/ / What is a waltz? Ease, sophistication, charm ...

What is a waltz? Ease, sophistication, charm ...

What is a waltz?Easy female footsteps, swinging skirt, partner's confidence, music penetrating deep into the soul, and circling, circling, circling ... All this is a waltz! The name itself is common to ballroom dancing, performed in a position that is of the closed type.

what is a waltz

What is the dance like?

Size 3/4, in some variations - 3/8 bars.In the older version, the music was much slower than in Vienna. The composers who wrote great music for this dance are Mozart, Brahms, Beethoven, Strauss, Schubert, Weber, Glinka, Chopin. The old Russian waltz is very popular - a melody familiar to many, - “On the hills of Manchuria”.

Russian waltz

In such a melody, the first beat of the accompaniment is the bass, then there are two chords. This creates the feeling that the music is exciting, lively, light, agile.

The popularity of the dance received at the end of the 18th century.Other types of ballroom dancing were also based on the closed position principle. At the end of the 19th century there were many variations of dance, the size of which was 6/8, less often 5/4 and 2/4. Viennese Waltz is considered a faster style, the Argentinean includes elements of tango. The dance of the European program is slow. Each measure - 3 steps.

What is an English-style waltz?It often changes the tempo of the melody, which affects the steps of both partners. This production is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Behind the weightless twists and turns of partners lies the strictest discipline and exact technique.

How to dance a waltz? English slow style

It is better to learn to waltz with an experienced choreographer.Basic movements can be learned in 3 lessons, but without practice you will soon forget them. A partner is required for training. One-two-three 3 times - this is the right rhythm. Partners should touch each other slightly with their bellies. The partner puts her right hand on the shoulder of the partner, she also puts it on his shoulder.

Movement - clockwise.The right foot always goes right and forward, and the left foot goes only left and back. When a woman starts with the right leg, the man starts with the left. Observe the correct posture and position. At the step back, the left foot is retracted, then with a sliding motion we roll smoothly to the toe, then we stand on the foot. The partner performs a similar step forward, starting with the right foot. The second step is a full 180 degree turn. Put the foot on the third step. While practicing, you will learn what a waltz is of a slow or English type.

Viennese style
how to waltz

В принципе, движения схожи с первым видом, но getting faster. You do not need to perform the first step at the first beat from the side of your partner's feet. According to the rules, the leg of the partner must go between her legs. This allows you to make full turns. What is the difference between the dance moves of both partners? If the guy performs the movement of the first bar, the girl is dancing the second.

Curly style

In the figure waltz to the main movementsdifferent shapes are added. What is most interesting is that by dancing this type of dance, you equalize the heart rate, which means that, in addition to the pleasure of waltzing, your health is strengthened. Try to perform several movements yourself - and you will truly know what a waltz is!