/ / Tatarsky Victor: biography, family, photo

Tatarsky Victor: biography, family, photo

Как только Татарский Виктор Витальевич начинает to speak, it seems that he had been acquainted with this voice since childhood. This great TV and radio host of Russia for many years has been the permanent author of the popular program “Meeting with a Song”, which was once presented for inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records, as it has been on the air for so many years in a row. This is considered a unique event in the history of domestic and world radio. Some of the details of the life of the lead we learn further from the article.

Childhood and youth

November 17, 1939 Victor was bornTatar. His biography originates in the city of Leningrad, where he was born. He spent his childhood there, so he passed the entire blockade. When the war began, his parents decided to send him to an orphanage, as they felt that it would be more reliable. At this time, the mother remained in Leningrad, and the father, due to military scientific work, was forced to go to another city.

Tatar Victor
In 1946 Viktor Tatarsky was reunited withhis family, and they all went to Moscow for permanent residence. The future artist graduated from the Moscow comprehensive school and decided to enter the Studio School of the Maly Theater for the course of Igor Ilyinsky and Mikhail Tsaryov. In addition to theater education, Viktor Tatarsky also has a directing and journalistic education.

Such a combination of three professions, in his opinion, gives him the opportunity to understand the genre of the famous program, which has made it so popular for many generations.

A family

According to many journalists, the mysteriousViktor Tatarsky is considered a person. Biography, family, photos and many other facts from his life did not become public knowledge, but he still tells about some points in his interviews. For example, the fact that his parents were scientists. My father worked as a professor, and my mother worked as a mineralogist.

After the Leningrad blockade went to MoscowVictor Tatarsky. The biography, the family, and the worldview of the eight-year-old boy changed dramatically after that. His mother married for the second time, and his stepfather was director Valery Bebutov. As Viktor Tatarsky himself says, he considers a meeting with this person not accidental and one of the main ones in his life, since it was he who influenced in some way the choice of the profession of the future artist. My stepfather never cursed and never punished Victor, but as if by his presence alone influenced all the events at home.

Almost always was a lonely man Tatarsky Viktor Vitalyevich. His wife did not become for him an eternal companion, so the work remains to this day the whole meaning of his life.

Viktor Tatar family biography

How did your career begin

At first, the talented presenter tried himself in the roleactor Victor Tatar played in the Astrakhan theater, which came quite by accident. This happened when the troupe of actors arrived on tour in Moscow, announcing a vacant position, for which they took Victor. After working in Astrakhan for a year, he decided to quit and go to Murmansk, where television was just emerging, so he decided to become a presenter. The young man realized that he did not want to completely depend on the directors and on how things were going in the team, but he wanted to work independently.

The telecentre turned into the place where you spentmost of the day Tatarsky Viktor Vitalyevich. His family was worried that the young man was practically living at work. He left the house at six in the morning and came only after midnight. Thus began his career as a presenter on radio and television.

Viktor Tatar biography

Create legendary TV shows

Victor Vitalyevich, being at the age of 27,set himself the task of not just being a speaker reading someone else's text, but becoming a real interlocutor on the air. So came the idea of ​​creating the program "Meeting with the song." Thus, on January 31, 1967, all Soviet radio listeners heard it for the first time on their receivers.

At first, the program sounded onlydomestic music and only some time later was allowed foreign stage. This program has adequately stood not one test in its entire history of existence, and even became shorter by ten minutes, but still survived on the air and reached our days. Now this legendary program with its indispensable presenter sounds on the waves of the radio station "Culture" on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Viktor Tatar biography family photo

Other creative programs

In addition to his star project, Victor since 1960.in 1990, he conducted a program called Musical Globe. In 1970, aired on “Write to your tape recorders”, which existed for two years, the voice of which was also Tatarsky.

From 1973 to 1976He was the host of the program "At All Latitudes", and since 1996 and for seven years, the face of the TV program "The Story of a Masterpiece". She went out on the First Channel of the country and it told about Russian art and many famous museums. Since 1994, the festival “Slavic Bazaar” has been held in Belarus, where he runs the program “Star Hour”.

The voice of this outstanding artist can be heardEven in many films that he voiced in Russian, these are such as: "Amarcord", "Eight and a half", "Cabaret" and the TV series "Sibling Exchange." And, despite the fact that for so many years, the name Victor Tatarsky remained on everyone’s ears, the biography, the family and his whole life were never reached by the public.

 Tatar Victor Vitalevich wife


This master of artistic expression was the winner of the Russian Golden Microphone Award in the Legend nomination, and is also an Honored Artist.

In September 1988, Viktor Vitalyevich was awarded the honorary award of the RSFSR for his invaluable contribution to culture. In March 2012, by presidential decree, he was awarded a prize and named People's Artist of Russia.

Feedback from enthusiastic fans

Многие радиослушатели называют этого a man-legend "by the moon voice of Moscow". People grew up on his programs, so they still write him their letters, filled with gratitude and love. In numerous messages, fans claim that this program taught them only good qualities and remains to this day a real diamond in modern radio.

Most listeners love thisthe music program is even more due to the letters and the penetrating voice of their presenter. This velvety and beautiful timbre can be recognized almost immediately. Of course, this artist has a certain talent to transfer human warmth “from heart to heart,” and in whatever projects he participates, it’s simply impossible to imagine these programs after him with another presenter.

Interesting facts from the life of the lead

It turns out that the great-great-grandson of the great Russian materialist philosopher is Viktor Tatarsky. The host's family, or rather his mother, is considered to be a relative of Nikolai Chernyshevsky.

Tatar Victor family
In addition to his main program, he recorded fifteen more actor solo performances, among which were famous works of Russian classics.

Victor Vitalyevich is still an honorary member of the team of judges of the National Radio Prize.

The penetrating voice of this outstanding manIt is a kind of link between people, and its author’s program remains to this day a popular program that has replaced more than one generation of radio listeners.