/ / Vito Corleone - the protagonist of the novel “The Godfather” by Mario Puzo

Vito Corleone - the protagonist of the novel Mario Puzo "Godfather"

Слава к Марио Пьюзо пришла, когда он был уже an experienced writer. In 1969, his novel “The Godfather” was released, and the whole reading world recognized the author. The approach to the topic was new. Bestseller told of violence and kindness, the laws and roots of the mafia. With vivid images and a sharply built up tense plot, he instantly won recognition.

Vito Corleone

Crime and Retribution

Reflecting in a literary workReality, the writer devoted a large place to the violence that is present in life itself. His main character, Vito Corleone, founded an empire that no one dares to invade and that he rules with a soft-gloved iron hand. He patronizes those who come and asks for help, and punishes aggressors who dared to disturb the peace of his family, friends and subjects. Vito Corleone created the state in the state. It has the laws of inevitable retribution for the crimes committed.

Don Corleone
The army of Vito Corleone is debugged flawlessly:he himself transmits his instructions to the assistant face to face, the assistant to the next person in the hierarchy, only then the order comes to the executor. An unprepared beginner will never be given a weapon, it will first be rigorously tested and repeatedly tested. After all, it is prepared for real combat operations - to protect the empire from aggressive invaders.

What is the charm of the protagonist and his subordinates?The killings they commit are not an end in themselves. They are only a means of protecting their families and citizens. Only a necessary security measure, because every man should be able to stand up for loved ones and the welfare of the state as a whole. The reader gets acquainted with the way the relations of the mafia structure with the state power, trade unions.

Who served as the prototype for the main character?

Researchers believe that since childhoodthe writer passed in the Italian quarters of New York, he knew the topic firsthand. In addition, M. Puzo studied previously published works on this topic, which contained information from police archives. Most researchers are inclined to believe that the main image is collective, although the personal influence was exerted on him by the personality of Frank Costello and Vito Genovese.

Френк Кастелло родился в Италии, но позже его the family moved to the United States, where the father already lived, holding a grocery store. At the age of 13, he began fishing for small-scale robbery, but, having got into prison, and then, after being released, he became part of a strong gang.

Corleone family
There he found himself a business partner and friendpaying more attention to gambling. The introduction of Prohibition helped rapid enrichment. In addition to illegal activities, he had a legal business. Frank quickly established contacts in all circles of society and established contacts between the mafia and politicians, paying well for their services.

Vito Genovese was also an Italian who emigrated to a country of freedom. He began in Manhattan, trades petty theft. "Dry law" and helped him enrich.

godfather vito corleone
Вито активно участвовал в различных махинациях и was forced not to go to prison, go to Italy. He was able to survive after the fall of the regime of Mussolini, with whom he was close, and the landing of American troops. Moreover, Vito returned to the USA. They made an attempt on his life, but he survived and appointed his son, the head of his clan. These two biographies will enter the life of the literary character Vito Corleone. The prototype was not one, and their images are not so noble and romantic as that of the hero of the novel M. Puzo.

The life of the protagonist

Вито Андолини, потерявший в разборках с Sicilian Mafia father runs to America. He is growing up and getting married. But he is fired from his job. Vito, who took the surname Corleone, has children who have nothing to feed. He has to make a living with friends with a little robbery. But the gangster, the thunderstorm of the quarter, demands tribute from the brisk Italian youth.

Vito Corleone Quotes
Vito Corleone is not reconciled with this, and having killed him,gains credibility in its quarter. Gradually, he builds his own state in which he wisely and completely rules. Legal business - the export of olive oil - covers various spheres of illegal activities.

Thanks to his policy, Don is overgrown with ties totrade unions, the police, among the deputies of parliament. Becomes a very powerful man Vito Corleone. His biography contains a lot of troubled moments. He is assisted by his adopted son, Tom Hagen, who became a lawyer, as he remembered Don’s words: “The lawyer with a briefcase in his hands will rake more than a thousand armed masked raiders”.

