/ / How to play friends of the first of April: the best jokes and pranks

How to play friends of the first of April: the best jokes and pranks

If you often spend time in a friendly and funcompanies have often thought about how to play friends. Here you will find the best jokes and practical jokes you can apply on the 1st of April or during a party. Play your friends, colleagues, fellow students and acquaintances - and you will be provided with a positive charge.

how to play friends

How to play friends at work

To draw a co-worker you will needthe same computer mouse as his, and an office chair on wheels. Tie a rope to the mouse cord, stretch it under the table and fasten it under the chair. The chair should be tightly moved to the table. When a colleague tries to push the chair, the mouse will “run away” from it.

Drawing "Swallow"

There is another proven way to playfriends This drawing is best done in a friendly company after the party. Choose a “victim” and start to discuss her “drunk” behavior all together. When a friend begins to prove to you that he is sober as a piece of glass, ask him to make a “swallow” as evidence. Now start the whole company to incite him, to prove that the "swallow" is not even enough. When a friend gets tired of responding to your comments, say that he is probably the most drunk of you - who else will concentrate on making a “swallow” in a public place?

How to play a curious friend

Try to play friends with the classic

How to play
draw "Box without bottom."Put a box on the cabinet without a bottom, filling it with confetti or finely chopped pieces of paper. The box should have a challenging inscription, but if your curious friend is cautious and prudent, he may be suspicious. You can draw his attention to the box as if by chance, hinting during a conversation that there is something interesting there. Now you need to leave the room, giving a friend the opportunity to satisfy curiosity. When you return, your buddy will be covered with confetti from head to toe.

How to play a roommate

This rally will take a long time to prepare, but the result is worth it!

Connect many small items withthread. These can be pens, cups, books, combs, a computer mouse ... You need to tie the threads very carefully so as not to move objects from their seats. After that, tie the thread to the door handle from the inside, strongly pulling it. Now you just have to wait.

When your neighbor pulls the door on himself outside,objects tied with string will fall from their seats, and a real debacle will take place in a room in one second. A discouraged neighbor will understand that he was the victim of a fun joke.

True to clean up after this in the room you will have together.

play friends

How to play friends, taking them to "weak"

Поспорьте с другом, что он не сможет перепрыгнуть through the pencil. If a friend agrees to check, then put a pencil right next to the wall - with all the desire the friend will not be able to jump over and laugh with you.

Another option for such a small draw -argue with a friend that you can jump above the fridge. Then take the usual jump and tell me that since the refrigerator did not jump, it is considered that you jumped above it.