/ / Description of the Humpbacked Horse from the fairy-tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. P. Ershov

Description Horsy-humpback from the fairy tale "The Humpbacked Horse" by P. P. Ershov

Popular children's fairy tale "Little Humpbacked Horse",written by writer P. P. Ershov, is a very bright and beautiful poem poem, which is divided into three plot parts. The first one tells how younger brother Ivan got a magnificent trophy of two gold-maned horses and an absurd Humpbacked Horse, and how Ivan became the royal groom. In the second part, you can learn how the main character, on the orders of the king, lures the Firebird, and behind her, the Tsar-maiden. In the final part, Ivan will be visiting the Sun and the Month and will get a magic ring from the bottom of the mighty ocean, eventually he will become the king, and the Tsar-maiden will get the wife.

Description of the Humpbacked Humpbacked Horse Skate of the Humpbacked Horse

P. P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”: analysis and heroes

The central characters of the work becameIvan the Fool and the Little Humpbacked Horse. Ivan for his kindness and responsiveness to any request of the father or the king is responsible and seriously. His brothers, one by laziness, the other by cowardice, did not track down the one who tramples their fields. But Ivan did not sleep at night, but he tracked down and caught a gold-maned mare, who, at the mercy, presented him with two beautiful foals and a third, the Humpbacked Horse, an indifferent but kind helper. If it were not for him, Ivan’s life could have ended very badly. To serve the ridiculous and stupid swindler king — oh, how difficult. However, Ivan completely submits to his every whim, showing his humility and devotion, but the king did not appreciate these qualities, but only more and more to taste after each order executed by Ivan. Give him the Firebird, the Tsar-maiden.

ruff horse humpback

Description Humpbacked Horse from the fairy-tale "Humpbacked Horse"

The style of this wonderful fairy tale -ironically satirical, it makes fun of those who are rich or want to get rich, at the expense of others. Their passions and desires are so great that in the end the negative characters are left with nothing. But Ivan, who was honest and generous, not hoping for any praise, let alone reward, without slyness and pretense, was always ready to sacrifice his life for the happiness of another person. That is why he has such a wise friend, like the magical Humpbacked Horse.

Description The Little Humpbacked Horse from a fairy tale“The Little Humpbacked Horse” comes down to the fact that the author of the fairy tale opposes him and Ivan, however, in general they are one whole. Ivan is a passionate, lively, curious and very arrogant hero, always ready for any adventure, and the Little Humpbacked Horse plays the role of a guardian angel, a wise, generous and compassionate companion. The description of the main characters of The Little Hunchback Horse essentially shows two sides of the broad Russian soul.

Humpbacked Horse description of heroes

Russian soul

And, surprisingly, the similarity is tracedheroes among themselves. Both thirds are in the family and both are defective, one is called a fool by his innocence and the generally accepted point of view, and the other is called the “Hunchback” because of a defect, a freak of its kind. So they became heroes, dialectically complementary and mutually exclusive. However, the image of the Humpbacked Horse was the most beloved and most memorable for children.

Description The Little Humpbacked Horse from a fairy tale"Little Humpbacked Horse" is very funny. Small but remote, three inches tall, with aptic ears and two humps, the Little Humpbacked Horse is so sweet and charming that it was impossible not to love him.

description of the main characters of the humpback skate


Ivan and the Little Humpbacked Horse became the antipodes of exemplaryolder brothers. But in many ways they are better and more dignified. Luck itself goes into their hands, and they are not one of those who miss it because of laziness or stupidity. Their actions, deeds and speeches once again affirm and demonstrate the popular ideal of industriousness, courage and justice. The Little Humpbacked Horse is not just an obliging slave or servant who agrees and obeys in everything, he, first of all, became a friend of Ivan and always told him the bitter, but the truth.

These two heroes are somewhat naive and immediate, which makes them look like children, there is no guile and lies - that is the most important thing.

If we take into account the description of the Humpbacked Horse from a fairy tale"Little Humpbacked Horse", this wonderful horse was no more than a cat, with long, like a donkey's, ears. And these two friends fall into amazing adventures that usually do not happen at the whim of the heroes. However, free and cheerful disposition allows them to perform unprecedented feats and get out of the most difficult situations.

In the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", the description of the characters saysthat Ivan, thanks to his kindness, dexterity and childish naivety, was able to see the unprecedented and get it, as it turned out, not for the king - stupid and ridiculous, but for himself. All because the truth triumphed, the king boiled in boiling water, and Ivan became handsome, received the kingdom, the beautiful princess, and for good luck — a faithful magical friend and indispensable helper of the Humpbacked Horse.

Description of the Humpbacked Humpbacked Horse Skate of the Humpbacked Horse


Very happy end to his fairy tale came upwriter P. P. Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse was written in the 1830s. The style of writing is very similar to the manner of Pushkin in his fairy tales. So it is: the author really imitated his idol. However, an obvious satire on the kings was harshly censored, and therefore in 1843 the work was banned. It went into oblivion for 13 years. But by the end of the XIX century, this tale has already become a children's classic.