/ / How to draw a school? Recommendations and Tips

How to draw a school? Recommendations and advice

Drawing is an extremely exciting activity.This can be confirmed by anyone who has ever tried to reflect his own fantasies on paper. It is difficult or easy - each creative process takes place in different ways. To test ourselves, let's try to portray what each of us knows perfectly well, and therefore will cope freely enough.

How do you see it

how to draw a school
Wondering how to draw a school?Then let's get started! How can this be done? The standard way is to show your own, the building in which you were engaged or study now. And how to draw a school? The corresponding attributes can be represented: a bell tied with a scarlet ribbon; student at the blackboard; guys playing at recess; a teacher with a pointer, a satchel with books; a solemn ruler, etc. There are many options; everyone chooses according to his own taste and skills how to draw a school and thus express his attitude to this wonderful time of childhood.

Step-by-step recommendations

how to draw a school in stages
Draw a long rectangle.Its height will depend on how many floors of the building. On top, add a sloping roof. In the middle, mark the rectangle of the door. For greater credibility, draw details such as a pen and a cross. The next stage of work on how to draw a school is to place windows inside the rectangle-building. They must be the same size. Therefore, thin, subtle lines divide diagonally and vertically the whole building into equal parts. You got a kind of lattice. In them and draw window openings. Be sure to work through the bindings. How to draw a school step by step: it needs to be painted. Pick the right colors. Then with thin strokes mark the brickwork. Draw on the roof tile and paint too. Circle the window frames, and paint the glass with a light blue. Or fill some with yellow - as if a light is on in the building. The final step of your assignment (how to draw a school with a pencil) will be the "creation" of the threshold. Make it gray, and from it draw a path leading to the site. Draw around flower beds, trees. Arrange the benches. You will have a wonderful schoolyard - well maintained and cozy.

School of your dreams

how to draw a school pencil
Получив общие рекомендации и примерный план, вы can now dream up. What school would you like to study? What should she look like? To look like an ancient castle, to remind an educational institution, where it is attached to the secrets of Harry Potter’s magic or, in general, to a building in the style of techno-science fiction? Armed with a pencil and an eraser, bolder go on a journey of your dreams. And at the same time pay attention to such nuances: if the drawing should take a sheet completely, arrange it horizontally. If you depict only the facade, pay attention to details. When transferring perspectives you will need to draw two sides of the school building. Such an image should be placed around the audience and make it voluminous.

School years are wonderful

As already mentioned, you can draw not onlyschool, but also the attributes that are associated with it. For example, a class. Let it be spacious and bright. Elegant curtains hang on the windows, and there are flowerpots with bright colors on the windowsills. Portraits of great scientists and poets, writers, statements about the native language and literature, about different sciences should be hung on the walls. As well as student wall newspaper, cool corner, maps, etc. Also draw rows of desks, as well as students sitting behind them. Let someone from the guys write, someone pulls a hand, wanting to answer, and someone stands at the blackboard. Do not forget about the teacher's desk and the teacher sitting behind him.

we draw school

As you can see, you have a wonderful picture that tells about your school life expressively and vividly!