/ / Aphorisms, sayings, quotes Chernomyrdin Viktor Stepanovich

Aphorisms, statements, quotes Viktor Chernomyrdin

Many of our contemporaries remember sucha prominent political figure as Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin. This man was the prime minister of our country in the very difficult 90s of the last century. However, today many people remember not so much the identity of Viktor Stepanovich himself, as Chernomyrdin’s quotations.

This article is devoted to their study.

Who is Chernomyrdin?

To explain who Chernomyrdin is, you need only the generation that was born already under Putin. Older people remember him. However, not everyone knows the major milestones of this person’s biography.

This future politician was born inRussian outback in the Chkalov region, in the village of Black Otrogn. It happened in 1938. He survived the war as a very young child, and he remembered forever that day when Levitan proclaimed the news of the Soviet victory through all the radio stations of the USSR.

Victor studied well and was able to make a very successful career. He became the director of one of the large industrial enterprises and worked quite successfully for many years.

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin, whose quotations in the future will disperse bit by bit, worked in the oil and gas industry. And, by the way, he achieved, as a manager, high production results.

Chernomyrdin quotes

By the way, Chernomyrdin was respected inworking environment, not only because he knew how to be principled in the right questions, but also because he knew how to talk to the working class in a language they understood.

Why did Chernomyrdin’s statements become so memorable?

Chernomyrdin’s quotes today are included in the dictionaries of Russian neologisms, some linguists even came up with the name. They are called “black holes”.

Biographers of Viktor Stepanovich himself explainthe fact of their appearance by the fact that the politician himself for many years quite freely spoke in Russian, resorting to taboo vocabulary when necessary. But when he had to occupy a responsible post of prime minister, there could be no question of any mate on live television, so the policy had to simply “swallow” certain phrases and particularly bright interjections. As a result, he obtained very ornate and contradictory statements.

Today, even in the open market, you can find books and brochures called "Chernomyrdin: quotes and aphorisms." People remembered so much the phrases of this politician.

blackfish quotes aphorisms

What are the most popular phrases?

If we turn to the passers-by on the streets with a request to recall Chernomyrdin’s most famous phrases, they will most likely say the phrase: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

The most amazing thing is that this statement canOn the whole, to convey the spirit of the post-perestroika era, when people rushed from the USSR to freedom and material well-being, but received the devastation of the 1990s, general impoverishment and the collapse of all hopes.

The paradoxical Chernomyrdin is the best inIn their speeches, he conveyed all the inconsistencies of his time, when former party leaders of the USSR, after burning their membership cards, were able to pick up large pieces of state property and, hiding behind conversations about democracy and a happy capitalist future, divert their hard-earned capital abroad.

Viktor Chernomyrdin Quotes

Chernomyrdin's quotes: funny and sad

Let's try to carefully consider the most famous statements of Chernomyrdin.

1. About the new system, just built and imperfect ....

  • “The ghost is wandering again ... Let it wander in Europe. And we do not want. We generally do not need to wander ... "(I mean the phrase of Marx that the ghost of communism in Europe is haunting).
  • "Our country does not even know what its government is eating."
  • “We always get the CPSU, no matter what we create!”
  • “Who said that our government sat on a bag of money ?! Understand, because we are men, so we firmly know what we have to sit on. "

2. About the people ...

  • "The people lived, got hold of - and it will be with him!"
  • “You know that both doctors and teachers always want to eat, but every day!”
  • “In Russia, everything is always worth not what and not how much!”
  • “We are trying to milk these, and they are already lying!”
  • “People have a lot of money, but they are all only in stockings or socks. In general, I generally do not know yet - where, it all depends on their number. "

Chernomyrdin Viktor Stepanovic Quotes

Sayings of politics: is it the result of folk art or illiteracy?

Until now, in the scientific world there is no clear and consistent definition of what Victor Stepanovich’s phrases should be considered: a manifestation of his blatant illiteracy or a peculiar style of speech.

When the politician held the post of prime minister, representatives of the intelligentsia were likely to blame Chernomyrdin for his absurd expressions.

Today, after the death of Victor Stepanovich in 2010, his critics diminished.

In any case, today Chernomyrdin’s quotes have become a symbol of his bright and original personality.

Chernomyrdin's collection of quotes

The essence of the statements of policy

Meanwhile, despite the fact that the phrases uttered by Chernomyrdin were sometimes completely absurd, they betrayed the peculiarities of his thinking, political strategy and tactics.

Victor Stepanovich headed the Cabinet of Ministers in a difficult forcountry time, when Russia was threatened with a complete collapse and an era of stagnation. He tried as best he could to bring at least some order, but his efforts often led to negative consequences.

What to say. Again, "like the best ...".

Meanwhile, let's try more carefully.consider one of his phrases: "We can not enter, because if we start to do it, we will then step on something." This phrase has a simple explanation: the government needs to think carefully before saying or doing something.

In general, all this is clear.But, perhaps, the phrase, said in its classical form, remained misunderstood and not heard, and in such an exotic version, and even from the mouth of Viktor Stepanovich, it sounded in a completely new light.

Viktor Chernomyrdin managed to do a lot in his life. His quotes today are perceived quite differently than it was 20 years ago.

Chernomyrdin funny quotes

Meaning of political language

Фактически в конце 80-х гг.last century in our country began the era that many linguists call the period of the barbarization of the language, believing that this period of barbarization was the third in our history.

This period is characterized by the fact thatAs a result of the rapid change in the socioeconomic and political course, the native language is beginning to undergo significant changes: the number of borrowings, criminal slang, taboo vocabulary, and words with negative semantics is growing.

Chernomyrdin’s citations in this regard reflectmass phenomenon - the emergence of a new sublanguage. In this case, the sublanguage of political activity. And let this language be contradictory, paradoxical and even somewhat clumsy. Such, unfortunately, was the whole political situation of those years.

Today, a collection of Chernomyrdin quotes can be found without any difficulty in any sources, and it is possible that it is precisely the quotations of a politician that will be considered as a source of understanding of the whole epoch of the 1990s. last century.