/ / List of Korean dramas about school and love. List of the best Korean doramas with Russian voice acting

A list of Korean dramas about school and love. List of the best Korean doramas with Russian voice acting

Dorama is a rating series smallduration Korean dramas are becoming more popular in our country. They really have a special attraction. Do you like Korean dramas? The list with the description of the best will help you find a new one for viewing. Choose!

list of Korean dramas


A list of Korean doramas about school and love weLet's start with the most popular to date series - "Heirs". Heroes are privileged schoolchildren, the heirs of the richest people in the world, who in the future will have to manage multi-million corporations. It would seem that they can control everything in their lives. Here are just feelings in this list are not included.

When it comes to big money,rivalry can not be avoided, even within the family. The younger brother was sent to the United States to the eldest at this time seized the family business. But the exile meets a girl from Korea who is looking for her sister.

This love story between a poor girl and a rich guy is not as banal as it seems at first glance. First of all, it is about growing up and life choices that confront everyone.

"Flowers after berries"

If you like Korean dramas about school andlove, the list of the best will be incomplete without "Flowers after berries". Dorama tells about a girl, Chang Di, who saved an elite school student who wanted to jump off the roof. To hush up the story, the administration invited her to study in an elite school. So a girl from a poor family was in the school for the rich.

Kind and honest Chan Di almost immediatelyquarreled with the four young men, local "stars" from the richest families. She refused to submit to self-satisfied madmen and became their enemy No. 1. But they say that there is one step from hatred to love. Will this statement be true in this case?

"Who are you - school 2015"

The list of Korean dramas continues.“Who are you - school 2015” is an intriguing and convoluted story. Lee Un Bi - an orphan, brought up in an orphanage. Kind and fair girl was the victim of attacks from influential schoolgirls. Over time, she gave up completely and turned into a whipping pear.

list of the best Korean dorama

At the same time, there is an exact copy in another city.Lee Eun Bee - her sister Co Un Bay. The girls are similar in appearance, but very different in character and social status. Beautiful Koh Eun Beul, adopted in childhood, the queen of her school. She knows about her sister, but she hesitates to meet.

The fate of the girls changes one fateful day.Eun Böll goes with a class on an excursion to the city where her lost sister lives. On the same day, exhausted by bullying, Un Bi decides to drown himself. In the river are both girls, and one of them disappears, and the other is in the hospital with loss of memory. The survivor feels that he is not living his life. But will she find out the truth about herself and her sister?

"Strings of the soul"

Продолжаем список корейских дорам про школу и love. Li Shin studies at the Faculty of Contemporary Music, plays the guitar and performs with his group. He does not strive for anything and just goes with the flow. The musician is surrounded by fans, but indifferent to them. Everything changes when a guy meets Gyu Won.

Purposeful girl works hard on herselfin order to become the best in the game on the national instrument - kayagyme. She loves classical music, and considers modern pop music to be a dummy. Gyu Won considers the songs of Li Shin to be the same deceitful and useless. The girl does not understand why everyone is so fond of the guy, and directly declares to him about it. Young people make a bet, the loser will become a slave to the winner. Where it leads?

"High School: It's Time to Love"

The list of Korean dorama pro school continuesmystical story Did you know that angels are also watching dramas? That is exactly what the nameless angel girl did in her free time. She studied people and tried to feel new emotions.

Next to school was Shin U Hyun, the most beautifulboy at school. All the girls run after him, but the guy remains cold to those who fell in love only because of their appearance. Sometimes Shin Woo Hyun seems arrogant and rude, but in reality this is a serious guy who takes care of his family.

list of Korean doramas about school and love

One day a schoolboy climbs onto the roof and meetsupset odnoklasnitsu. He decides that the girl wants to commit suicide and tries to save her. Young people together fall from the roof ... right on the angel. Shin Woo Hyun survives, and the angel is in the hospital in human form.

"Orange Marmalade"

The list of the best Korean Dorama continuesOrange Marmalade. Modern vampires are quite well settled - they get blood in bags, and a special serum protects from the sun. You can live among people, just not revealing your essence, because sheep will never love wolves. Of course, there are limitations. If a vampire misses a meal or forgets to take the serum, he will simply die.

In this wonderful world lives Jong Jae Ming,a popular guy who hates bloodsuckers with all his heart and wishes them dead. He even left home and abandoned his own mother when he learned that she loved a vampire. The guy falls in love with Baek Ma Ri, but so far he does not suspect that the girl is a vampire who has already replaced more than one school.

"Shut up and play"

Корейские дорамы, список которых вы просмотрели, complemented by the series “Shut Up and Play,” a story about a rock band made up of high school students. The educational institution in which six young musicians study was closed, and they had to transfer to an elite gymnasium. In this school, the guys have competitors, because there already has its own rock band. The leaders of the group will have to fight not only for a place on the musical Olympus, but also for the heart of a beautiful girl. This story is about love and rivalry, about friendship and betrayal.

