Do you know such a writer as Likhachev?“Earth is native” (a brief content later in the article) is his outstanding creation, which every teenager and all those who are on the threshold of adulthood should read. A wonderful book that should be on the shelf of anyone who wants to cultivate a real person. The work is quite voluminous, so we will look at a brief content of the story “Earth is native.” Likhachev, by the way, was not only a writer, but also an art historian and cultural scientist, a doctor of philological sciences and a professor. Frankly, he did not call himself a real writer, but his vast store of knowledge and literary gift allowed him to create beautiful works. Let's take a closer look at the author.
В 1914 году мальчик обучался в гимназии Humanitarian society, and later - in the St. Petersburg school of KI May. From 1920 to 1923 he was in the Soviet single labor school. After that, until 1928, Likhachev was a student of the Romance-Germanic and Slavic-Russian department of linguistics and literature at Leningrad State University. In 1928, Dmitry was arrested for being a member of the "Space Academy of Sciences." The reason for the arrest was specifically that Likhachev gave a report on the Old Russian spelling, which was tainted by the enemy. He was sentenced to 5 years, which he was serving in the Solovki camp. In 1932 he was released early. He returned to his hometown. Soon he had two daughters. After staying at the camp, he wrote his very first work for the science of card games in the criminal world. An interesting fact is that immediately after his release, he began work in the forensic cabinet, which brought him a lot of pleasure, as it gave him the opportunity to learn something completely new.
Revalue the contribution of Likhachev in the development and studyliterature of ancient Russia is impossible. It was he who wrote the best works on this topic, which are still teaching materials for students. He also took an active part in recreating the Monrepos couple near St. Petersburg. Thanks to his assistance, a book series entitled “Literary Monuments” was also released. He changed a huge number of posts, his experience is simply limitless. His rewards are countless, since in every field with which he came into contact, Likhachev left a significant and significant mark.
Profession and patriotism
Мы начинаем рассматривать первую главу книги, written by Dmitry Likhachev. “Earth is dear”, a brief content of which we will consider, is a three-dimensional volume work consisting of 10 chapters. We will try to talk briefly about each of them.
В первой главе автор рассказывает о том, что у every person in life should have one global goal. In addition to short-term and small deeds, a person should strive for something really great. It is very important to be passionate about your profession. Most of all this concerns teachers and doctors - they should serve the maximum benefit to the community. Likhachev says that such a goal is the love and protection of the motherland, his people. It is a feeling that awakens hidden early forces in a person, protecting him from trouble and dissatisfaction. At the same time, Dmitry Sergeevich emphasizes that a person should try to learn about the past of all nations and nationalities. Love for your people should be inherent in everyone.
Does a personal opinion express on anyabout Likhachev? “The land is dear”, the brief content of which we began to consider, already in the first chapter appears before us in such lines: “I love Ancient Russia ...”. The author is not afraid to speak openly about what he feels and thinks, and this deserves respect. Such courage in those times was inherent only to those who were ready to lay down their heads for their homeland. Very briefly in this chapter, the author praises (note deservedly) Russian literature and art of the XIX century. The main idea that Likhachev is trying to convey in this chapter is that studying the past can greatly enrich modern society, give it something new, bright and interesting. You can understand today only if you see it against the background of the whole historical past.
About intelligence
Чем порадует во второй главе Д. С.Likhachev? “Earth is dear”, the brief content of which we are considering is a kind of life guide for all young people and the younger generation. In this chapter, Dmitry Sergeevich focuses the reader’s attention on the fact that educated people should be intelligent in any situation. This quality is necessary not only for the individual, but also for his environment. He cites as proof the proverb of the people that a person will live long for his parents. The concept of intelligence includes a wide range of concepts, such as a respectful dispute, imperceptible help to another, modest behavior, and nature care.
As a personal experience, Likhachev gives an examplepeasants from the North, who, in his opinion, were truly intelligent people. They had very clean houses, they were friendly to others, they knew how to listen and tell interesting stories, their way of life was orderly. In addition, he notes that they could empathize with both happiness and distress. What did Academician Likhachev (“Land of the Native”) mean in his work? A summary of the book will help us answer this question. Specifically, this chapter deals not only with manners (with which the term “intelligence” is often confused), but also with other important qualities that the person himself has the power to bring up.
Don't be funny
What does Likhachev tell us in this chapter?“Native Land”, a brief chapter-by-contents, which we are reviewing, will tell us in this section how people behave in unusual situations. Previously it was believed that if a person had a grief, then he should not show it openly, shift his negative mood to others. It is necessary to behave smoothly, not to dive into the problem, maintain dignity, and even try to be fun. But in the XIX century, this rule gradually disappeared in the circles of the aristocracy. Young people behaved ironically, it was considered beautiful, witty, modern. At the same time, a person who is always cheerful is for those around him. Constant laughter and fun tires everyone. A person who goes too far in this matter simply becomes a fool for others, he loses his dignity, he is not taken seriously.
