/ / Dmitry Zolotukhin, actor: biography and filmography

Dmitry Zolotukhin, actor: biography and filmography

Dmitry Zolotukhin was voted the best by the audience.a film actor of the USSR in 1981, at that time he turned only 23. After he repeatedly starred in famous films, and also acted as a director of two interesting projects.

And recently, after a break of 30 years,The movie “The Crew” came out on screens, in the credits of which the name and surname flashed again: Dmitry Zolotukhin. The actor, whose biography is presented below, decided, as they say, to shake antiquity, and very much succeeded. Despite the fact that his role in the episodic new Russian catastrophe film, those who have already watched the picture, believe that not a single domestic artist could have played the impudent oligarch self-depraved so convincingly. Here is such a wonderful Dmitry Zolotukhin actor!

Dmitry Zolotukhin actor biography

Biography, family

The future performer of the role of young Peter the Great inThe famous film by Sergei Gerasimov was born in 1958 in Moscow. His father - Leo Fedorovich Zolotukhin - Honored Artist of the RSFSR. He starred in about 40 films, including Christians - the debut directorial work of his son Dmitry. Thanks to the charismatic appearance of the elder Zolotukhin, they often invited prominent commanders, politicians, investigators, and scientists to perform the roles. He was remembered by the audience for the paintings “Hot Snow”, “The Captain's Daughter”, “Sunday”, “He Submits the Sky” and others.

As for Dmitry Lvovich's mother, her life was connected with the theater, and for many years she worked as an actress, although she did not achieve such success as her son and husband.


Actor Dmitry Zolotukhin, biography, personal lifeand whose career in recent years has extremely rarely become the subject of discussion in the press, according to his own admission, does not really like theater. And this despite the fact that he grew up in the actor's environment!

After graduation, he studied for 2 yearsEastern culture and philosophy and was even going to apply to the Institute of Asia and Africa. However, the plans of the young man prevented his father. Once he told his son that Professor Victor Monyukov, who was teaching at the Moscow Art Theater School at the time, wanted to listen to him.

The experience was successful, and soon Dmitry was alreadystudent of this famous metropolitan university. During his studies, he embodied several classical images on stage: Trigorin in The Seagull by A. Chekhov, Olenin and Oblonsky in the performances of the works of L. Tolstoy, and also Bobyrev in the production of The Shadows by M. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Dmitry Zolotukhin actor biography family

Starting a career in theater and cinema

At the end of the school-studio Dmitry Zolotukhin(an actor whose biography from the end of the 90s is practically unknown to the public) served for some time in the Moscow Art Theater. After 4 years, he was invited to the staff of the studio. Gorky. However, this was probably preceded, perhaps, by the main event in the creative life - an invitation to play the role in the painting by Sergei Gerasimov.

Debut in the movie

In 1980, the famous director S.Gerasimov decided to make a film, based on the famous historical novel by Alexei Tolstoy. He invited his students to most of the roles, but there was no one among them who could play Peter the Great. Sergey Apollinarievich understood that his searches were crowned with success when the disguised Dmitry Zolotukhin appeared before him.

An actor whose biography is not up to this pointwas especially remarkable, coped well with all the tasks assigned to him. The image of the young tsar-reformer in his performance turned out to be more than convincing, and he himself won the hearts of thousands of girls in all corners of the USSR.

Such a stunning success of the debut role is notturned his head to Dmitry, although at that time he was only 23 years old. Critics and experts immediately began to instill a young man in a stellar career, but fate decreed otherwise.

Dmitry Zolotukhin actor biography family wife


What was Dmitry Zolotukhin doing? The actor (biography presented in this article) played in the following films:

  • "At the beginning of glorious deeds" (1980, Peter I).
  • “Russia is young” (1981, Peter the Great).
  • "Vasily Buslaev" (1982).
  • "Comet" (1983, Nikolai Bogdanov).
  • “Come Free” (1984, Aslanbek Sheripov).
  • “Know ours!” (1985, Ivan Poddubny).
  • "Lermontov" (1986, D. A. Stolypin).
  • "Youth Bambi" (1986, Bison).
  • “Black Eyes” (1987, Konstantin).
  • “Stronger than all other decrees” (1987, Yu. N. Golitsyn).
  • “Crew” (2016, VIP-passenger).

Among these paintings, a special place is occupied by the film.“Ochi Black” by Nikita Mikhalkov, where his partner was the world famous Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni. Although the role of Dmitry Zolotukhin in this picture was of the second plan, he, by his own admission, gained invaluable experience from observing the play of the great maestro.

Dmitry Zolotukhin actor biography family wife photo

Work in the field of directing

До 1987 года все знали, что Дмитрий Золотухин — actor. Biography, family, wife, children (and whether they have it at all) - all this was of little interest to anyone. However, he was not going to limit himself to an artistic career and entered the directing department of VGIK. His thesis work was the film “Christians”, in which M. Kononov, L. Polishchuk, V. Ivashov and others starred.

After 7 years, the actor presented to the audiencepicture "Zone Lube", where Dmitry acted not only as a director, but also as the author of the script and producer. N. Rastorguev, A. Serebryakov, I. Rozanova, V. Garkalin and others took part in the shooting. The film was a success and in 1995 received a prize from the Renaissance Foundation.

actor Dmitry Zolotukhin biography personal life

Family matters

In the framework of the theme "Dmitry Zolotukhin (actor):biography, family, wife, photo "should stay on the artist's personal life. And very little is known about her. According to friends, during his student years, the hero of our story had an affair with Marina Golub. Young people were unconscious in love with each other, but when the girl became pregnant, she was forced to either have an abortion or leave the university. Marina chose a career that put an end to her relationship with Zolotukhin.

После этого о романах актера в прессе больше no information appeared. Apparently, Zolotukhin is not married to this day. Apparently, he has not yet managed to find a woman whom he would like to say, “Let's get married!”

Dmitry Zolotukhin today

In 2000, the actor was awarded the titleHonored Artist. But then he changed the scope of his activities and is currently working in the field of digital television, producing programs for mobile and IPTV, because he believes that they have a future.