"Obsessed with a dream"

The list of the best Korean Dorama continues the picture"Obsessed with the dream." Most teenagers dream of the simplest things - to pass examinations successfully, get a good job, start a family. But the gifted girl Ko He Mi dreams about more - to become a star of the first magnitude. She takes lessons from an opera singer and hopes to become a world celebrity herself over time. Banal pop music does not interest her.

korean dramas about school and love list

But there was a misfortune - Koh He's father was in debta large sum of money and ran away. The lender decides that the daughter will pay for the father’s debts. But how could a young girl get money, because all she has is singing talent. Under pressure, Heh Mi has to enter the High School of Art, where future pop stars are studying. She finds herself among people whose dreams she considers foolish and despises. Will the obstinate proud pacify his temper? Can a girl go this way and find herself?

"For you in all color"

We continue to remember the best Korean dramas aboutthe school. The list will not be complete without the mention of the series "For you in all color." Gu Zhe Hee was depressed when she saw Kang Tae Jung's performance at a high jump sporting event. The young man inspired her, and the girl became his loyal fan. Jae Hee believed that an athlete could also inspire other people. But the guy was injured, lost faith in himself and left the sport. Gu Zhe Hee decided to support the idol.

She moved from the USA to South Korea and enteredschool where tee joon is studying. That's just there is one thing ... Idol is studying in a closed school for boys. To be with him the heroine herself has to pretend to be a guy. The girl makes a short haircut, bandages her breasts, puts on men's clothes and not only enters the same class, but also turns out to be the neighbor of Tae Jung in the room.

Gu Zhe Hee is surrounded by guys, and they are interestedmysterious newcomer who struggles to make friends with Tae Jung. Will the girl be able to keep her secret and help her idol to believe in herself again?


The list of Korean dramas about school continues"MonStar". Music can unite different people, making their hearts beat in one rhythm. Young people gathered under the roof of one school, for whom creativity is their whole life. They organized a small orchestra playing classical music. Everyone wants to enroll in a prestigious music school or university, and they spend all day honing their skills in playing their favorite musical instrument.

list of the best korean dorama

Yun Sol Chan, a soloist of a famous group, hit theunpleasant scandal. To restore the reputation and respect of the fans, he decides to go to school to complete the training and show himself from the best side. As a child, his mother abandoned him, the boy became hardened, it seems narcissistic and selfish, and he expresses all his feelings with the help of music.

Ming Se Yi loved music thanks to her father.She dreamed of pleasing others with her voice. Even after the girl lost this important person and was left alone, she continues to express her feelings with the help of songs. Se And does not dream of popularity and does not know how to communicate with people. The girl trusts all her emotional impulses.

"Prince from the attic"

Список самых лучших корейских дорам не может do without the description of the series "Prince from the attic." Each person is looking for a soul mate. It often happens that they are separated by huge distances. But what if time itself divides lovers?

Many years ago, Prince Joseon's Lee Guck learned thathis future spouse is found dead. In pursuit of the murderer, the prince and his three confidants were ambushed and mysteriously moved in time for the whole three hundred years ahead. What will warriors do in modern Seoul?

Magically, the past is intertwined withthe future. In Seoul there is a twin of the prince himself - the heir of a large company, a girl, like two drops of water similar to a princess, as well as Pak Ha, a twin of the princess’s sister. How are the events of the distant past connected with the intrigues of modern times? Can the prince understand what happened to his bride and who really is the true lover.

"Mysterious garden"

List of Korean doramas with Russian voice actingcontinues the "Mysterious garden." Kim Joo Won is a successful businessman and a wealthy heir. He is used to getting everything he wants. This lasted until a man met Keel Ra Im. This girl, stuntman and athlete, did not take the attention of Ju Vaughan seriously. She was accustomed to rely only on herself and did not trust a rich fan, considering his courtship a mere whim and game.

But fate constantly pushed young peopletogether. Maybe not for nothing? Maybe these different people have something in common? Still, the heroes will have to get to know each other better, because one day they magically exchanged bodies. What needs to be done to return everything to its place?


The list of Korean dramas continues popularseries "Doctor-stranger." Pak Hoon has always been a very kind and responsive person. Despite his difficult childhood, he was optimistic. Mother left her family and went to America to marry another. Father is one of the best cardiac surgeons in the country. He was invited to work in North Korea to treat the country's leader. But after successful treatment, the man and his son were not only not sent back to their homeland, but they wished to kill. They escaped, but lost the opportunity to leave the country.

korean dramas about school list

Years passed, and Pak Hoon also became a heart surgeon andI met my love - Son Jae Hee. The girl’s family was arrested on charges of treason and imprisoned. After a few years, exhausted by the conclusion, Son Jae-hee goes to Pak Hun on the operating table. The surgeon must simultaneously save his beloved and kill her father. After that, the guy runs to South Korea, but Son Jae Hee doesn’t go out with him. At the new place of work, the hero meets the girl as like as two peas in a pod like a sweetheart.

