/ / Olya Polyakova: biography and personal life of the singer

Olya Polyakova: biography and personal life of the singer

Do you know who Olya Polyakova is? Do you know the biography of this girl? If not, we suggest studying the content of the article. Enjoy your reading!

Olya Polekova biography

Olya Polyakova: biography, family

She was born on January 17, 1984 in Ukrainian.the city of Vinnitsa. In what family was our heroine brought up? Oli's father is a diplomat. He has 40 years of experience in Spanish-speaking countries. Now he lives in Moscow and teaches at one of the universities. And mother is a pediatrician.

Childhood and youth

Olga attended a regular school.She always had a good relationship with classmates and teachers. Parents made sure that their daughter received a comprehensive development. They sent her to a music school. For several years the girl studied piano.

Since childhood, our heroine dreamed of becoming a famous singer and get an army of fans. At the age of 8 she expressed a desire to attend a vocal studio. Mom and Dad went to meet her.

Olya Polyakova, whose biography is by usit is considered, even managed to be lit in "Jumble". A blond girl from Ukraine won the creators of a humorous magazine not only with her appearance, but also with the makings of acting.

Student years

Where did Olya Polyakova go after school?The biography contains information that her choice fell on the music school to them. Leontovich. The girl successfully auditioned. Polyakov was credited to the department of academic vocals. Then the blonde continued her studies at the University of Arts in the same specialty. After 5 years, Olga was awarded a red diploma.

Olya Polyakova biography photo


A graduate of a prestigious university decided for a whileto postpone the implementation of plans related to the development of a singing career. And all because the blonde was invited to work in the modeling agency "Madison". Olga participated in photo shoots for various glossy publications.

Singing career

In 2005, Polyakova went to Moscow.There she met with producer Alexander Revzin. The girl was forced to live in two cities. She had a family in Kiev, and a job in Moscow. Several times a month, Olya came to the Russian capital to record another song.

During this period, Polyakova released a joint album with the singer Lyubasha, who is also a native of Ukraine. Olga also recorded a song with a duet “Tea for Two”.

Olya Polekova family biography

Conquer Russia from the first time failed.But our heroine did not despair. She knew that one day her time would come. In 2008, she decided to take up the conquest of Ukrainian show business. Olga introduced two new songs to the audience - “Cute Boy” and “Superblonde”. Polyakova even created her own musical style. He received the name "superpop."

In 2011, Olga’s producer managed the impossible.He agreed with Lyudmila Gurchenko on the performance of the song “Hello” together with Polyakova. The result was a talented duet. The composition was liked by both Ukrainian and Russian listeners.

In late 2012, the blonde did a parody ofvideo of the popular Korean artist PSY. The composition she recorded was named Russian Style. Also a video was shot for this song. Polyakova appeared before the audience in Russian attire and kokoshnik.

In the period from 2013 to 2015, the Russian-Ukrainian singer recorded several hits. Among them are songs such as "Smacks", "Lyuli" and "Love-carrot".

Russian pop, of course, need such a brightand an extraordinary singer, like Olya Polyakova. Biography of the girl indicates that she is accustomed to achieve their goals. So, it is waiting for a great future.

Personal life

Beautiful, sexy, purposeful girl -this is the singer Olya Polyakova. Blonde biography is not the only thing that interests her fans. Residents of Russia and Ukraine want to know about the marital status of a famous performer.

For more than 10 years, Olga has been legally married to a beloved man. His name and surname were not disclosed. But it is known that he is a businessman.

In 2005, Polyakova gave birth to her first child -charming daughter. Baby called Masha. The singer stayed on maternity leave just a few months. She then began recording songs and making videos. In 2011, Olya became a mother for the second time. A daughter Alice was born. Now she and her husband dream of having a son.

Singer Olya Polekova biography


We talked about how famous OlyaPolyakova. Biography, photo of the singer and the details of her personal life - all this is presented in the article. We wish Olga creative success, as well as health to her and her family!