/ / Small Drama Theater: about the theater, repertoire, troupe

Small drama theater: about the theater, repertoire, troupe

The Small Drama Theater is one of the oldest in Russia. Since 1988, his artistic director is an actor Yuri Solomin. Address - Theater Way, house number 1.

About the theater

small drama theater

The Moscow Small Drama Theater was established in1756 year. It was then that the first troupe was assembled. The opening of the institution took place on the orders of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. "Small" - was the first professional theater in our country.

His troupe presented the first performance "The Marriage of Figaro" to the public in January 1787. The repertoire then included Russian and foreign classics.

In 1803 the theater was divided into two troupes - drama and opera. Each had its own repertoire. But the management and the building of both troupes were common.

In 1824 the theater received its own premises - the former mansion of the merchant Vargin. In it it is located to this day.

In 1822, a new actor appeared in the troupe - the legendary MS Shchepkin. In the second half of the XIX century for the theater they wrote plays by A. Ostrovsky, I. S. Turgenev and many others.

There was a triumphal debut and begancareer of the great actress M. N. Yermolova. M. Schepkin opened a school for future actors at the theater. In 1938 she was transformed into a school. And since 1943 - in high school.

Today, the Small Drama Theater is an adherent of the traditions of the past. The basis of the repertoire is composed of classical works.

Each season the theater presents 4-5 premieresperformances. The troupe is touring all over the world. "Small" is the organizer of the All-Russian festival "Ostrovsky in the House of Ostrovsky". It is conducted in order to support provincial troupes.

The Small Theater is a national treasure.


Moscow Small Drama Theater

The Maly Drama Theater in the 2015-2016 season offers the following performances:

  • "School of taxpayers".
  • "Mad Money".
  • "Philumen Marturano."
  • "The Power of Darkness."
  • “Tram“ Desire ”.
  • "Day to day is not necessary."
  • "Mysterious box".
  • "Children of the Sun".
  • "The heart is not a stone."
  • "Cinderella".
  • "Wedding, Wedding, Wedding".
  • "Imaginary patient."
  • "Almost everything about love."
  • "The heirs of Raburden."
  • "The Last Idol."

And so on.


Maly Drama Theater has a huge troupe. Among the artists a lot of famous names.

Actors of the theater:

  • Maxim Khrustalev.
  • Elina Bystritskaya.
  • Polina Dolinskaya.
  • Yuri Solomin.
  • Catherine Porubel.
  • Boris Klyuev.
  • Ekaterina Vasilyeva.
  • Vitaly Konyaev.
  • Philip Martsevich.
  • Irina Muravyova.
  • Valery Knyazev.
  • Boris Nevzorov.
  • Gleb Podgorodinsky.
  • Vladimir Nosik.
  • Mikhail Martyanov.
  • Lyudmila Titova.
  • Yuri Ilya.
  • Zinaida Andreeva.

And many others.