Дон Корлеоне принимает у себя сицилийца Солоцци, who offers to do drugs. But the businessman gets a polite refusal. On the life of the Don successfully organize an attempt. He is temporarily unable to do business, and the management of the empire passes to son Sonny. But the life of the Godfather is under threat of a new attempt. The younger son kills the police captain and hides in Sicily. Meanwhile, the eldest son of Don is being killed.

Vito Corleone Prototype
Corleone is forced to collect all the mobsters and urge them to stop senseless killings, dividing spheres of influence. Don directs all his forces to the return of his son to America.

End of the novel

Returning three years later, Michael takes over fromfather's experience and connections and after the death of Don from a heart attack heads the family business. The younger son took revenge for the attempt on the life of his father, for the attempt on his life, for the murder of his brother. All affairs in the east of the country Don Michael turns and moves to the west, becoming the head of the most powerful clan of America. So ends Mario Puzo's The Godfather.

Vito Corleone Characteristic

He is a true Sicilian, but his temperament is ablekeep in hand. "Revenge is a dish that is served cold." Don's commandments characterize his vitality. The main thing, according to Vito, is to stay alive. The next thing you need and rely on is friendship. But, trusting, he checks everyone, just in case. He is not angry and does not threaten, trying to logically agree with his opponent, and only when he refuses to accept logical evidence, does Nemesis come, which is embodied by all of Don's actions.

Vito Corleone Biography
Corleone is full of sincere human feelings.And it attracts readers. He is able to leave his daughter's wedding and spend the whole night at the bedside of a dying friend, pouring into him the hope that God will forgive the transgressions. He is ready to help anyone who respectfully requests him. Even dying, the last thing he says: "Life is so beautiful."

Why is the hero called "The Godfather"?

In a Catholic culture, relationships are sanctified.Church, make people very close. It is believed that life is so hard that one father is not enough. In this case, there is a godfather who cares about the spiritual education of the child. This is one side of the question, sacred. The other is that the mafia has given the religious name of the highest level in its hierarchy. The title "Godfather" Vito Corleone wears with pride and dignity, overshadowing many of his patronage. This is an extremely respectful address to the head of the criminal syndicate.

Family members Corleone

The Corleone family is small and large at the same time.

novel mario puzo godfather
It consists of relatives and relatives of the people, godchildren and all members of his empire, for whom he looks after his father.

The eldest son - Santino or Sonny.He is not too smart, but he is too hot and does not know how to think about actions like his father. Sonny had the reputation of being the most formidable killer as a young man, and when his father was attacked, he did not hesitate to get involved in the struggle of the clans, which Don Corleone sought to avoid. In this struggle, he was betrayed by the husband of his sister, whose name is Carlo, and Sonny is killed.

The middle son is Freddie. Gutless and unlucky, not capable of mental activity. He obviously can never replace his father.

Michael is the youngest son. The brightest of Don's children.At first, he decided to become an honest American, not touching the dark deeds of the family. He is a war veteran, a university student, but his affection for family members and his desire to avenge his father’s life turn his life around. When he returned, he would avenge the death of Brother Sonny, although the husband of his sister was a traitor. Michael will not forgive the betrayal of Tessio's old friend of his father and destroy him. Michael will become a real Don, having lightning speed with the heads of the hostile clans.

But the family is not limited to the Corleone family.There is also an adopted son, a very intelligent and devoted Tom Hagen, there is an unreasonable artist who by the end of the novel is recovering his sight, Johnny Fontaine, singer, movie star and idol of America.

Vito Corleone: quotes

  • I will make an offer you cannot refuse.
  • Never be angry, do not threaten and force a person to reason sensibly.
  • With those who perceive the accident as a personal insult, accidents do not occur.
  • There are things that you have to do - you do them, but you never talk about them. They have no excuses. You do them, that's all. And you forget.
  • Each of us can find something to tell about our troubles. I'm not going to do this.

Romance mafia in the novel

Don Corleone is so noble in his motives inThis criminal story that forgotten terrible details of crimes. The voice of blood and family attachments weave a thread of human destiny. They do not allow to go beyond the limits of the created circle. This is very clearly seen in the life of Michael, the youngest son, who did not want, but continued the work of his father. He, like his father, independently administers justice and helps his compatriots to break out in people, resorting to the usual means of gangsters.