/ / Anna Andrusenko: personal life and film career

Anna Andrusenko: personal life and film career

Andrusenko Anna V. - Russian actressUkrainian origin, which is currently quite popular. She is filmed simultaneously in several films and serials, and also involved in theatrical productions. The girl is one of the most popular, bright and young artists of modern cinema.

Family and childhood

Anna Andrusenko was born July 3, 1989, in a small Ukrainian city, which is located in the Donetsk region. The girl's mother worked as an economist at a local company, and her father taught history. When Anya was 6 years old, the Andrusenko family moved to the Russian city of Sochi.

Since the time of junior comprehensive schoolwith all my heart the little artist was drawn to art and made her first successes on the theatrical stage. This was facilitated by attending extracurricular lessons in acting and an irresistible desire to participate in creative evenings and school performances. Such an effort began to produce results: the teachers praised it, and the grateful public was absolutely delighted!

Anna Andrusenko

Adolescent actress

The only ones who did not share the joy of successAni on stage, were her parents. As soon as the girl graduated from high school and began to think about theater education, her relatives insisted on a more serious profession. Thus, the young Anna Andrusenko was forced to enter the Sochi University in a specialty related to social and cultural activities.

Less than a year, as the girl threw this traininginstitution and went to Moscow. There she became a student at the M.Shepkin Theater School. Boris Klyuev was an acting teacher on the course where Anna Andrusenko studied.

Andrusenko Anna Valerievna

Work in the theater

It is noteworthy that this extremely talentedUkrainian actress has achieved the first success pretty quickly. While still studying at the school, the girl had already worked at the State Academic Maly Theater. On stage, Anna predominantly performed roles in such children's performances as The Wizard of the Emerald City, Puss in Boots and The Tale of a Traveling Prince.

In addition, student Anna Andrusenko time fromTime pleased the audience with their appearance in the theater "Vernadsky, 13". When the girl was finishing school, her thesis work was participation in the following remarkable productions:

  • "An old friend is better than two new ones";
  • "Do not part with your loved ones";
  • "Mousetrap";
  • "Funny case";
  • "For family reasons".

Each work of Ani was fairly and appreciated not only by the audience, but also by teachers.

Anna Andrusenko personal life


The television debut of the actress took place inpopular TV series "Univer", where she played the role of a minor character. After that, Andrusenko’s film career began a short break connected with her studies and big employment in the theater.

Only a year before graduation, Anna againpleased the audience with her appearance on television screens. In 2011, she played several minor roles in three films: "White Man", "Amazon", "Both Fathers and Children". A year later, Anna Andrusenko, films with the participation of which were gaining increasing popularity, successfully graduated from the school to them. Schepkina.

After receiving the diploma, the actress played the maincharacter in the film "Farewell, Kate", which belongs to the Turkish film company. For her work in this film, Andrusenko received her first award for the best female role at the Golden Orange Film Festival.

Благодаря сериалу «Закрытая школа» об Анне узнала all Russia. Andrusenko performed a character named Liza Vinogradova, who had heart failure. After she was transplanted the heart of another heroine with extrasensory abilities, the girl discovered that this gift was transferred to her along with the organ. This role brought a promising artist long-awaited success and fame.

Следующим шагом Андрусенко стало подписание contract with the channel STS, through which she played the main character in the mystical television series "Angel and Demon", which became the Russian adaptation of the Spanish film. The picture surpassed all expectations of viewers. The series “Beloved Women of Casanova” and “Major” were the following projects, in which Anna Andrusenko took part. The films brought the girl even more recognition and appreciative audience. For 2016, the release of the film "Magdalen", in which the actress will play a major role, is scheduled.

Anna Andrusenko movies

Interesting Facts

In addition to theater and cinema, the girl signed andseveral successful model contracts, which often appeared on glossy pages. In addition, it should be noted that Anna has appeared in two music videos of the yet little-known but promising artist Sergei Rybachev for the songs “For Her” and “Eyes”. And recently, the girl became the godmother of the daughter Garik and Christina Kharlamov.

Anna Andrusenko, whose personal life isliterally behind seven locks, was mistakenly named by journalists as chosen by Cyril Zaporozhsky - the actor who played the role of Daniel in the television series Angel and Demon. Confirmation of this novel did not give any of the parties. However, the rumors about the actress’s pregnancy turned out to be just as wrong. In an interview, Anna tells her fans only that at this stage of her life, she is interested only in work, to which we, the audience, are glad and extremely grateful.