/ / Actress Linda Carter: biography, photo. Best movies and TV shows

Actress Linda Carter: biography, photo. Best movies and TV shows

Linda Carter is a talented actress who announcedyourself thanks to the adventure series “Wonder Woman”. In this TV show she got the main role, she embodied the image of Diana, the superheroine of the Amazon tribe. "Smallville", "Law and Order: Special Corps", "Two and a half people", "Supergirl", "Dukes of Hazzard", "Aerobatics", "Supercaster" - other famous films and series with her participation. What else can you tell about this woman?

Linda Carter: the beginning of the journey

Звезда сериала «Чудо-женщина» появилась на свет в the state of Arizona, this happened in July 1951. Linda Carter was born in the family of an antiques dealer and a telephone company employee; there are no movie stars among her relatives. Americans, Irish, Mexicans - who is not among her ancestors, the actress is very proud.

linda carter

Even in childhood, the girl showed interest incomics about the miracle woman. After graduation, she became a student at Arizona State University, but did not graduate. Linda left her studies for the sake of a musical career, for several years she performed with various rock bands.

First successes

Мало кто знает, что Линда Картер в молодости won the title "Miss USA". This allowed her to take part in the Miss World contest, but the girl managed only to reach the semi-finals. Then she moved to New York, began to study acting. The first roles were not long in coming, Carter starred in the TV series Starsky and Hutch, Nakia, Hollywood Squares.

linda carter movies

Впервые вкус славы Линда Картер смогла ощутить thanks to the TV show "Wonder Woman." For four years she played the role of warrior Diana of the Amazon tribe, thanks to which she gained an army of admirers. Posters with Linda in the image of Wonder Woman were very popular among teenagers. In 1979, the teleproject was closed, but the newly minted star was not left without roles. “The Last Song”, Born to Be Sold, “Hotline” - films and series with her participation came out more often.

Movies and TV shows

"Rita Hayworth:The Goddess of Love ”is a biographical drama, thanks to which Linda Carter has again attracted the attention of the public. In this picture she brilliantly embodied the image of the famous American actress.

Then she got the main role in the dramaticcrime partners, its heroine was Carol, a determined and persistent one. Next, Linda starred in a number of television films, for example, “In the wake of trouble”, “Mike Hammer: The Killing Chain”, “Daddy”, “I starred for“ Playboy ”,“ When friendship kills ”,“ Plea in darkness ”,“ He who will love me. " The audience appreciated its small role in the film "Super Police."

Linda Carter in his youth

In the new century, Linda continued to actively rollCarter, films and series with her participation came out one by one. In the popular comedy thriller "Fools from Hazzard" she embodied the image of the secondary heroine Pauline. In the fantastic comedy “Aerobatics” she got even a small but interesting role of an overbearing lady.

Carter also starred in the TV series "Law and Order:Special case "," Queen of the screen "," Two and a half people. " Furor made her appearance in the sixth season of the TV project "Mysteries of Smallville". Linda appeared in the role of the mysterious Moira Sullivan, who has supernatural abilities and uses them far from always for good.

In recent years, the actress is rarely removed.One of her latest achievements is the appearance on the Supergirl series. In this TV show, she brilliantly embodied the image of President Olivia, a mysterious and unpredictable woman. In 2017, the film is expected to "Super Police 2", in which Linda will play the same heroine as in the first part.

Personal life

Of course, fans are not only interested in the roleplayed by actress Linda Carter by the age of 65. The star of the American cinema has been married twice. For the first time her choice fell on producer Ron Samuels, but this union soon fell apart. Linda's marriage with Robert Altman lasted longer, and from this man she gave birth to a son, James Clifford, and a daughter, Jessica.

actress linda carter

For the third time, the actress did not marry, now her heart is free, at least this is the official version.

Interesting Facts

The actress is actively working in the field of sound.For example, she worked on the voice acting of several games by Bethesda. Also, Linda has achieved some success as a singer, she writes songs, has released several albums, the first of which was named Portrait.