/ / "The Vampire Diaries" (season 8): actors and roles, release date, reviews

"The Vampire Diaries" (season 8): actors and roles, release date, reviews

"The Vampire Diaries" is a popular mysticalTV series. It is very actively discussed by viewers around the world. For 7 years now, the audience has revered the actors, adored the story line and copied the characters. In this article we will talk about the actors of season 8 of the "Vampire Diaries".

Vampire Diaries Season 8 actors

What is the TV series about?

The plot spins around Elena Gilbert - a younga girl who is about to turn eighteen. Living in a very strange city of Mystic Falls, she meets a vampire Stefan Salvatore, who lived more than 1,5 century. According to the law of the genre, a girl falls in love with a mysterious creature, but this is not the end of the story. In their already complicated relationship, the vampire brother - Damon Salvatore, who the family refused for his dark soul interferes. Seeking to take revenge on his brother, Damon, without noticing it, falls in love with a young beauty, because Elena is exactly the copy of the first and strong love of a vampire. The plot line is twisted so that the audience learns the secret: Elena has a double that will soon intervene in this love triangle.

The main question: how many seasons

"The Vampire Diaries" is one of the longest-livedtelevision series. To date, released 8 seasons, but this is not the end of the story, although the creators of the popular painting refused to extend the famous story until season 9. The main feature of the multi-screen adaptation is that throughout the episodes the cast composition does not change. As a rule, many participants refuse to withdraw after several seasons, because there are more profitable contracts. This once again proves that the "Vampire Diaries" is very popular and the impact of its fans.

According to such large portals as "Kinoiskisk"and IMBD, the series has earned a solid eight, and this figure has not declined for a long 7 years. Interesting fact: thanks to the actors, season 8 of the "Vampire Diaries" only increased the interest of the audience.

candys king

Elena Gilbert

The main character in the television series, which was playedNina Dobrev. In the first season is a 17-year-old beauty, who lost her parents in a car accident. Elena, along with his younger brother Jeremy, remained orphans. Despite the fact that the life of a young girl began with tragedy, the heroine has a strong character. She is brave enough to look into the eyes of the enemy and express everything that thinks about him. This girl is not from a timid ten, but at the same time she is distinguished by a kind and open heart, loyalty and honesty. In the picture Nina rushes before the choice: to remain a person or become a vampire.

I met a vampire Stefan in high school.By the 8th season of the "Vampire Diaries" actors who tried their best while working on the project, the viewer already understands that everything in the television series is interrelated. For example, the viewer sees that Elena discovers her image in the room of Stefan, and later gets to know her counterpart. By the way, in the film adaptation of Nina Dobrev played and Catherine Pierce - his twin.

vampire diaries how many seasons

Caroline Forbes

The heroine was played by Candice King (Accola).In the television series is Elena's best friend. The plot also drags this young girl, because when Damon appeared in the city, Candace fell in love with him and dreamed at night. Because of this, I hated the love triangle that surrounded Elena Gilbert, and was even ready to become a vampire in order to get her lover.

Damon, on the other hand, used the girl in hergoals, because Caroline was naive, frivolous and stupid. After the girl got into an accident, she was able to become a vampire. The dark blood awakened her cruelty and Caroline hated her chosen one.

В одноименной книге нередко рассказывается, как Caroline stopped seeing Elena as a friend and began to perceive her as nothing more than an opponent. When the girl turned into a vampire, her life changed a lot. In a mystical city, they learned that Caroline was no longer a man, and she became an outcast both for others and for her family. By the eighth season the girl had already managed to enter into an intimate relationship with Stefan and fall in love with him, and later she lost the only close person - her mother. Candice King plays far from a secondary role and is very popular with the fans of the series.

Vampire Diaries Season Release Date

Stefan Salvatore

The role of Stefan Salvatore took the actor Paul Wesley.In the first season, we see a very young guy who actually bumped 161 years. Sexy, charismatic, with an open heart - the main character attracts the attention of fans from around the world. The vampire appears before us an intelligent, educated and educated youth who fell in love with a tender Elena. He has everything a guy can desire - a rich and loving family, immortality. He became a vampire through the fault of his first lover, who already at the time of their acquaintance was turned. Catherine Pierce manipulated both Stefan and Damon. And it was love for one woman that gave birth to hatred between blood brothers. The plot line shows us all the life's irony, because after a century and a half the guys fell in love with the beautiful Elena, who, like two drops of water, is similar to their first lady.

