A kikimora, or a beautiful maiden, drowned in water - who are they, what abilities do they possess and what secrets do they hide under their image?
Kikimora. Unidentified mystical creation
For centuries, people have been attracted to everything that is unidentified andcreepy, bewitching and repulsive. The image of the kikimora is the very ideal of the mysterious creation. A character who cools the blood and makes the unbelievers believe. A swamp, wherever it is located, always causes fear and a desire to bypass it or simply to run faster. Near the mysterious overgrown places there is a feeling of anxiety and the paronormal presence of unearthly creatures is felt, or a creepy figure - a dummy - appears before your eyes.
Why precisely marsh, and not, say, forest orhome? And this is due to the fact that the image of the Kikimora is being tried on by innocent virgins, who had to drown themselves in the ill-fated swamp, among the muddy mud and friable thickets. They say that for whom the swamp beast has married, next to that she has to stay for the rest of her eternal life. Description Kikimora has a different interpretation and depends on its place of residence.
If a kikimore is lucky enough to go out for a brownie,then it will remain among ordinary earthly people. And if the devil will charm her, she will not see more worldly happiness, and she is destined to rest forever in the swamp with her husband.
But not only drowned people can be the cause.appearance of kikimore. For example, according to belief, babies who died unbaptized or were born dead, ugly, became those very terrible images. Children outside the family are also doomed to such a fate, like those who were cursed by their parents or kidnapped by unclean otherworldly forces.
What does a fake look like? A photo
It is difficult to stop at one description of the marsh.a resident. There are some of the most popular options. Looks like a kikimora can be seen in books, where ancient myths and legends are told. And if the nerves are strong enough, then, having gathered in the evening, you can go in search of her to the nearest swamp.
What does a real fake look like?Let's try to describe this creature in detail, without missing a single mystical element. Mythology presents us with a kikimora in the image of an old, terrible woman, she is hunched, her hair is strained in different directions, and she is dressed in rags. In the photo we can see what a kikimora looks like - in a kokoshnik on the head, of very short stature, with a thin body. Because of her small weight, she was afraid to go outside so that she would not be blown away. Another story says that the frights are naked girls with very long and lush scythe. Of course, as mentioned above, there is no single idea of what a kikimora looks like.
During the day they may be invisible and declare themselves.by voice. Quikimors living in a house can expel residents in a voice, demand something. Most often, such requirements are not very favorable content for residents of the house.
Favorite habitat Kikimore
In addition to a swamp or a cozy home, frights can live in other places. Most often it is a bathhouse, chicken coops, a stable, abandoned houses or taverns, where a lot of negative energy is concentrated.
Kikimora can be clogged up cluttered up with unnecessarythings the corner of the room or climb on the closet, from which dust has not been wiped for a long time. She is looking for a place where she will be comfortable, and this is where there is a lot of dirt and old battered things. Kikimoru can accidentally drag a woman into the house with negative energy, and she will remain next to the owner.
All who know what the real looks likeKikimora, have fear of accidental meeting with her. Some legends say that the kikimora lives in every house constantly, never leaving it.
Where does the kikimora come from? Beliefs
Peasants follow one popular belief,which appeared a long time ago and remains conscious. It is said that dissatisfied workers who have been poorly paid for their work can launch the house into a dwelling. But, most likely, the workers themselves came up with this belief in order to teach a good salary for their work.
How can one bring a kikimora into the house? To do this, the workers used a doll depicting a kikimora, which was well hidden somewhere in the house or between the walls and pronounced a special spell.
What can kikimora?
Kikimora is believed to possess enormouspotential of negative energy, which constantly sends to the hostess of the house. For example, if she touches any work with her dirty hands, then this work will never be completed. The peculiarity of Kikimor is that when they are engaged in weaving, they constantly jump in one place, and besides, they weave threads in the opposite direction (rather than ordinary people). They confuse threads, muslin and constantly tear everything that they tied.
What other names does the kikimora bear?
The sinister image of Kikimora cools the spirit of all the households who smelled its presence in their cozy, seemingly closed to the other world, home.
Many met with Kikimora, but they themselves did not even suspect it. And all because she has several names, and each of them has its own special, frightening meaning.
Белорусы прозвали эту бестию, домашнее чудовище, gizmo Her other nickname is Igong or Igong. And the domestic spirit of the kikimora is usually called the nipple or shishimora, shishiga. Kikimora is also the well-known name of a marsh or domestic creature, an image of a drowned beautiful maiden who, by the will of fate, had to marry a terrible leshi and forever remain with him under the quiet water of a marsh.
