/ / Jared Padalecki - movies list. Jared Padalecki: height, weight and personal life

Jared Padalecki - the filmography. Jared Padalecki: height, weight and personal life

It's always nice to discover new names.talented actors. Hooking once for an (still) unfamiliar face, we begin, after some time, to closely monitor him, noting the successes and failures of the young talent. That discovery was Jared Padalecki. His filmography can not yet boast the number of works, which does not affect the mad popularity of the actor. One has only to name the main project in his career - the series “Supernatural” - as an ardent fan of Sam Winchester will immediately be found.

Jared Padaleki filmography

Facts from biography

The full name of the actor is Jared Tristan Padalecki.And although the place of his birth is San Antonio (Texas), the actor has Polish roots. This he owes to his father's grandfather. The latter, by the way, never did art. He was a tax accountant. And my mother worked as a school teacher. In the family, besides Jared, there are two more children: Jeff is the elder brother and younger sister Megan.

Actor Jared Padalecki was trained in secondarySchool of San Antonio named Madison. In the same school, he attended special courses on acting. The talented boy was noticed, and purposeful work began on polishing his inclinations. In 1999, he managed to prove himself at the competition "Claim To Fame". As an incentive prize, he was honored to present one of the “Teen Choice Award” awards. At the same time, he met his manager.

The desire to play, live other people's lives has becomedecisive when choosing a further life path. Padalecki abandons his planned admission to the University of Texas and moves to Los Angeles to realize his acting ambitions.

Carier start

Modest role in never becoming popularthe film “A Little Inside” is the first milestone in the actor’s film career. The filming of the Gilmore Girls TV series has become a more visible step towards future popularity. Participation in this television project stretched over five years (from 2000 to 2005). But the producers began to find out who Jared Padaleki was. Filmography actor slowly begins to replenish and other works.

films with jared padadeks

Unhurried steps to the top

And although the talent, appearance and ambitions of the young actor are there, no invitations to major roles have yet been received.

2003 was marked by the release of the comedy “Wholesale Cheaper”. Jared's name did not even appear in the credits, so slightly his participation.

But a year later, in 2004, the actor appeared in the comedy film of the little Olsen sisters “New York Moments”. Let again not the main role, but a more visible project.

And in 2005, films with Jared Padalecki are two thrillers: “A lone wolf”, “House of wax figures”.

And the same 2005 is marked by the casting for a new project - the television series "Supernatural". Jared goes on trial, not knowing then that this is the beginning of a new milestone in his career.

Meet Sam Winchester

It is unlikely that the producers understood that they were launching such a long-running, fantastic saga that would overgrow with the time an army of fans around the world.

Jared Padalecki, the filmographywhich was replenished with one more role: the younger of the Winchester brothers, who hunt evil spirits, driving along the American roads on the Impala (the car that became a legend after the first season came out).

actor Jared Padalecki

For the image of Sam in 2007, the actor was nominated for the award "Teen Choice Award".

In addition, on the set, he metwith the future wife - Genevieve Cortese. And found a close friend in the person of his partner on the TV series Jensen Ackles (he plays in the project of the older of the brothers - Dean Winchester).

Do not stop there

Focusing only on one, albeit very successful, project, the young actor is not going to.

In 2007, the biographical screenribbon on contemporary artist Thomas Kinkade. The film was named "Christmas Cottage". The picture was approved by both viewers and critics. On the wave of such undoubted recognition, the producers decided to shoot at least two more films. They plan to reveal other aspects of the artist's life, to demonstrate his work.

In addition to filming movies, Padalecki triedyourself and as a TV show host. Ashton Kutcher invited him to his reality project "Room 401". This show has been on the MTV channel for years and during this time has managed to frighten and cheer a lot of viewers and participants. The meaning of the project is that unwitting participants get into terrible situations modeled by the creators, and in the final they will learn about the draw.

Jared Padalecki growth

Few facts

And now some interesting facts about Jared.For example, many fans are not averse to finding out how tall their beloved Sam Winchester is. Well, Jared Padalecki does not hide his data. Its height is almost two meters: 194 centimeters. Very impressive. Indeed, the texture of the actor is impressive. From his figure breathes strength and confident power.

Being veiled, as is known, plays on actor, and inJared is not offended by this nature. Padalecki, whose weight is about 88 kilograms, does not ignore the gym, realizing the need to always maintain its shape. And you can lose it pretty quickly if you press on your favorite dishes of the actor: cheeseburgers and fries. Jared himself admitted to being addicted to fast food.

In addition, through various interviews, we can learn that the actor is a loyal viewer of the film "Good Will Hunting." And at leisure, she likes to reread the novel “The Great Gatsby”.

Jared Padaleki weight

Fans can even name the zodiac sign, under which the actor was born in 1982. Padalecki, according to the western horoscope - Cancer.

It's no secret and celebrity personal life.Many remember his tumultuous love affair with Sandra McCoy. She was his partner in the movie "Lone Wolf". But then the passion of their relationship is not advanced. As mentioned above, on the set of the series about the fighters with dark forces - the Winchester brothers - Jared met Genevieve. She became his wife. In 2012, the Padaleca family was replenished. Born son - Thomas Colton Padalecki.

Конечно, поклонники надеются на то, что a talented actor will continue to develop his career. I would like to see other aspects of the talent that Jared Padalecki has. His filmography is just beginning to be filled with projects. Different projects: fantastic, dramatic, comedy.