Our today's heroine is ClaraNovikova, whose biography interests thousands of her fans. Do you also want to know where she was born and studied? How old is Clara Novikova? How does the personal life of a famous artist evolve? We are ready to provide exhaustive information about her person. We wish you pleasant reading!
Klara Novikova: biography, childhood and youth
She was born on December 12, 1946 in the capitalUkraine - Kiev. Her maiden name is Herzer. In what kind of family was the future stage artist brought up? Clara's mother, Polina Semyonovna, was a housewife. Her father, Boris Herzer, participated in the Great Patriotic War. In peacetime, he served as director of the shoe store. Our heroine has a brother Leonid. Now he lives in the USA.
Parents of the soul did not like their beloved daughter. Father tried to keep Clara in severity. Therefore, she knew from early years that such a discipline.
Our heroine grew up an obedient and intelligent child.At school she studied well. Clara's favorite subjects were music, drawing (drawing) and literature. Several times a week the girl attended various mugs - needlework, dances and so on.
In high school, Clara took a great interest in theatricalart. She played in the school theater. The girl successfully got used to any role, be it Baba-yaga or a princess. Teachers predicted a bright future for her. And they were not mistaken.
Where did Clara Novikova come from after high school? Biography says that she chose a studio of variety art circus, located in the city of Kiev.
A few years later, our heroine went to Moscow. In the Russian capital she managed to enter the GITIS from the very first time. The girl was considered one of the best students on the course.
Creative activity
Today, many of us know who Klara Novikova is. Monologues of the artist cause laughter and are easily remembered. But she had to go a long way to fame.
In 1974, Clara first appeared as a varietyactress. She took part in the All-Union Contest of Variety Artists. Her sense of humor and ability to stay on stage was highly appreciated by a professional jury. As a result, Clara was recognized as the winner of the contest. And the prize was handed to her by Arkady Raikin himself.
In 1976, Novikov was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Concert Hall, which was headed by Pavel Leonidov. Within the walls of this institution, she gained invaluable experience on the stage.
In 1992, Clara Borisovna began to speak inTheater of variety miniatures. Khudruk Mikhail Zhvanetsky praised the actress for diligence and responsible approach to any business. Later, Novikova moved to work in the Israeli theater "Gesher". There she was able to reveal herself as an actress of a dramatic genre.
All-Russian fame came to ClaraNovikova after she began to appear in the program "Full House". Our heroine went on tour together Regina Dubovitskaya, Sergei Drobotenko, Lena Sparrow and other humorists.
During the participation in the "Full House" Novikova created a lot of funny and realistic images. Take, for example, Aunt Sonya. The actress told many funny stories from her face.
Personal life of Clara Novikova
Our heroine has always been popular withrepresentatives of the opposite sex. Even in the senior classes, a cheerful and pretty girl was courted by the boys. But Clara did not hurry up to respond to them. She was waiting for a big and pure love. And soon, fate gave her the opportunity to experience this wonderful feeling.
Within the walls of the Kiev circus schoolshe met Viktor Novikov. They studied on the same course and spent a lot of time together. Soon the lovers played a wedding. However, their marriage did not last long. Clara and Victor realized that they had cooled to each other. They managed to quietly and peacefully issue a divorce. Our heroine decided to leave her husband's surname. And to this day it is known as Novikov Clara.
The second husband of the actress became a sports journalist.Yuri Zerchaninov. In 1976, the couple had a daughter, Masha. She had already grown up and followed in the footsteps of her father - she received a higher education in the specialty “journalist”. Maria has three children (Andrei, Anna and Leo). Klara Novikova adores her grandchildren. The actress tries to pamper them and see them as often as possible.
In 2009, a grief occurred in the family of the artist. Her beloved husband, Yuri, passed away. Klara Borisovna suffered a native person. And only work saved a woman from a deep depression.
How old is Klara Novikova today? She is 69.It is impossible to believe. The actress looks maximum for 45-50 years. What is the secret of her youth? First, Klara Borisovna adheres to proper nutrition. Secondly, she cares for the face, hair and body, using folk recipes. Thirdly, Novikova does not forget about sports. In the morning a woman makes jogging. And at home she is engaged on a stationary bike.
Now you know which path to popularitydid Clara Novikova. The biography of this artist is a good example of how a talented person overcomes obstacles and achieves his goals. We wish her creative success and good health!