/ / How to draw Flatshay from My Little Pony

How to draw Flathead on My Little Pony

Fluttershay - one of the heroines of the famous seriesMy Little Pony, which won many children's and adult hearts. Cute donas inspire the creators of computer games, comics, children's toys and carnival costumes. They did not go without attention of artists. Let's try and we figure out how to draw a Flaterschay - lemon Pegasus pony with soft purple curls of the mane. And so that the painted horse turned out to be as similar to the cartoon prototype as possible, let us pay attention to its history, character and legend.

how to draw flatshay

Character of the character

The name Fleterschay literally means "Tremblingembarrassment ". A shy pony is consistent with the chosen name: Flatti is modest and shy. She loves peace and quiet, never gets involved in conflicts. Grudge, vengefulness, cunning - this is definitely not about her!

Appearance Fletershay

Before you draw a pony Fletershay, step by stepConsider her appearance. Each horse of the series has its own unique skinton (skin tone). The flat has a soft yellow skin. Like her friends, she has big naive eyes and a snub nose. One of the characteristics of the character is a long mane of light lilac shade and the same tail. There is a cütimark on the Flaterschay croup - a distinctive sign - three purple butterflies.

Legend and history

how to draw a pony flatshai step by step

Flut was born and raised in Cloudsdale.As a child, she was mocked for fear of flying. Perhaps this was the cause of her shyness. But do not think that the yellow Pegasus is so harmless. In the series, there were more than once moments when Patient, who suffered until the last moment, went on the attack and alone and dealt with enemies. It was then that the followers learned that their pet was amazingly strong both physically and morally. Thanks to this inner strength, she defeated her fears and now flies like her friends. Flutershay has no permanent job. Her vocation is to care for animals, to help the weak. I must say, she does it great and the talents of Flatti are always in demand. She is one of the few ponies whose family is not known. Her family does not appear in the series even once.

Draw Fleterschay

Before you figure out how to draw Flatershay,let's decide on materials. It is best to depict this bright character in color. Gel pens, markers, felt-tip pens, gouache or ordinary colored pencils are ideal for coloring. In addition, the work will definitely come in handy soft simple pencil and a good eraser. Very useful image of the heroine.

How to draw a Flatershay in stages

Prepare everything you need and gently decompose the workplace. We will continue to work as follows.

how to draw flatshai step by step

  1. First we do the markup.Strongly click on the pencil is not necessary - these lines we have yet to remove from the finished drawing. Flatti's head is round and oval. Her proportions are very far from the proportions of a real horse, body and head almost the same size.
  2. Большую часть лица занимает глаз.It expresses the whole character of the character, which we have examined in detail before drawing Flatershay. Kindness, naivety, modesty - this is what should happen. Close to the back of the head draw a soft eyelet.
  3. Add a mane, the tip of which is twisted.Begin to draw legs. I must say that the heroes of the series My Little Pony do not have sharp horse hooves. Their legs are more like soft paws. We draw wings - after all, Flatershay is not just an understanding, but a real Pegasus.
  4. Draw the hind legs and tail, also curledon the tip. On the rump draw butterflies. Delete the eraser lines with an eraser. This should turn out to be easy, because before there how to draw Flatershay, we decided to do the markup without pressing hard on the pencil.

5. Drawing is ready! You can start coloring.