Dancing and health

Looking at the dancers, easily and naturallymoving to the music, most people reluctantly begin to envy their grace and stunning ability to control their body. In this case, few people decide to learn dancing, most often referring to the lack of free time, then to health problems. And if the lack of time really is a significant obstacle to mastering dance skills, then health problems are not a contraindication, but rather an incentive to do dancing, because they are rightfully considered one of the most effective ways to promote health.

Dancing can be practiced at any age, but because dance school opens its doors not only to young dancers, but also to people in the age who dream of mastering the basics of dance art or improving existing skills.

Each dance has its own specifics, and therefore,who has poor health, before starting classes, it is worth consulting with a doctor about the permissible loads on problem organs and systems, to determine the optimally suitable type of dance. However, regardless of which dance style is chosen, after a few months the beginning dancer will be able to see a whole series of changes. First, dance classes help in the treatment of scoliosis. In many dances it is necessary to watch thatso that during the performance of various pas steps, the back remains level. This teaches the dancer to constantly walk with proudly straightened back and straightened shoulders. In addition, during dance workouts, the back muscles are significantly strengthened, and therefore posture becomes more and more correct over time. In addition to this, dancers change their gait significantly, becoming easier and smoother.

Во-вторых, занятия танцами способствуют улучшению work of the respiratory system. Increased physical exertion, during which it is necessary to constantly monitor the depth and pace of breathing, teach novice dancers to breathe properly during movement. This helps to get rid of many diseases of the respiratory system, including chronic bronchitis and asthma attacks.

Third, dancing helps improve performance.of cardio-vascular system. This effect is largely due to the fact that active exercise helps to significantly reduce weight, getting rid of excess fat, and therefore the heart, which previously worked in an emergency mode, to ensure blood flow throughout the body, after losing weight, can return to its normal rhythm . By reducing the burden on the heart, the dancer not only improves his state of health, but also adds a good couple of years to his life.