/ / Team Avengers: Marvel Superheroes

Team Avengers: Marvel Superheroes

Marvel Comics Superheroes Recentlygained enormous popularity and continue to develop at a rapid pace. The Marvel Universe includes a huge number of heroes, villains, ordinary people and other characters, one way or another connected with superhero themes.

Normally Marvel superheroes have their own background,which is dedicated to a separate film, and sometimes several. The central place in the universe is occupied by the characters of the Avengers squad. The films about them turned out to be very successful, people liked these Marvel superheroes, which means it’s time to create one global project that will unite the most popular heroes of the cinema universe and amaze with its scale, both in quality and in financial terms.

So it happened. The film "The Avengers", which was released in 2012, has become one of the highest grossing in the history of cinema. At the moment, fees exceed one and a half billion dollars.

So which Marvel superheroes are part of the Avengers? In total, it includes 6 characters, each of which has its own individual qualities and abilities.

Iron Man

marvel superheroes

Tony Stark is one of the richest people on the planet, andconcurrently, the brilliant scientist and inventor of weapons. Tony and his father made their fortune in the production of various kinds of ammunition, but when Tony grew up, he realized that his inventions bring people only pain and suffering, so he refused to manufacture weapons, collected himself a high-tech iron suit and began to use it to fight evil and the protection of humanity.

Iron man is the most charismaticteam member. Most of the jokes in the film, which are so loved by many viewers, are in his remarks. In Marvel films, the game of superheroes usually does not disappoint, and the actor Robert Downey Jr. also coped with his role perfectly.

Tony Stark himself does not possess anysuperpowers, however, the suit makes him one of the strongest team members. It is Iron Man who most often plays the decisive role in many battles involving the Avengers.

Captain America

marvel superhero team

The film about Captain America marked the beginning of a long journey towards creating a full-fledged film about the Avengers. This is evidenced by his name "The First Avenger".

Steve Rogers was a common, frail boy whodid not even want to take the army, because of a weak physique. However, this did not stop him, he tried with all his might to get to the war to help his country.

One day, Steve comes across to a scientist who invented the serum of a super-soldier, thinking about those who should become the first person to experience its effects. This man was Steve.

Сыворотка наделила его способностями к regeneration and a huge muscle mass, and strength, and the government of America gave him to equip a shield of heavy-duty metal, able to withstand the impact of any power. This made Captain America virtually invulnerable and able to cope with any enemy.


marvel game superheroes

Bruce Benner was a scientist and worked withgamma radiation, studying its effects on the cells of the body. One day, one of his assistants landed right under the radiator, and Bruce, in order to save a comrade, covered the radiator with his body, receiving a huge dose of gamma irradiation.

Colleagues and relatives thought that the chances of survivalBruce is practically nonexistent, however, he not only survived, but also acquired an unusual ability to turn into a ferocious monster every time when something unnerves him.

In the Avengers squad, the Hulk is the largest andthe strongest character in terms of physical strength. Turning into a monster, he can not control himself and begins to break and destroy everything around, weakly distinguishing between his and others, therefore even the members of the detachment often get from him.


marvel comics superheroes

The only superhero who is notby man. Thor arrived on earth from his distant kingdom, called Asgard. The purpose of his visit is to help earthlings, because here he found his love and help when he was in a difficult situation.

The main source of strength is his hammer, which allows this character to fly, control lightning and strike incredible strength.

Hawkeye and Black Widow

marvel superheroes

These characters, unlike the rest, do not have their own films, but only appear in some of the Marvel films as secondary characters.

Black widow viewers know from the movies aboutIron Man, and Hawkeye appeared in the movie about Thor. They do not have superpowers, but only are well-trained soldiers, excellent possession of military weapons.

Team Avengers can be considered centralsuperheroes of the Marvel universe. Of course, every comic lover has his favorite Marvel superheroes, but for the film about the Avengers, the company has been going on for a very long time and this path was far from easy. Fortunately, he was successful and met all the expectations of the audience. In the history of Marvel, a team of superheroes will forever remain one of the most successful projects.