It is important for a person to learn to joke, but notlook too funny. After all, this skill not only raises your weight in society, but is also a sign of the mind. In this case, it should not be ridiculous in everything. This does not apply solely to humor. It is necessary to apply this rule to different areas of life: for example, choosing the right clothes for different occasions so as not to look ridiculous. But at the same time, you should not drive yourself into the frame. Do not worry about their shortcomings - you need to learn how to use them correctly. Sometimes stutters become the best speakers. "... try to be modest, quiet." - this is what DS Likhachev ("Land of the Native") teaches. The summary of the book does not fully reflect the wealth of language and wisdom that the reader will find when studying the book.
Big in small
In this chapter, the book of D.S.Likhachev concerned the question of purpose in human life. Suppose there is a goal. In our case, it can be love and protection of the Motherland, as mentioned earlier. But how to go to your goal? What ways to achieve it? What can be done, and why not? The chapter “Big in the Small” tells in detail about Dmitry Sergeevich’s personal view of this question. A wise goal should cover the whole life of a person, all his spheres. Moreover, some ligament is needed between the goal and the means that are used. What does Likhachev think about this? “Earth is native” (a very brief content in the article) reflects Dmitry Sergeevich’s view as perfectly as possible. He says that the goal never justifies the means - it is only an excuse for cruel and immoral acts. And as a visual proof, he cites an example from the classics. More specifically, Fyodor Mikhailovich's “Crime and Punishment” is given as an example, where it is brilliantly shown that achieving the desired through hurting others never brings good results.
What can give useful book "Native Land"(Likhachev)? The summary makes it clear that there are a lot of useful grains in it - just sit and disassemble. The main desire. There are many good teachers in Russia - these are our wonderful authors who have created inexpressible wealth and treasure of wisdom for future generations. This chapter is a must-read for anyone who wants to achieve something in life!
Youth is all life
The title of this chapter of the book has become an aphorism.And let the author not always know, but the meaning of the phrase is conveyed - and this is important for the author. What else did DS want to say? Likhachev? "Land of the dear" (a summary of the book on chapters) will help us to figure it out. Here the author pays attention to the fact that youth is the most wonderful time in a person’s life. You shouldn't think that Dmitry Sergeevich leads extensive conversations about how great it is to live in a young body: not at all. He focuses on some aspects that are more accessible to a person at a young age. For example, the author shares such observations that it is much easier to make real friends in his youth. At this time, the multifaceted character of a person and his circle of communication are formed, which, more often than not, remains for life.
More Dmitry Sergeyevich says that manIt's easier to go through life with friends. They will help to survive difficult moments, to share grief and joy. In fact, joy, which cannot be shared with anyone, is not joy at all. But nevertheless it is worth being attentive, and not to accept as friends the first comer. Such people should be chosen patiently and carefully. It is clear that if a good relationship is established, then, in theory, everything should go like clockwork. In fact, everything is much more complicated. It is very important to look closely at the person, to notice his features, small details in behavior. It is also important to know how your friend responds to the successes of others. Grief is not as difficult to experience with a friend as it is to experience joy. When trouble happens, pity and empathy themselves are beating on our hearts. When a person is fine, a lot of joy, positive, and in life everything goes awry, it is much more difficult to remain loyal and sincere friends.
Learn to speak and write
Что же нам поведает в этой главе Дмитрий Sergeevich Likhachev? “Earth is dear”, the brief content of which we are reviewing, will open up important secrets of rhetoric. In this chapter we will learn how important it is to speak correctly, to follow our speech, to write competently and beautifully. However, Likhachov considers this question closer to the end of the chapter, but first it is about the importance of language as a phenomenon in the life of society. Russian language has evolved over a thousand years, it is one of the most advanced languages in the world. In the XIX century, a galaxy of talented writers created an incredible number of beautiful and delightful poems, precisely because of the language! The author quotes Turgenev as a real quote: “One cannot believe that such a language was not presented to a great people!” This is true, because only the Russian language can boast of such diversity and brightness.
So what is Likhachev interested in?The conversation is led to the fact that, being able to express his thoughts beautifully and correctly, a person receives the most powerful weapon in his hand. Properly constructed speech can save a person from many problems, as well as give him many new privileges.
