/ / What fairy tale is a self-painted cloth and how it is called

What fairy tale is a self-painted cloth and how it is called

In Russian folk tales often foundsuch magical phenomena as tables and tablecloths covered with delicious food, oven-carriers, pike performers of desires. In such works, everything is possible. In this article we will look at which fairy tale there is a self-painted cloth. Also find out a summary of this work.

Cloth-grounding cloth in the Russian folk tale "Cloth-grounding, wallet-self-shook and two of the bag"

In this work, there are many magicphenomena. This is a tablecloth, wallet, and soum. All of this is a gift from the wind-inspired author to a poor old man. Therefore, when asking, “Is there a tablecloth in which fairy tale does it meet?”, We can safely mention this piece.

tablecloth in which fairy tale meets

This magical item and similar to itwonders, such as covering tables, are mentioned in other works. The tablecloth is a very popular among the authors. This tale is Russian folk. This means that we cannot name a specific author.

Why did the people like to include in their talessuch magic items? Probably because people wanted miracles to happen. And if not in real life, then at least in fairy tales. It is in them that the common people can get what they want and live comfortably. We see this in the work we are considering.

What events take place in the fairy tale “self-painted cloth, wallet-self-shook and two of the bag”

Let's look at the summary of this work. With it, we will find out what miracles the self-dressing tablecloth can do.

The tale begins by describing the poor life of an old man.with an old woman. They always have no luck, and even the finished wheat they fall under hail, and nothing remains of it. Old men grieve because they have nothing to eat. This wheat could feed them, but it was as if it did not exist.

The old man decides to find the wind-offender, so that he repaid his damage. He finds it, and he gives him a magic tablecloth.

in which fairy tale is the tablecloth

She is able to feed and drink as much as you want,one has only to say the right words. The wind advises the old man not to go on the way to the inn. However, he disobeyed him and spent the night there. In it, the sideler, learning about the wonderful properties of the tablecloth, replaced it with his own. The old man did not notice this. He returned home with a simple tablecloth, which only angered his wife.

As the old man returned the tablecloth

Отправился непутевый крестьянин снова к ветру, thinking that he deceived him. From him, he turned home with a new gift - a magic wallet. Silver and gold poured from it, it was enough to say the right words. This time the wind again asked the old man not to enter the inn. However, he disobeyed, and the follower again replaced his magic thing with a simple wallet. The old man returned home joyful, but he was short-lived. When he realized that gold would not be sprinkled from his wallet, he thought about the inmate. However, he first visited the wind. He gave him a bag.

With this good old man came to the inn.There the sideler was waiting for him, he was glad to see him. After feeding and feeding the old man, he wanted to replace his good. He took the bag from him, said the right words, and two young men began to beat him and his wife with batons. Having heard the noise, the old man approached them, asked to return his magic tablecloth and wallet. In exchange, he promised that they would stop banging. Sidelets agreed, returned the stolen items. The old man returned home with this wealth, and he and the old woman healed so well that the singer learned about it. He visited them, they treated him. Barin ordered to give him these magic gifts. Then the youngsters got out of the bag and pounded him until he wrote freely to all the peasants and refused to give up his estate. After that, the peasants healed happily and were rich.

what events take place in the fairy tale tablecloth

Moral tales

What is behind this fairy tale?People urge not to destroy someone else's good, do not steal, fight for their happiness. Shows that everything will have to answer. With a homemade cloth and other magical items, the old man receives compensation for the damage that the wind caused to his crop. In turn, disobeying the air element, the old man was deceived by the inmate at the inn. The thief was punished. The barin, who encroached on someone else's good, was beaten and deprived of peasants and estates. Everyone paid for their wrongdoings.

In which fairy tale is the tablecloth and the similar to it?

Such a wonder is found in the workbrothers grimm. Their tale is called “Little table-himself-cover, golden ass and club from a bag”. The plot of the work is similar to the story under consideration. However, it does not cover the tablecloth, and the table. He is also stolen from one of the heroes of the tale, but he returns his goods with the help of his younger brother. In this story of the Brothers Grimm, gold does not appear from a wallet, but from a donkey, a baton is not in the bag, but in a bag.

tablecloth from which fairy tale title

References to the tablecloth we seedifferent authors. In all works, it goes to good people. In what tale there is a tablecloth on the ground, in that there is a confrontation between good and evil. In such stories, goodies win. For example, in the Russian folk tale of the same name, “The Tablecloth-Self-Feet” (after a retelling by GS Dzhaladyan).

It tells about three poor brothers whoin search of happiness came upon a mountain of gems. The elders pick up the jewels, and the youngest leads the way further to the forest. There he decides to have a snack, sees eggs, a bird flies up here to protect his nest, and the guy, having pity on her, goes to bed hungry. In the morning, he sees in front of him a tablecloth. As soon as he spreads it, tasty food appears. With this tablecloth, he went to spend the night at the house of two old men, fed them, and they gave him a magic satchel and a horn for it.

tablecloth of a Russian fairy tale

Когда парень решил вернуться домой, к братьям, I saw that they had healed richly, they did not recognize him and were being driven. Then he needed a satchel from which soldiers appear. With the help of them, he conquered the whole kingdom and married the princess. He remembered his rescuers and sheltered old forest men. But the princess was not happy to marry, having learned about the knapsack, she called the soldiers, and they grabbed and tied the young man. The old men, seeing this, blew into the magic horn, and everyone fell. And the young man with his rescuers left these bad people.

After reviewing these stories, the question: “A self-serving cloth from which fairy tale?” - the title of the work you can indicate not one, but several.


As we can see in which fairy tale there isthe tablecloth is a self-made cloth, there are positive and negative heroes in it. But this wonder is always inherited only by poor and good people. Having reviewed the 3 plots, you can answer, a self-made tablecloth from which Russian fairy tale, what are its content and morality. It is possible to note the considered work of the Brothers Grimm. To the question: “A self-painted cloth in which fairy tale does it occur?” - it would not be a mistake to name all 3 stories that we described in this article.