/ / Sir Duncan the High: a biography, theories about his fate and interesting facts

Sir Duncan High: biography, theories about his future destiny and entertaining facts

В книжной эпопее «Песнь Льда и Огня», на основе which removes the television series "Game of Thrones", there are many interesting characters that are not present in the film version. Among them, the legendary knight Duncan the High (in the series "Game of Thrones" he does not appear, because he died much earlier). Meanwhile, his story is quite entertaining.

The origin and childhood of Duncan

In addition to some references to Sira DuncanHigh, in some of the saga's novels, this character is the main character of three separate tales of George Martin ("The Landmark Knight", "The Jury Knight" and "The Mysterious Knight").

duncan high game of thrones

О родителях героя ничего не известно.Probably, they either died, or were the dregs of society, of which there are many in the infested with criminals and impoverished areas of the Royal Harbor, called the Flea Pit. How many Duncan remembered himself, he always lived on the street, surrounded by the same beggars, like himself.

The guy was helped to survive in this environment by his physicaldata: he was always distinguished by incredible strength and great growth, which enabled him to take food from his weaker comrades. The main entertainment of the street kids at Flea Pit was the abduction of severed heads from the peak on the walls of the city. Having fun in this way, the hero learned to be quick and agile, which came to him more than once when he stole.

Duncan - Squire Sir Arlan

One day, the poor landowned knight Arlan from Pennitri arrived at the Royal Harbor. His squire nephew recently died. Seeing a strong and clever homeless child, a nobleman decided to take him to himself.

Becoming the squire of Sir Arlan, Duncan began to learn all the knightly wisdom. In addition to the ability to fight, the mentor taught him to understand the knightly arms.

Duncan diligently took care of the lord, howeverchronic drunkenness of the latter weakened his health to such an extent that, after catching a cold on the way to the next tournament, the knight died. The young man buried the teacher, and left his belongings to himself. After that, he goes to the knightly tournament in Ashford and takes part in it, taking the name of Duncan the Tall.

However, to be a full-fledged knight, the heroneeded a squire. Acquainted in the tavern with a quick little boy named Egg, who turned out to be Duncan's countryman, the newly-made knight decided to take him.

Sir Duncan the Tall and Prince Aigon Targaryen

In the first two days of the tournament the knight and his squirejust watched the fights. During the next one of them, Prince Ayrion defeated his opponent through dishonest means. This angered the heroes. Therefore, when the prince later attacked a troupe of vagrant actors (he did not like the performance), Duncan the High defended them by striking Ayrion.

Duncan is tall

Несмотря на благородный поступок, за покушение на the prince's hero might have lost the arms and legs with which he struck Ayrion. The situation was saved by Egg, who said that in reality he was the hot-blooded prince's younger brother. However, Meykar, the father of both, wanted to punish the disgraced knight to the fullest extent of the law.

Чтобы защититься, Дункан Высокий потребовал fight seven against seven knights. He managed to emerge victorious from this battle and defend his case. Then Meykar, seeing his generosity and honesty, gave him his son Egg (Eygon) to the squires, so that both kept the guy's royal origin secret. Thus began a lifelong friendship.

Вместе с Эггом Дункан объездил почти весь Westeros. At first, the young knight entered the service of Lord Eustace Osgrey. Protecting his interests in one of the tournaments, the hero was seriously wounded, after which he was left with an ugly scar.

After leaving possession of sir Osgreya, Duncan and Egg decidego to the North to assist Lord Stark in the fight against the pirates of the Iron Islands. However, on the way friends decide to earn extra money. To do this, Duncan wants to take part in a knightly tournament in Belostenny castle. Arriving there, the heroes find themselves in the very center of the uprising.

After the events of the tournament Duncan and Egg are sent to Lord Stark, as planned.

The fate of the hero

In 2013, George Martin announced that several more works will be devoted to this character, so probably the hero’s most adventures are still ahead.

sir duncan high

It is only known that in the future Duncan the Highenter the Royal Guard, and subsequently lead it. This hero will faithfully serve the Targaryen dynasty and stop revolts against them several times. Egg will also become King Aigon V, despite the fact that initially he practically had no chance of that.

As for the death of Duncan and Egg, George Martin has not yet told how it happened. The novels only mention some tragic accident in the Summer Castle.

Interesting facts about the character

  • The height of the main character - 2.15 m.
  • It is believed that this knight lived for about 67 years. However, this is an approximate figure, since the year of birth of the character is unknown.
  • Duncan was illiterate, but later, thanks to Egg, he learned to read and write.
  • The patrimonial emblem of the High was invented by his squire. It depicts a tree and a shooting star above it.
    Duncan High in the series Game of Thrones
  • During the events in the White Castle Duncan wasit is predicted that he will become a knight of the Royal Guard, and also that a dragon will hatch from a dragon's egg, which was the main prize in the tournament. The first of the predictions came true, but the fate of the second is still unknown.
  • Aigon called his eldest son to his best friend's part Duncan (Prince of Dragonflies). The three of them, under unknown circumstances, died in the Summer Castle.

Theories about a character named Duncan the Tall

Brienne Tart once found an old shield with a coat of armsDuncan High in the armory of his father's castle. How he got here, nobody knew. However, this finding makes it possible to propose a theory about the relationship of a woman to a legendary knight.

duncan high brown tart
Another argument for this is that Brienne has the same physique and appearance as Duncan the Tall.

Also many questions remain about the death of a knight.Probably, King Aigon, Prince Egg and Duncan managed to ensure that a dragon hatched from an egg obtained at a tournament in Belostochny Castle. But they could not cope with it when the baby grew and therefore died from its fire.

Остается еще немало вопросов, касающихся a character named Duncan the Tall. "Game of Thrones" - the series, which is not paying attention to this hero. However, if in the future it turns out that he really was an ancestor of Brienne, perhaps he is mentioned in the television series. In the meantime, readers who love Duncan the High are eagerly awaiting new tales of his adventures.