/ / Contact juggling - the art of plasticity and grace

Contact juggling - the art of plasticity and grace

Жонглирование - древнейший вид искусства, ранее related to the category of combat skills. With it, a warrior could frighten the enemy with the ability to manipulate his weapon in the air, which often ended the conflict that had not yet flared up.

Somewhat later, when this skill fell intodisfavor with citizens, it flowed into one of the types of circus art, thanks to Philip Asley, who opened his amphitheater. Then the popularity of juggling increased again, and the technique of its execution began to actively improve, as a result of which several classifications appeared.


Contact juggling got its namedue to the method of manipulating objects. In contrast to the classical way of performing a trick, this technique involves rolling objects over the body and close contact with the shoulder girdle and the hands of the juggler.

contact juggling

Некоторые называют этот вид искусства magic, because it often amazes the imagination of the spectator with the harmony of plasticity and dexterity of the artist. In essence, the performer’s movements resemble a graceful dance that creates the illusion of a juggler’s body combining with an acrylic sphere acting as an inventory (many believe that a glass ball plays the role, but it is too fragile for this purpose).


Now there are several types of contact juggling:

  1. Beaudirol - riding several balls in the areashoulder girdle, arms and head. Sometimes, with sufficient flexibility of the performer, the rest of the body may be involved in the process, but this phenomenon is quite rare.
  2. Isolation - the creation of the illusion of the balldue to its monotonous shade. It seems that the acrylic sphere is standing or hovering, while the artist moves around it. It is the most common technique for beginners to master contact juggling.
  3. Multiball - rotation in the palms of up to eight balls in order to form from them various shapes and compositions. Requires a special warm-up for hands, improving motor skills and flexibility of the fingers.

how to choose a ball for contact juggling

Many artists in their performance also use some types of modern dance, to impart spectacle and completeness to their actions.

How to choose a ball for contact juggling

The right choice of a ball for a beginner juggler is the fundamental success of further training. Everything matters: texture, color and size of a sphere.

The diameter of the ball is selected depending on the lengthpalm and constitution performer. After all, a 10-centimeter sphere weighing 650 grams can be a problem for a fragile girl. To pick up the inventory, you need to measure the palm from the tip of the middle finger to the bend of the wrist.

If this segment reaches 21 cm, thenthe size of the ball will be 7.5 cm optimal, with a smaller value, for example, 16 cm, the allowable size of the sphere will be reduced to 6.5 cm. demonstrate tricks with an item that he can barely hold in his hands.

Also remember that in a glass ballcategorically not suitable for training or for performances by experienced artists. This material is extremely fragile and its centering is much worse, so this area is very easy to damage, besides, it will be even more difficult to work out the technique with its help. The ball can only be made of unbreakable materials such as acrylic, rubber or silicone. The latter are used for training stageballs, less heavy and noisy in the fall.

And the last:balls for contact juggling have a wide color palette. In addition, they are fluorescent, interspersed with sparkles, matte and glossy. However, if the inventory is required to perform tricks such as insulation, a transparent or solid glossy ball is best. His external qualities are capable of producing a visual illusion of immobility, in contrast to the two-color and having foreign inclusions of spheres.

glass bowl


Contact juggling is not the most difficult type of circus art, however, to achieve the best results, you should listen to a couple of tips:

  1. At first, it is better to train over the bed or on soft surfaces in order to shorten the search for the ball and avoid annoying falling noise.
  2. Juggling should use the whole hand. When working its individual parts to avoid errors at times more difficult.
  3. Holding the ball is required in an opaque material, since the acrylic sphere is a powerful lens that can cause a fire.

contact juggling balls

How to learn contact juggling

To learn this juggling technique,it will take some time to train for hands, in particular the palms, since so much depends on their flexibility. To do this, the complex of exercises, called finger fitness, is the best possible. It is publicly available on many sites and video hosting network.

Next, beginners learn to contactjuggling will have to learn the simplest tricks - isolation and the butterfly (roll the ball from the back to the inside of the palm), and then you can go on to the bodirlall.

In the course of half a year of constant trainings, one can quite well master this juggling technique.