Лихачев делает акцент на том, что язык - это не only an indicator of the people, but also the personal qualities of each individual. But if speech can give so many advantages, then why is it necessary to write well? In fact, the ability to beautifully express their thoughts on paper is necessary not only for a poet or a writer. This skill is necessary for every person who wants to write letters, keep diaries and decorate paper with a pen. And on the occasion, if someone says that a special gift is needed for this, the author gives a small hint: in order to learn, one must do it.
Do you want to understand better what Likhachev means?“Earth native” summary (briefs) which can be read on any convenient site will help you with this. This section of the book is devoted to one of the most beautiful phenomena - literature. It gives a person the opportunity to try on someone’s role, to live the life of another person. In this way, you can gain global experience that can help throughout life. Every educated person must have pets in literature that he can almost know by heart. To return to the old book, in which every detail and twist of the plot is known, is like returning to your home where you are always loved and waited.
Will Likhachev give us examples (“Earth is native”).Any person can read a brief summary of the briefley in order to find all the examples that the author cites from his life. The article contains only selected passages. Dmitry Sergeevich tells that Leonid Georg, a teacher of literature at school, taught him to disinterested reading. For reference, Dmitry Likhachev studied in those times when teachers could be absent for a long time in a lesson or not come to him at all. What did his teacher do in such cases? He came to the classroom and offered to read something. The children happily agreed, because they knew how their teacher could read: everyone was delighted and listened fascinated. Likhachev shares memories that, thanks to such peculiar reading lessons, he knew many passages from War and Peace, the stories of Guy de Maupassant, some of Krylov's fables. In addition, the love of literature was instilled in him at home: his father or mother often read to him at night. At the same time, children were not read banal tales about Ivan Tsarevich, but historical novels, the books of Leskov, Mamin-Sibiryak and other “non-children's” authors.
Через всю книгу автор несет мысль о том, что should read classic works, because they are verified times. Such works help to better understand the world around us and people. But Dmitriy Sergeevich is not a hypocrite, he insists on the fact that young people read modern literature. The main thing that the author calls for is not to fuss, because at the same time the most precious thing in the life of a person is to spend - his time.
Raise a friend
What does Likhachev mean?“Earth is native,” a brief summary of which we study, in this chapter will tell us about relationships. Here we will talk about people who can wake up in others the best features. It will also be said about those who, by their behavior, form a circle of irritated and dreary people around them. Likhachev said that one should be able to find something good and common in each person: in the old, uninteresting, dreary. It is important to be able to find sociability, ease and smile even in a crooked granny.
Specifically, the elderly pays great attentionLikhachev. “Earth is dear” (a summary of the chapter from the book) tells us that old people are often talkative. Yet this is no ordinary talkativeness - very often they turn out to be excellent storytellers. Also, such people remember a lot of different events, songs and fun situations: they are rarely just asked. It is very important not to notice people's shortcomings, because everyone has them. Especially it concerns any physical or age defects. And yet, one should make friendly relations with the elderly, because they have not long to live - that is what Likhachev teaches. The “native land” full and brief content are completely different things. If you are interested in the topic of at least one chapter, it is better to read the entire work and get the vast experience and wisdom of Dmitry Sergeyevich.
Memory is an important and creative process in the brain.person Interesting fact that a person remembers absolutely everything that happens to him during his life: even the earliest years. This information is not so easy to extract from the depths of memory, but it is there. This brain function is always active, because it is it that makes a person develop, think, act, change. Why did DS Likhachev write this chapter (“Earth is native”). The summary of the book makes it clear that the point is to convey the idea that there would be no memory - there would be nothing!
Именно и только память может противостоять of time. Even if some memories are erased, they can be recorded. Thanks to her, the past becomes part of the present and the future, and vice versa. Want to know more about what Likhachev thought about it? “Earth is dear”, the brief content of which is almost complete, will not allow to plunge completely into the thoughts of the author. It is very important to read such a work in one piece and without interruption - as Likhachev himself advises (“Earth is native”). It is very convenient to read the brief summary of the brief, because all the main theses are presented there, but this is not enough to fully cover the information.
Также автор делает акцент на том, что без памяти no conscience. In fact, if this process were not in our head, society would remain at the primitive level of development! It is memory that is the motive force that makes us compare, draw conclusions, it becomes better.
Summing up the article, I want to say:"Thank you, Dmitry Likhachev!" “Land of the dear” (brief summary of the briefliness) is a great contribution to the development of the whole society, which cannot be assessed as it is so comprehensive and rich. Still, the talent of the writer is really inherent in Dmitry Likhachev ... or does he just know how to properly express his thoughts? Well, if in order to write so you do not need talent, but you just need to be able to express yourself correctly, then perhaps you should learn this. This book is a real discovery for those who were not familiar with such a figure as Likhachev, as well as for all those who are in search of a real teacher.