By the way, it was Katherine Pierce who drew guys,when their own father killed them. Paul Wesley got a rather comical role, because the viewer repeatedly watches how every season the main character dies from the sword, then from the sacrificial fire. Despite the fact that the release date of the 8th season of "The Vampire Diaries" was scheduled for October 21, 2016 and the premiere of the first series has already taken place, the audience still wonder how twisted the plot of the series is. After all, this season Stefan Salvatore married Caroline Forbes.

floor wesley actor

Damon Salvatore

Actor Ian Somerhalder in the popular TV seriesplayed Damon Salvatore - Stefan's brother. Faced a more tragic fate, than the next of kin. At first, the guy fell in love with the fateful Catherine Pierce, then she turned him into a vampire, and fifty years later he was subjected to cruel experiments. While Stefan was the universal favorite, Damon knew terrible torment, being in captivity. The guy was disappointed in love, after he learned that the first lady was manipulating not only him, but also his brother.

The hero of Somerhalder decided to take revenge on his brother, killinghis present love, but without noticing it, he began to feel feelings for Elena. After 4 seasons, the main character and Damon Salvatore begin to meet. From a rough, cold-blooded vampire, he turned into a loving man who is ready to kill anyone who encroaches on Elena's life. The main feature of the hero is that he is a strong individual. The guy has a sharpened instinct, can control emotions and it's almost impossible to kill. However, the actor of season 8 of "The Vampire Diaries" admitted that he was upset with the end of the series and the death of his hero.

Ian Somerhalder Actor

Bonnie Bennett

Secondary, but very significant character.Reviews for the 8th season of "The Vampire Diaries" says that Bonnie Bennett is one of the favorite characters in the television series. The girl for her 25 years of life had time to visit both a ghost and a hunter for vampires, but by the last season she had become an experienced and strong witch. Thanks to Damon, Bonnie met Enzo Vampire, who was also taken prisoner and was subjected to experiments.

All my life was distant from people and did not know,that has supernatural powers. Initially, the girl was fragile, irresponsible and frivolous, but after a long period she turned into a strong and wise witch, ready to fight for her loved ones. Despite the fact that the viewer sees a dark-skinned Bonnie, played by Katerina Graham, in the book the girl has pale skin and fiery hair. This image completely reflects our idea of ​​witches, which were burned at the stake in the Middle Ages.

Matt Donovan

As it should be, in mystical stories, in Elenaopenly in love with a simple guy who does not have any hidden talents. In the first seasons, the viewer sees how Matt meets with the girl before the ill-fated accident. In all series, he shows feelings for Elena, can not forget her and begin to meet with other women. Became the sheriff of the city in order to save his first love. I learned the secret of the city, met vampires, and even once was resurrected by a magic ring.

katerina graham

Secret Abilities of Vampires

Vampires are a strong race that canto confront other magical beings. They have a power many times greater than an ordinary person. They are able to survive even after the attack. The release date for the 8th season of "The Vampire Diaries" has already been proclaimed, and the whole season ended in March 2017, but many fans are still looking for a real way to become at least a bit like their favorite characters.

  • In the series, we repeatedly observe how the vampirescan turn off emotions and become cold-blooded. In this state, they feel no joy, no pain, no compassion, and therefore they are considered dispassionate machines for killing.
  • Vampires can inspire you with any idea, while the victim never realizes that the decision was made not on his own.
  • These creatures can not be killed unless they themselves sacrifice themselves or they cut their heads.
  • Vampires are able to heal their wounds, soAny fight they will withstand without effort. At the same time, serious injuries of the common man can be killed, and for these fanged creatures such damage will be nothing more than an ordinary scratch.


Now you know how many seasons in the Diariesvampire ". Despite the fact that the series has come to an end, each viewer can once again enjoy the famous story by reviewing all the series from the very beginning or reading a book that became the basis for creating the famous multi-part thriller. Lisa Jane Smith - the author of the eponymous fantasy cycle - was able Give fans of all ages a fascinating, mysterious and exciting story about werewolves, hybrids, vampires, witches and people. If you have not seen a popular TV series, then rather stock up on fragrant tea, delicious popcorn om and proceed to view.