The word "fake" consists of two parts, andnamely "kiki" and "mora". The first means "to scream, make terrible unpleasant moans, cause the devil." And "mora" is death, this is the way the second part of the name is translated, which ideally fits the description of the frigate.
It is not surprising that her image causes terrible animal fear, because in a direct translation her name speaks for itself - it screams death.
Works in which the image of Kikimora is found
Many mystic writers or even classics in their works mentioned the image of the drowned maiden - kikimora. How is she usually described and what role does she play in various works?
In the ancient monuments of the Russian manuscript, especially the later (17-18 centuries), there are descriptions of mystical spirits and characters.
Kikimore episode in the Moscow tradition of the 1630syy says that the thing, as the Belarusians call it, is a kind of terrible provocateur and instigator of all sorts of troubles in the life of a family or an individual. It can bring trouble of any complexity, both a minor quarrel in the family, and an incurable deadly disease. Why does she do it? It is easy to explain: the kikimora was the unhappy spirit of a woman who, by her own or someone else's fault, was drowned in a lake (swamp) or died tragically in the forest. That is why she takes revenge on everyone who gets in her way. The tale with the mention of the kikimore is a kind of direct evidence that it has always existed, and even before it was learned about it.
Also the work of A. K. Lyadov “Kikimora” melodiously creates an atmosphere of presence when listening.
What looks like a swamp frighten. A photo
Swamp view Kikimore is specialmythological creatures that live in the swamps and are born into the image of drowned girls, but much older and more terrible - have changed beyond recognition.
In Slavic mythology, they describe in detail howthe marsh kikimora looks like - the photo below shows the lower evil spirit that settles in the swamp and likes to dress up in all sorts of furs and weave marsh and forest plants into its braids.
The thing steals small children, brings trouble and makes babies cry all the time. She pulls the babies into her dark, dirty home, and they never return to their parents.
Кикимора относительно редко может появляться among people, she prefers to declare herself in a voice — horrible, raspy and low, which cools the blood and tickles nerves. In this, she resembles her sister, a home-grown dwarf. Although they never meet - each has its own place and its own activities.
Turning into a kikimora
If anyone is interested in the question of how to becomeKikimore, then read on. Every myth has a grain of truth, and a marsh creature is no exception. We will not know the truth, but the ancient traditions and modern interpretation can be discussed in more detail.
The first way to transform is a forgotten dirty swamp. A young girl is doomed to become a Kikimorho if she drowns in this muddy mass.
As for the boys, the legends say that you need to be freak or damned. There is no doubt that it was the damned boy who in the past centuries was considered to be the real embodiment of the old toothless fang.
As a matter of fact, any living being, once cursed or having chosen the wrong life path - the path of evil and sinful deed, can become a kikimore
Favorite hobby of this Kikimore
True Kikimory never get bored, thoughthey are destined to forever wander among the people and swamp inhabitants. The beasts love to weave, but they weave in a special way — on the contrary, not like ordinary women, and during this they jump in one place. The sight is not a pleasant one, but fortunately, it is quite rare to see it. Since kikimory prefer a secluded lifestyle and remain invisible most of the time, the chance to find out how they look is reduced to zero.
Another favorite occupation of beasts - to joketenants of the house, and, of course, not good. Her jokes are so frightening that the family, having sensed something wrong, quickly tries to leave the sinister house with all its mystical manifestations of evil spirits. So what is the essence of such jokes? Kikimora can appear in front of people in the image of a poor child abandoned by parents, and kind people, picking up and heating a baby, in fact provide themselves a painful life with a kikimor. You can protect yourself from this being, and you need to do this through prayer, turning to the holy spirits and the Mother of God. For those who know what a kikimora looks like, it is easy to avoid contact with her.
How to recognize a kikimoru?
Usually the frights allow themselves to be seen beforegreat holidays like Christmas. And also the beast feels the atmosphere of the family and comes at the very moment when something special happens - good or bad. At such moments, people are most vulnerable and are influenced by the evil spells of the home fighter.
Она появляется перед домом на пороге.A shrill cry or a loud frequent knock at the door may alert the hosts. It is not surprising if the kikimora connects these two classes. You can ask her a question and in response to a knock.
Those lucky enough to catch a kikimora onhot, with the help of special rituals and spells can bring it back to the human form. To do this, on its crown it is necessary to cut out the hair with the image of a cross. But, despite the return, the Kikimora will forever have some peculiarity from the past - stuttering, a hump on his back, stupidity, and more.
And finally a little advice.To save your house from a possible mythological beast, you need to throw away all the trash and consecrate every corner. Now it is not a secret how the frightener looks. Photos tell about it more than all the myths.