In August 2014, Aleksei Makarevich, a famous rock musician, died a little before the sixtieth anniversary. He was the cousin of the well-known Andrei Makarevich.
Alexey Makarevich: biography
Former guitarist of the rock band "Sunday",Produced the notorious group "Lyceum", was a songwriter, architect and set designer. Makarevich Alexey Lazarevich was born in 1954, November 13th.
His father, Lazar Natanovich Meerovich, workedan engineer of a pilot plant of a scientific institute, received several patents for inventions. Mother - biologist Makarevich Vera G., whose name was later taken by Alexei.
After graduating from high school, he entered the Moscow Architectural Institute, after which he received the profession of architect.
In the seventies of the last century, Alexey Makarevich created the group "Danger Zone". Subsequently, it was renamed the "Kuznetsky Bridge". For some time he performed in the ensemble "Sunday".
In the early nineties he organized the musical trio "Lyceum", where the role of the lead singer was given to his adopted daughter Nastya.
In early 2002, Alexey participated in the project "Become a Star", where he selected talented musical youth.
About family
With his former wife, Valeria Vernaldovnoy Kapralova (Gichunts), Alexey was divorced.
He had two children: one daughter, Barbara, born in 1987, was a native, and Nastya, born in 1977, a foster child.
Mother Nastya, after divorcing Alexei, married a rich businessman from the Republic of South Africa.
The older sister Alexey - Dymarskaya Elena Lazarevna, two children - Alexey and Marina.
Producer activity
The group "Lyceum" was the favorite child of the musician.In this case, he not only produced a very successful project. He himself created costumes for soloists, served as a stylist. Most of the songs for the group were written by him, including the main hit "Lyceum" - "Autumn". He is the author of both the music and the words of this memorable composition.
In total, the group released ten music albums, such as "House Arrest" (1993), "The Engine-Cloud" (1996), "Forty-four Minutes" (2005) and others.
The group first performed in 1991 onTV "Morning Star" with a song from the repertoire of ABBA. The following year, they presented their own work "Saturday Evening" in "Musoboz". The author was Alexey Makarevich. Photos of soloists immediately appeared in all music youth periodicals.
In the "Musical exam" (teleproject of the early nineties), the group was recognized as the best in 1994.
The year 1995 brought the Lyceum the Ovation award (the nomination “Discovery of the Year”).
After the death of her father, Anastasia independently began to produce a pop group, changing its name somewhat.
Alexey Makarevich about creating a group
In an interview, Alex so recalled the creation of "Lyceum". During the period when he was a member of the team "Sunday", he had a sharply sharpened sense of lack of fulfillment.
At this time, the age and development of Nastya approachedto the level when, with the support of her talented girlfriends, the opportunity arose of creating a youth creative team. Alexey used it as a testing ground where he could realize his imagination and creative ideas. As he confessed, mercantile intentions were also pursued.
The name embodied the idea that the young participants in the project, gradually and correctly learning, embark on a professional musical path.
At first, white (shirts) and blue (jeans) prevailed in the style of the team. That is how Alexey saw the embodiment of the musical language of the group, guitar rhythms.
The most important component in this project, as a single organism, was song lyrics.
It was unacceptable to exploit too childish.subject. White shades were supposed to give the girls confidence and festivity. The presence of jeans said about democracy, which should be clear to anyone on planet Earth. The use of guitars embodied truthfulness and so on.
According to Alexey, the most successful combination of form and content was found for that hectic, rapidly changing time. He thus found the possibility of realizing his feelings.
The main feature of this girl group,in his words, there was a certain message in the songs they performed. Members of the pop group came out to the audience not to demonstrate their beauty, but to bring something to everyone.