/ / Oksana Korneva - former member of the TV project "Dom-2"

Oksana Korneva - the former participant of the teleproject "Dom-2"

Oksana Korneva is one of the former participants of the TV project “Dom-2”. She was born in 1985 in the Stavropol region.

Oksana root

TV show House 2"

Known all over the country the TV project “House-2” eachweek takes new members. The purpose of their arrival is “to build your love” (the motto of the TV project). Participants are constantly under the sights of many cameras, and a multimillion public watches their relationships. There are a lot of people who want to get on the reality show, and therefore to be there is a great success.

Arrival to the project

Одной из таких удачливых участниц стала Оксана Root Kesha, as many of the project’s “residents” called her, came to the reality show on July 30, 2004. This happened almost three months after the television project started. Our heroine left on September 16, 2004. The girl stayed there for a very short time - 48 days. At that time she was 28 years old.

Oksana made a first impression on the participants.“Dom-2” with its competent speech, accurate analysis of the characters of the project guys and the ability to communicate their thoughts to other people. In herself, she highlighted her culinary skills. Our heroine was always ready to conquer the participants with Caucasian dishes. According to the results of voting, the guys of the TV project Oksana were almost unanimously left on a reality show, thereby ousting their rival. Although many noted that the opponent was outwardly much more attractive than our heroine. Nevertheless, the guys made their choice in favor of intelligence.

Kesha quickly joined the life of the team.She was remembered by many TV viewers for her cheerful disposition, openness, sociability, rich inner world, demeanor and passionate desire to build relationships with one of the brightest participants in the TV project, May Abrikosov. Although her parish the rest was associated with the desire to conquer another guy - Oscar. Oksana Korneva singled him out as the ideal man on the “frontal spot”. But, as it turned out, Oscar did not interest her at all, but May was interested in her. This is our heroine in the first days of her stay at the project “Dom-2” shared with her mother in a telephone conversation.

Love to may

Korneva was remembered by all her drug love for May. She wanted him to see in her individuality, being different from others.

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At first, Oksana is pretty cool with him.communicated, although distinguished him from others. Apparently, the girl was afraid to reveal her sympathy or was afraid that Mai, like many of her friends outside the perimeter, would see in her only a friend. And so it happened - the young man could not see in her what Oksana wanted. Relationship did not work out, the guy did not pay any attention to her, and Oksana Korneva left the project.

In an attempt to attract the attention of May, she behavedsometimes weird. Once beat him with a kitchen board. The girl was constantly looking for reasons for conflict, provoked. She did not win the love of May with such aggressive behavior, but set him against herself. Understanding this, Oksana cried, but she could not help herself with tears, but she did not want to change her behavior or simply could not.

Oksana Korneva left the project, never having built there strong relations with anyone, whom she dreamed about and wrote in her questionnaire.

Korneva about yourself

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On the TV project questionnaire, Kesha wrote a little about herself. She is a big lover of people drawing. Among the hobbies, our heroine singled out dancing, singing, swimming and organizing competitions.

For the sake of her own happiness, Oksana Korneva (photo - in the article) was ready for much. She herself said that she was ready to break even other people's relations in order to build her love with excellent sex.

The longest novel she called herrelationships that lasted a year and two months. It all ended because her young man started taking drugs. Oksana had a lot of friends around the perimeter among the guys, and she believed that many of them did not know how to choose girls.

Deadly Accident

8 января 2009 года участница реалити-шоу «Дом-2» Oksana Korneva with two young people tried to cross the “Garden Ring” in the area leaving the tunnel under Mayakovsky Square in the wrong place. They were hit by a minivan. The girlfriend and actor of the Moscow Art Theater Roman Grechishkin (they were with her in the car) died immediately. And Oksana was still alive by the time the ambulance arrived. The girl died already in the hospital.

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Reviews of the TV project

The television project "Dom-2" caused a lot of its appearancecriticism to your address. There were a lot of negative reviews. Opponents of reality TV more than once contributed to its closure. Repeatedly on this occasion there were appeals to the court, but, despite this, the teleproject in May 2014 celebrated its 10 years. Closing it in the near future is not planned. The TV project even hit the Guinness Book of Records as "the longest reality show in the world." The number of participants “House-2” already exceeded two thousand. And this is not the limit, as there are a huge number of people who want to get on the reality show. Castings are held throughout the country. The project participants come from Ukraine, Belarus, Greece and other countries.