"You are beautiful!"

The list of Korean doramas about love is wonderfulcomplement "You are beautiful!". Ko Mi We since childhood wanted to be a star, and his dream came true. Thanks to his angelic voice and appearance, he was invited to a super popular group. Before being presented to the team members, the guy decides to do a small plastic surgery. The intervention was unsuccessful, and the musician will need at least a month for rehabilitation. But on the contact, he should proceed immediately, and no one should know about the operation. How nice that Koh Mi Nam has a twin! True, there is one difficulty - it is not a brother, but a sister.

Koh Mi Nyo has lived in a monastery since childhood,dreams of becoming a nun and staying there for life. She never thought about another life, communicated only with nuns and knows little about life outside the walls of the monastery. But his beloved brother needs help, and the girl agrees to pretend to them for a month. She should not only wear men's clothes and participate instead of her brother in rehearsals, but also live under the same roof with other guys - members of the group, hiding her secret.

"I will hear your voice"

The list of Korean dramas continues "I will hear yourvote". Pak Su Ha has an amazing ability - to read the thoughts of other people. Everyone he meets is like an open book. The guy knows exactly what other people are thinking of, just look at them. Despite the fact that Pak Su Ha saw a lot of lies and hypocrisy, he did not become embittered and remained a kind and honest person.

Когда Пак Су Ха был маленьким мальчиком, с ним a terrible tragedy occurred. Before the eyes of the child, they killed the father, and then nearly deprived him of his life. Pak Su Ha even heard the murderer’s thoughts. But the court did not take a word for a small child. The murderer nearly escaped punishment when a witness appeared, a girl who saw everything from the very beginning. For the boy, she became a savior and personal hero. Park Soo Ha vowed that he would thank her, and his help would be needed when her father’s killer was released and would like to take revenge on the girl.

"Moon Embracing The Sun"

Do you like Korean dramas about love?The list continues, "The sun in the arms of the moon." Lee Hvon is a young prince, and many powerful families dreamed of seeing their daughters as his wife. But he got engaged with his first love - a girl from a rich family, Yong W. Prince vowed to protect his chosen one from all detractors, but he did not succeed. An attempt was made on the girl. Will the prince be able to find out who wished the future princess death?

Lee Hvon grew up thinking about fair revenge, buthe does not know that his beloved was saved. The child was cured by a local witch. Yong Wu grew up, not remembering anything about her past, and became a village shaman. Fate again pushed lovers, but they can not know each other. Will the heroes understand where the warm feelings for each other come from? Will true love overcome all obstacles, or will palace intrigues destroy it?

"Rain of love"

The list of Korean doramas with voice acting complements"Rain of love". Does love happen at first sight? Or maybe there is some kind of magic in this feeling? The young artist saw a beautiful girl in the window. He secretly painted her portrait, but realized that this was not enough. Fate itself wanted to reunite them, arranging all new random meetings. And it rained every time. With each meeting, their love grew stronger. But sometimes circumstances are stronger than feelings. The girl had to leave and leave her lover.

korean dramas about love list

Years passed, both had families, children.But youthful love has not been forgotten. The artist had a son, his former lover - a daughter. The children grew up and met. Will the love of the young be more fortunate? What will happen to their parents?

"The first cafe" Prince ""

"The first cafe" Prince "" continues the list of doramsKorean What should be the first meeting? Did they see each other and fall in love at first sight? And in this story, everything was completely different. The spoiled Han Kel collided with Eun Chan on the street and took her for a street thief. After all this, he asked the girl, whom he had mistaken for a cute guy, to play together gays! In this way, Han Kahl hoped to get rid of the brides the family was looking for. Only the deception was revealed, and the deceiver was deprived of all the money. He got only unprofitable cafe.

To revive the cafe, Han Kehl decides to hireas waiters nice guys. And again he is faced with Eun Chan, who came to the ad. Now the girl will have to pretend to be a guy again.

"Man from the Star"

The list of Korean Doramas concludesstars". A long time ago, Min Joon came to our planet — an unusual tourist, a guest from a distant star, who possesses superpowers. Suddenly, he had to stay on our planet for as many as 400 years. A highly developed stranger was pretty boring among people, but with the advent of high technology, he had a chance to return home.

Here are just an alien met Jong Son, andthe girl made him change his attitude towards earthlings. Is love possible between man and a stranger? What will happen next, because Min Jun must return to his planet in a few months.