/ / The crew, plot, description, role and actors of The Chronicles of Narnia 2

Film crew, plot, description, roles and actors "The Chronicles of Narnia 2"

Fantasy genre never ceases to be relevant. Consider in detail the film "The Chronicles of Narnia 2" (actors and roles, film crew, plot, interesting facts).

Narnia Chronicle 2 Actors


Peter Pevensey - one of the central charactersThe film "Chronicles of Narnia 2". Actors and roles, filmmakers - the main theme of this article. Let's get acquainted with the character in more detail. Peter is the oldest of the children. He is a caring brother for everyone, especially for the youngest girl Lucy. In Narnia, Peter the Magnificent is the High King, he rules over all other kings and queens.

Were the busy actors known before the movie?The Chronicles of Narnia 2 gave fame to many rising stars. The role of Peter Pevensey was played by William Peter Mosely. Prior to this, the Briton played only 2 small movie roles. Casting for the role he passed in 2003. At the time of the filming of Prince Caspian, William was 20 years old, and his hero was barely 14 years old, so the character’s age in the film was changed.

After filming in three films about a magical country, the actor played the role of princes in the TV series "Perception" and "The Members of the Royal Family", and also took part in the filming of the film "Veil".

Chronicles of Narnia 2 Actors and Roles


Edmund is another boy from the Pevensey family.He succumbs to someone else's influence and is somewhat selfish, but more reasonable and cautious than his elder brother Peter. Is king of Narnia, known as Edmund the Just. After betrayal fully aware of his guilt and corrected.

Actors "The Chronicles of Narnia 2" became known throughoutthe world. The role of Edmund played the Lebanese-English actor Skandar Emin Casper Keynes. Before participating in the filming of a series of films about the magic country, Skandar took part in the work on two films. After filming the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Conqueror of the Dawn" did not appear on the screen.

Keynes is half Englishman - it flowsLebanese, Turkish and Persian blood. The young man comes from a very famous family. Among his ancestors are famous scientists, including Charles Darwin. He is currently a student at Cambridge University. Whether Skandar is going to continue his acting career is unknown.


Susan is the eldest of the Pevensey girls.She is intelligent, well-read, but a little bit of an arrogance. Susan has a Magic Horn that can call for help. Then she matured and stopped believing in Narnia. In the film, there is a love line between Susan and Prince Caspian.

The actors of The Chronicles of Narnia 2, although not widelyknown, but from childhood were interested in theater and cinema. The role of the eldest of the sisters performed Englishwoman Anna Catherine Popplewell. She played the first role in the film at the age of ten, after which she starred in commercials and participated in theater productions. The actress auditioned for the role of Hermione Granger. In 2013, she starred in the series "The Kingdom" as a friend of the Queen.

film chronicles narnia 2 actors


Pevensey's youngest child, Lucy girl,charmed the audience. This is a brave, persistent and active girl. It was she who found the door to the magical land. Became the queen of Narnia under the name Lucy the Brave.

All the actors "The Chronicles of Narnia 2" lovedthe audience, but the little performer of the role of Lucy, Georgina Henley, is the most. From early childhood, an Englishwoman starred in advertising. The casting director of the film discovered a young talent in a theater group. At the time of the filming of the first film she was 9 years old.

The actress studied at the University of Cambridge, where she took an active part in the performances of student performances. In 2015 she released her own short film “Tide”.

Narnia Chronicle film actors and roles

Prince caspian

Caspian is the prince who ruled Narnia throughmany years after the Pevensey children. It was he who, with the help of the magical Horn, called upon Susan to help them. The role of Caspian the Navigator was performed by Benjamin Thomas Barnes. Actor graduated from Kingston University. Professional acting debut took place in 2004 on the theater stage. Successfully played in performances, participated in television projects and was a vocalist in a musical group.

The actor has received two small roles in the well-known films "Star Dust" and "More Ben". In addition to filming the films about Narnia, he played the role of the protagonist in the film “Portrait of Dorian Gray”.

Other characters

We continue the theme, which deals with the actorsand the roles of the film The Chronicles of Narnia 2. ” Lev Aslan speaks in the voice of Liam Neeson, Ripichip speaks to Eddie Izzard. The role of the evil king of Miraz was played by Sergio Castellitto, and his wife Prunaprizmi - Alicia Borrachero. A mentor to the young prince, Dr. Cornelius, embodied Vincent Grass. Peter Dinklage and Warwick Davis can be seen as the red and black gnomes, Shane Ranji - the minotaur of Asterius. Borovik - Ken Scott, the Thunderer Centaur - Cornell John.

Film crew

The film crew of the film The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian did a great job. The director and producer of the film was Andrew Adamson. He is also known for his work on animation films about Shrek. On the script for the film based on the novel by Clive Lewis, Andrew Adamson, Stephen Macfili and Christopher Marcus worked.

Musical accompaniment organized by the composerHarry Gregson-Williams. The magnificent costumes, similar to medieval robes, were invented by the artist Ises Messenden. Howard Berger was in charge of the make-up, Richard Taylor was in charge of the weapon, and Roger Ford was in charge of the scenery.

Narnia Chronicles film crew


Since the events of the previous picture in Englanda year has passed, and in Narnia - 1300 years. In the center of the plot - the young Prince Caspian, who is the heir to the throne of the magical country. As Laura Regent Narnia is ruled by his uncle Miraz. Caspian learns that his own son was born to his uncle, and Miraz now wants to kill his nephew. The prince flees the castle and, with the help of the Horn, Susan summons the ancient rulers Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy.

Narnia is conquered by cruel telmarins,descendants of pirates. Good inhabitants of a magical land are driven into the woods. Prince Caspian wants not only to return the throne, but also to establish peace between the Narnians and the Telmarines. To do this, you will need the help of not only Pevensey, but also Aslan.

Interesting Facts

Some interesting facts about the shoot:

  • More than 70 people worked on the costumes for the film.
  • The team that worked on the film was multinational. The cast and crew came from 15 countries.
  • In the novel, Prince Caspian is 13 years old, in the film he is older, about 17. But at the time of filming the actor who played this character was 26 years old.
  • More than 1,000 pieces of clothing were sewn for the main roles. For the army of Miraz - almost 4,000. In total, about 600 weapons were designed and manufactured.
  • 1858 square meters occupied the scenery of the Palace of Miraz. It was built 15 weeks.
  • A whole month went to the construction of a wooden bridge over the river Soka in Slovenia.