/ / Action movies about martial arts: a list of the best

Action movies about martial arts: the list of the best

A rare movie genre boasts suchentertainment and attractiveness as action movies about martial arts. The best of these films can start to look from the middle and still feel glued to the sofa. However, a good fighter combines a fascinating plot and beautiful impressive battles, so it’s not boring to revise it several times. Below you can see the best action films about martial arts, which, according to fans of the genre, it is worth at least once to see everyone.

Ip Man (2008)

Speaking of which are the best action movies aboutmartial arts, one can not forget about this movie. Semi-biographical film, telling about the life of a real person - a mentor of the legendary Bruce Lee. The events of the film unfold at the beginning of the 20th century during the Second Sino-Japanese War. A talented martial artist Ip Man lives in the city of Foshan, which is famous for its kung fu schools. For some reason, he does not take students and practically does not participate in fights - he still has no equal. When the invaders come to Foshan, the heir to the wealthy Ip Man family is forced to earn a living with the same hard work as all the other citizens. But he remains one of the few who tries to preserve the honor and dignity to which Kung Fu obliges him. That's just to do it in such difficult times will not be easy.

action movies about martial arts

"Hero" (2002)

Split into separate principalities of Chinafinally a leader appears, ready to put an end to strife and unite the country, becoming its emperor. But such a prospect, of course, does not suit everyone. Therefore, immediately three renowned killers in their craft, ideally possessing martial arts, are sent behind the head of this brave man. And then the warrior, nicknamed the Nameless, stands up to defend the future emperor, who will fight each of the mercenaries.

"House of Flying Daggers" (2004)

Emperor's undercover agent, Captain Zin, tracks downleaders of the rebel movement - "House of flying daggers." These people rob the rich and share with the poor, winning their appreciation. In addition, they are great fighters, and finding them is not so easy. Therefore, Zing tries to act carefully. When the police succeed in attacking the trail of the daughter of the rebel leader, the captain decides to win her confidence and thus go to the others. True, fulfilling his cunning plan, Zing begins to notice that his sympathy for the girl becomes quite sincere. But who knows, isn't the beauty herself playing a double game?

street fighter film

The Fist of the Legend (1994)

Молодой человек из Китая по имени Чен Чжен учится at a japanese institute. He has a hard time, because Japanese students in every way oppress and persecute the Chinese. Only good possession of kung-fu allows Chen to resist numerous ill-wishers and to go whole from the frequent fights. But once a familiar life changes. The young man learns that his wise and peace-loving mentor died at the hands of the Japanese martial arts master. Chen decides to return to his homeland, to personally understand what happened and take revenge on the perpetrators. In the main role of the film "Fist of the Legend" - the famous Jet Li.

bloody sport

Comedy fighter about martial arts

Comedy thriller "Showdown in the style of Kung Fu"(2004) tells about the adventures of the hapless rogue Sina. Once this young man dreamed of becoming a noble hero and master of kung-fu, but life circumstances directed him to the path of crime. However, here too he has not succeeded and lives somehow interrupting himself from rice to water. In the end, Sin and his friend decide to take a desperate step: impersonate the members of the local gang, called "Axes," and try to collect tribute instead. In this case, two comrades gathered to rob the inhabitants of the last urban area, on which this organization had not yet managed to impose a paw - the so-called "Pigsty". But the matter turns out to be even more complicated than it seemed: all the inhabitants of this place, who seemed to be quite ordinary people, turn out to be martial arts masters to check. The rash act of Sin and his comrade becomes a pretext for the beginning of the real war between the "Pigsty" and the "Axes".

fist of legend

"The Way of the Dragon" (1972)

Time to become a classic film with the participation ofthe legendary Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. Young kung fu master Tan Lee arrives in Italy to help family friends set up a business. Their main problem was not the suppliers or the customers, but the local gangsters who were trying to select the Chinese restaurant open with such difficulty. Tan Lee will try to solve this misunderstanding with his radical methods.

The film is about a karate guy

The film "The Karate Boy" (1984) about an ordinary American high school student Daniel, who, along with his mother, recently moved to the outskirts of Los Angeles. Relationships with new classmates did not work out: in the very first days at the new place, Daniel unwittingly crossed the road to the main school fighter. Once beaten by the company of the brutal hooligans, the boy realizes that this will happen again and again. To learn to somehow resist, he turns for help to a new neighbor who owns the martial arts - Mr. Miyagi. This friendly, but a bit strange elderly Japanese kindly agrees to teach the student the basics of self-defense. Here are just teaching methods for him are a bit strange ...

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Drunken Master (1978)

Юный Вон Фэйхун унаследовал талант к martial arts from his father, the master of kung fu. But the character did not come out: no one listens and constantly gets involved in senseless fights, creating trouble for his parent. Tired of fighting a wayward offspring, his father gives him a disciple to another mentor - the master of the style of "eight drunken saints" named Sow. Teaching a new style seems to Feyhun to be a mockery, he diligently shirks and continues his former careless lifestyle ... Until one day he crosses the road to a professional assassin named Swift Leg. He decides not to kill the guy and, having plenty to mocked, he lets go home. From that day on, Vaughn Feyhun decides to take his studies seriously, because such meetings tend to repeat. The main role in the film is played by Jackie Chan.

"Street Fighter" (1994)

The film "Street fighter" was based oneponymous computer game. A power-hungry general, Bayson, having gathered a small army, suddenly seizes power in the fictional country of Shadale. Moreover, he takes hostages and demands an astronomical ransom for their lives from the world community. Unfortunately, the villain is well armed and poses a real threat. To reach the mad dictator locked in a guarded military base, an elite squad of soldiers headed by Colonel Gail is taken. The film "Street Fighter" is in the filmography of the legendary Jean-Claude Van Damme. He is the leading man.

karate guy

Blood Sports (1988)

US Army Officer Frank Dukes Desertsfrom a military unit to take part in a seemingly more peaceful activity - the unofficial kumite world championship. The best fighters of the world come to this event in Hong Kong, but Frank is not scared. After all, from childhood he studied martial arts with a Japanese master along with his own son. However, the young adventurer is still waiting for a lot of unforeseen adventures: American agents searching for a fugitive, an affair with a journalist and dishonest rivals in competitions. In the movie "Blood Sport", the main role was also played by the famous Jean-Claude Van Damme. It is worth noting that he played brilliantly.

Now you know the best fighters about martial arts. Enjoy watching!