Woland: quotes for every day

Written in the first half of the last century, a novel"Master and Margarita" amazes with its unflagging urgency. It would seem that almost a hundred years have passed since the work on the book began, but people have not changed much. This is what Woland said, quotes with his statements became winged, they went to the people and found eternal life. Why is it so wise to find the words of this gloomy character, since all the new readers have been thinking over them for so many years?

woland quotes

Woland or Bulgakov?

It is interesting that practically no one ascribesauthorship of these wise statements to the author of the novel. Who said this, Bulgakov or is it still a black magician who visited Moscow long enough? Here we must remember the writer's cuisine, not always the viewpoint of the author coincides with the point of view of his character, even if it is such a figure as Woland. Quotations from the novel are so convex and spectacular that the image of Satan, who met at the Patriarchal Ponds unfortunate Ivan Bezdomny, becomes alive and authentic.

As Woland said, people always loved money, no matter what they were made of. Frivolous creatures, not alien to merciful manifestations.

"The housing issue only spoiled them." Is it now Woland's quote from the "Master andMargarita "can be called obsolete? Meanwhile, the statement quoted here can be considered a true motto of tolerance, which now becomes almost the responsibility of every educated person.

quotations from the wander from the master

Top-three of the most popular sayings

Each character has biting phrases thatcan be considered sign. They are placed in the epigraphs of other works, they are referred to as wisdom, clothed in a short and capacious form. What words did Voland remember? Quotes speak for themselves.

"Manuscripts do not burn". This was told to the Master in response to the admission that he had burned the manuscript of the novel. A beautiful and biting phrase, in only three words, debunking the myth of the futility of the writer's efforts.

"Never ask anything!" Never anything, and especially those who are stronger than you. They will propose themselves and they will give everything themselves! " Around this quote, dozens of years have been broken by spear psychologists, building whole theories on it, providing a scientific basis, sociological surveys and research.

"Freshness is only one - the first, it is the last." It would seem, quite a household note, slipped between the lines. But she found wings and became a top-end for many people.

Woland's reasoning

It is interesting that in the novel Prince of Darkness does not start inlong monologues, but manages to touch all sorts of topics. That's interesting and Woland. Quotations in this case are quite long, because every word is there to the place. "The fact is the most stubborn thing in the world", and this is indisputable, but it is far from everything that can be said so briefly.

Woland's arguments about good and evil, about humanvices, the sudden death of a man who can not so stupidly dispose of - all this creates a unique entourage of the novel. The reader subconsciously admits to himself that he himself often thought so.

quotations from the master and margarita woland

Relevance for All Seasons

"He who loves must share the fate of the one whom he loves." Quotes of Woland from the "Master and Margarita" canseem contradictory, especially in the wake of the popularity of the postulate that no one owes anything to anyone. But popular statements quickly lose relevance, and again in the dry remains remains said once upon a time in the pages of a controversial novel.

It may seem that Woland utters somecommon truths, especially if you dissect a book, considering his speech from different points of view. But at all times, people seemed to be suspicious, avoiding the usual entertainment for most - wine, gambling, women's society. Sudden mercy really spoils everything, having seeped into the narrowest latch at the wrong moment. And the buffoonish framing of Woland's statements with the witticisms and flippantness of his retinue makes wise thoughts more intimate and from this not aging.