/ Bruce Davison. Acting experience and professionalism

Bruce Davison. Acting experience and professionalism

Bruce Davison - famous actor, director andproducer. During his many years of career, he starred in two hundred films, directed several films and produced one. He continues to work now, and the venerable age does not interfere at all.

Bruce Davison

Facts from biography

Bruce Davison's birth date is 1946, June 28th.It happened in Philadelphia. Bruce's mom - Marian - worked as a secretary. Father - Claire Davison - had the education of an architect, professionally engaged in music and moonlighting as a draftsman.

In 1949, the parents divorced. Mother went to work at the plant and raised her son alone. He saw his father quite rarely.

At 18, Bruce graduated from a local school and went to New York.

Film career

In the New York School of Art Bruce enteredby chance. He came to support his friend, who auditioned for admission. After graduation, Davison began his activities on Broadway. He participated in several well-known productions, one of which is The Glass Menagerie. The role of John Merrick, the young actor played brilliantly. She brought him one of three theater awards. After that, he was offered the first film role.

In 1969, filmmaker Frank Perry invited Bruce to play Dan's young man in his movie Last Summer. This was the beginning of a long but great journey of a famous actor.

After that, Bruce was already recognizable movie lovers. Tall, young, blue-eyed blond, he was immediately conspicuous even in occasional roles.

In 1971, a horror movie is released."Willard", where Davison is playing unhealthy in terms of the human psyche. This work reinforced the success of the young actor. Proposals for filming began to pour on him dozens.

1977 was also a success for Bruce.His role in the prison drama "Myopia" convinced critics of the talent of the actor and the ability to play diverse roles. Davison did not sit without work. He had to participate in two or three films a year.

In the period from the beginning of the 70s to the end of the 80s, the actor has time to act in more than a hundred paintings.

talking to ghosts

В 21-м веке актер не сбавляет оборотов в своей activities. He participates in such famous projects as "X-Men" - the first and second parts, "The Verdict for Money", "Hate Crime". An interesting fact is that the first actor who was approved for the role in "X-Men" was Davison.

The list of famous TV shows with his participation is veryimpressive. To it can be attributed "Talking with ghosts", "Law and order", "Lost", "Castle". There are so many films and series with his participation that listing all would take a long time. The longest participation of the actor in multiseries projects was in "Star Cruiser Galaxy," "Think like a criminal" and "Speaking with ghosts."

Successes and achievements

The main success in the film career of Bruce Davisonis a nomination in 1990 for the main prize - Oscar. He got there only 20 years after the shooting. The film "Close Friend" got into several nominations, but Bruce never received the cherished award.

In 1991, Davison won an awardGolden Globe for the role of David in the drama "Close Friend". The same work brought Bruce another award - the Independent Spirit Award, which is awarded by an association of non-commercial film directors.

The actor was also awarded an Emmy statuette for his participation in the 1998 film "Able Student". And in 2002, he received the Daytime Emmys for his successful participation in daytime television series.

Bruce is endowed with not only acting talent.He is the director of several projects - "Harry and Hendersons", where he still played a major role, "Dead Season". He also produced the movie "Sky Cutter", which was released in 1980.

Bruce Davison Movies

Personal life

The first time Bruce Davison married in 1972 to actress Jess Walton. But the marriage lasted a couple of years, and they broke up.

The second time, Bruce tied the bonds of Hymen in 1986 with French-born actress Lisa Pelikan. After 10 years, they had a son, Eton. And after 10 they decided to get a divorce.

В апреле 2006 года Брюс женится снова.This time, his wife becomes Michelle Corrie, who at that time was already pregnant. A month after the wedding, their eldest daughter, Sophia Lucinda, was born. And in a few years another daughter is born. The actor with his family lives in Los Angeles.

premium independent spirit

Legend of American cinema with years of experience -This is Bruce Davison. Films and series with his participation are known and loved by many. The actor made a huge contribution to the development of the film industry in general and American cinema in particular.