/ / Pavel Chernyshev - the same “star boy”

Pavel Chernyshev - the same "star boy"

This film was one of the most beloved by millionsboys and girls in particular. And, of course, all of them, without taking their admiring eyes, watched what was going on with the main character. As it turned out later, the only role that Pavel Chernyshev played in his life was precisely in this film - the role of the star boy.

How it all began...

Будущий кумир подростков родился второго января 1971 in the usual Moscow family of engineers. He was the most ordinary schoolboy, like hundreds of thousands of other boys and girls. Until a certain point. Until one day, an assistant director saw him at the rink and invited him to auditions. So, completely random, Pavel Chernyshev попал в кино.By the way, the director Leonid Nechaev, who created other beautiful fairy tales for Soviet children (which is worth only a lyrical fairy tale "Do not leave"), managed to watch several dozen boys before his arrival, but did not see anyone in this role. And Pasha approved almost from the first minute.

Tandem Director and Actors

The boy was happy to work on the set.For him, it was the first (and, as it turned out, the last) experience of such a pastime. The process of filming is very fascinating. There were quite a lot of trips, because the film "The Tale of the Star Boy" was filmed both in Ukraine and in Belarus, and in Georgia. Each time it was a different field shooting, amazing views. There was even a little time for short excursions to unfamiliar cities.

Pavel Chernyshev

Junior Pavel Chernyshev - one role actor - withHope looked ahead: he was confident that it would be possible to skip school classes, and for absolutely good reason. But unfortunately for Paul, this did not happen. Even on trips there were quite a lot of classes with teachers who traveled with a film crew.

 tale of a star boy

Many years later, Pavel, who had already grown up, toldto journalists that he somehow immediately realized that Nechaev has a tremendous talent in working with small actors. The director could instantly seek from the children exactly what was required for the filming of a particular scene. He very correctly and clearly set the task before them, and the boys and girls could only follow his instructions, correctly fulfilling them.

Out of the frying pan into the fire

The shooting of the film "The Tale of the Star Boy"It was for Pasha, probably the most magical memory of childhood. He sincerely imagined himself as a “star” prince. A beautiful fabulous scenery and extraordinary costumes only added notes of brightness to his fantasies. The child really believed in a fairy tale in which it was filmed. And he did it quite sincerely, with all his childish soul.

But after all his life became unforgettable.nightmare. Among classmates, he became instantly a "star boy." By the name almost no one addressed him. The mailbox was literally bursting with letters from girls from all over the Soviet Union, who offered to be friends and sealed their messages with kisses in lipstick. Many called him at home. And not even once.

Pavel Chernyshev now

This bustle began to annoy Pavlik.When he went out into the street, one of the fans was on duty at his porch, hoping to see the object of his adoration, even for a moment. Therefore, Pavel Chernyshev tried to hide his face in a wide scarf. This went on for several years. Then the interest subsided a bit.

His life today

Pavel Chernyshev now not at all the sweetie handsomewas almost three decades ago. This is quite a man. After graduation, he studied at the Institute of Friendship of Peoples at the Faculty of Engineering, served in the army.

Now he is in a happy marriage, raising two children - the son of Egor and the daughter Nastya.

He had one time work difficultiesbecause at a certain period it turned out that no one needs engineers. Friends came to the rescue. They offered him a job in a completely different niche - in the funeral business. At first, Paul was hard, then slowly got used to.

Pavel Chernyshev actor

He still has no regrets that heHe continued to act, although the proposals were, and repeatedly. A film that made him a true star, Pavel Chernyshev watched only twice: on the day of the premiere and in the late nineties. Children, unlike papa, watch this film much more often. But in memory of that wonderful magical time, the bullfighter's costume remained, which is kept by his mother.