/ / "Bless Woman": movie cast & cast

"Bless the Woman": actors and reviews of the film

On the widescreen fields of the world film industrymelodrama has long ceased to be a sought-after product. In the new millennium, thrillers, blockbusters and films about vampires and other antiheroes took the lead. Russian hire is no exception. And yet, in 2002, director Stanislav Govorukhin decided to make a film about love, loyalty and humility with the original title “Bless a woman”. The actors selected for the main roles, with full dedication took up the project and realized the amazing story dedicated to our mothers and grandmothers.

"Bless the woman": how it all began

In the film studio pictures, except for the film crew,no one really believed. Critics also did not pin special hopes on the tearful melodrama. And yet, after reading this touching story, Govorukhin decided to take a leave of absence in the State Duma and once again move into the director's chair. An interesting fact: it was only after the film was released on television and the overwhelming reaction of the audience that journalists began to clarify the facts regarding the script and background of the film “Bless the Woman”. It turned out that the actors and roles presented to the public are not mythical characters at all, but real people about whom the novel was written in the 1970s.

bless woman actors

Real story

Действительно, эта картина - не просто очередное brainchild of screenwriters about the heavy share of Russian women. The film was preceded by a real story. The well-known Soviet writer Irina Grekova set it out on the pages of her book. From the pen of this woman came out more than 10 short stories that became popular during the Soviet era. It turned out that under this pseudonym the well-known scientist Elena Sergeevna Wentzel wrote her novels. “The hostess of the hotel” was the name of the work that formed the basis of the film “Bless the woman”, and the actors transferred the story of the Kiryushins to the screens. Vera, played by Svetlana Khodchenkova, became the incarnation of Olga Semyonovna, and the commander Larichev, who won millions of women's hearts, thanks to the workshop game of Alexander Baluev - her husband Konstantin Vasilyevich.

 film bless woman actors

Once, having arrived with my family on vacation in Odessa,Elena Sergeevna settled in the Kiryushins' guest house. Since then, a strong friendship has ensued between women, and having learned the amazing life story of Oli, she decided to transfer it to the pages of her novel, which was published in 1976. Unfortunately, neither the author nor the main characters of the novel survived to his film adaptation. Nevertheless, the director tried to convey as realistically as possible the image of the Russian woman described in the book.

"Bless the Woman": actors and roles

Before the shooting, there were only a few months left, andthe cast was not picked up yet. Stanislav Govorukhin began casting to participate in the film. Actors were immediately assigned to minor roles. The role of the eccentric actress Kunina, who lived in the Larin house, went to Inna Churikova. Anna, Verochka's mother, was supposed to play Irina Kupchenko. Alexander Mikhailov was supposed to embody Yurlov, the second husband of the main character. Vitaly Khanin was chosen to play the role of Colonel Ryabinin. Director Govorukhin saw his film “Bless a Woman” as versatile and famous. Actors and supporting roles were thought out to the smallest detail and were not in doubt. But the main characters were never found. As a result, on the last day of auditions, Govorukhin decided to approve Vladimir Guskov and Masha Mironov for leading roles.

Bless woman actors and roles

But the case has changed all the plans of the director.Sveta Khodchenkova, a first-year student at the drama school, rushed into the room and, out of breath, reported that she had come to try the role of Vera's sister. Glancing at the frightened and worried girl and after talking with her for a few minutes, Govorukhin immediately realized that he had found the main character for his new film. In connection with these changes, the male image was given to Alexander Baluev, who also tried out for the role of commander of the Soviet Army.

The plot of the movie

Ode to a Soviet woman - so secretly calledfilm crew film "Bless the Woman". The actors, reading the script, understood that in order to recreate the spirit of the past era, you would need a complete immersion in your own characters. What does this picture tell?

The film begins in the distant 1935.Young seventeen year old girl Vera on the beach meets a military man. Spontaneous conversation is established between people. A fleeting encounter turns the life of Faith upside down. A man twice her age offers to become his wife and leave with him from her home village. So begin the wanderings and life peripetias of Verochka as the wife of commander Alexander Ivanovich Larichev. Constant nomadic life in connection with her husband’s appointments, the absence of a family nest, Shunechka’s unwillingness to have children, war, the death of loved ones — a lot of misfortunes fell to this staunch woman, ready to submit to fate, but not lose hope and faith.

movie reviews bless woman

The main idea of ​​"Bless a woman", whichthe actors beautifully embodied their heroes into the screen life, the feeling of love and devotion that Russian women throughout their difficult lives brought to their hearts remains.

Reviews of the film "Bless the Woman"

In the box office, as critics predicted, the filmfailed. Cash fees were scanty. But the television version as a 4-episode movie captivated the viewer. The actors and the film crew did not expect such a flurry of positive emotions and responses to the picture “Bless a woman”. It was a success! The audience loved this film, and he liked not only the older generation, but also the youth.

Criticism and awards

Каждый, кто посмотрел эту картину, признает, что actors and roles of the film "Bless the Woman" from the first minutes of viewing transfer the viewer to the atmosphere of those years. That is why, despite the negative predictions of the film industry tycoons, the film received positive feedback from viewers and the jury of many festivals.

 actors and movie roles bless woman

The painting was nominated for the "Nika" award in 2003year Svetlana Khodchenkova became the nominee of the same film festival for the main female role in the film "Bless the Woman". Inna Churikova received "Nika" for a supporting role in this picture. At the festival in Gatchina, the picture was awarded a special prize for the embodiment of the lyrical theme, and Khodchenkova received a statuette for the best female role.