achievements

In 1964 he was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSRVladislav Krapivin. The biography of this writer knows a lot of creative achievements. So, in the 1970-1980s, he was a member of the editorial boards of the Ural Pathfinder and Pioneer publications. In 2007, the author returned to Tyumen, where he received the title of professor at Tyumen State University and worked with students at the school of literary skill. In 2011, on June 15, the Krapivin Museum appeared in Tyumen with an exhibition entitled “Slavka from Herzen Street”. It consists of things reminiscent of the work and life of the writer. In the autumn of 2013, Vladislav Petrovich again moved to Yekaterinburg.

For his literary activities Krapivinpublished 200 times. His books have been translated into various languages ​​of the world. Since 2006, the International Literary Prize named after Krapivin was established. Its chairman is Vladislav Petrovich himself.

Pedagogical concept

Крапивин Владислав посвящал много времени pedagogical work. The originality of his literary works cannot be understood without studying this side of his life. So, in 1961, the famous writer created a multi-age children's squad "Caravella" in Sverdlovsk, which in 1965 received the status of a separate (almost independent!) Pioneer squad. “Caravel” had its own oath-motto, which fully indicated the pedagogical orientation of this association: “I will fight with any injustice, meanness and cruelty, wherever I meet them. I will not wait for someone before me to defend the truth. ” In this detachment, Vladislav Krapivin brought up new romantic heroes — bold, disinterested, with a keen sense of justice. These were the fearless heroes of the author's works.

nettle Vladislav Petrovich

In addition, Vladislav Petrovich considers childhooda special period in the life of every person, equal to maturity, youth and old age, upholds the principle of the cooperation of generations and speaks of the need for the presence in the inner world of every child of a certain high idea. All these postulates are reflected in the work of the writer.

Basic works

Vladislav Krapivin, whose bibliography is veryextensive, for fifty years engaged in creative activities. In 1998-2000 the publishing house "Centrpoligraf" published a twenty-nine-volume collection of the author's works. According to the literary critic S. B. Borisov, from among all the books created by the writer, it is possible to distinguish the layer of his works written in the period from 1965 to 1982. It was in him that the image-concept "nettle boys" originated. Among the most outstanding works of the author are:

  • "Walky friends and sails."
  • "Gunsmith Kashka".
  • "The Shadow of Caravel".
  • "Crane and Lightning".
  • "The flight of horned Vikings".
  • "A boy with a sword."
  • "Scarlet feathers of arrows."
  • "Carpet plane".
  • "Tales of Sevka Glushchenko".
  • "The Musketeer and Fairy."

In addition, in the 1980s, Vladislav Petrovichbegins to write books fabulous direction. It was in this vein that he created a series of works under the general title “Deep in the Great Crystal”.

Realistic line

Works of Vladislav Krapivin worerealistic character until the late 1970s. At this time he was a supporter of the romantic approach to the narrative. Swords, sails, drums are the invariable attributes of the works of the author. Romance boils in the blood of “nettle boys” who can dream and feel the call for adventure. In his books, the writer created an easily recognizable and original image of a teenager - a rebel, a rebel, a defender, a warrior and romance. He is distinguished by moral purity, dignity and justice. It is important that he has an active lifestyle and is capable of a heroic deed. That is why Krapivin heroes often fall into unpleasant stories to save someone or defend their own honor.

works of Vladislav Krapivin

Cruel truth

In his works Krapivin Vladislav nothides from readers the cruel truth of life. His boys often come into conflict with others, sometimes they have clashes with hooligans or dangerous bandits. It happens that the author’s heroes even perish: a third-year-old Vorobyev in the story “That Side Where the Wind Has” saves kids at the cost of their lives; mercilessly beating Vekshina Cyril ends the "Lullaby for the brother." At the same time, the heroes rarely receive public recognition — Seryozha Kakhovsky, who joined the fight against the gangster group and defended the little ones, gets a reprimand at the advice of the pioneer detachment. Such an outcome in the works of Krapivin natural. His characters often become troublemakers, they are inconvenient for the world around them with their civic activism.

World without adults

Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich - the adherent of the theoryabout the cooperation of different generations. The heroes of the author are guys of different ages, but they are united by similar views on life. Practically in all books of the writer, the elders take care of the younger ones (“Valkins are friends and sails”, “That side is the wind”, “Lullaby for the brother”, “Squire Bishop”). The teenager, as a rule, helps his little friend overcome the difficulty and pain of growing up. In fact, there are no adults in the world of netting heroes: their participation in the action is as limited as possible and often negative. Teenagers, on the contrary, are wise friends and mentors who still remember their own helplessness in the face of evil and injustice and are always ready to help the weaker comrade.

vladislav krapivin biography

"A boy with a sword"

In the trilogy called "The Boy with the sword"most fully embodied the concept of the author. This is one of his most famous non-fiction works. The story with the same name was published in 1974 in the journal "Pioneer". Subsequently, the writer Vladislav Krapivin created a trilogy, which included Flag Captains and Horsemen from Rosa Station. The central part in it was the story “The Star Hour of Seryozha Kakhovsky”. In 1981, the “Boy with the Sword”, beloved by all, was published as a separate book in the collection series “The Golden Library. Selected works for children and youth.

writer Vladislav Krapivin

The leading hero of the trilogy - Kakhovsky Sergei - fromthose dreamers and eccentrics who will stop at nothing in the fight for justice. For her, he is ready to overcome any difficulties, and therefore his encounters with himself and the world around him are not childishly dramatic.

World of the Great Crystal

As mentioned above, in the 1980s beginswrite works of fantastic direction by Vladislav Krapivin. In this regard, indicative of the cycle of works entitled "In the depths of the Great Crystal." In it, the writer created a whole cosmogonic world with its own history, religion, geography, metaphysics and physics. Vladislav Petrovich even tries to make a map of this fantastic place. The world of the Great Crystal, according to the author, is a multitude of living worlds in contact or passing into each other, existing in the same “vertical time”. It is populated mainly by children. There are few adults in it; they rarely play a decisive role in the development of events.

Любимые герои в произведениях Крапивина — koivo children (definition of the author). These are frontier boys, endowed with the ability to penetrate into other worlds. The plot of each of the stories of the cycle is based on the fate of one or several such heroes.


В наши дни картина мира в творчестве Крапивина Significantly complicated. The writer remained faithful to the principles of good and justice, but he realized the full power and vitality of evil. Now in his books there are frustration, pain and death. Heroes of Vladislav Petrovich are sometimes accused of lack of mercy, forgetting that the author forces them to fight real evil, in the struggle with which there can be no compromise.

Vladislav Krapivin bibliography

Totally unique in modern Russianliterature world of the Great Crystal, who created Vladislav Krapivin. The best books in this series are still re-read with enthusiasm not only by children, but also by adults. A peculiar continuation of this cycle were works written by him in recent years - “Ships”, “Holed Moon”, “Airplane named Seryozhka”, “Orange portrait with specks”.