/ / Oil paintings for beginners in stages. Simple oil paintings for beginners

Oil paintings for beginners in stages. Simple oil paintings for beginners

Now many choose their hobbycrafts or various options for artistic creation. With the market filled with mass-produced goods, the demand for handmade souvenirs is increasing. Photos or computer illustrations are printed many times. An exclusive thing you can create by learning how to paint oil paintings for beginners. To master this technique of painting is quite possible even for a beginner. So you will make a wonderful gift or decoration for the interior. Even if you try to repeat exactly one story twice, the perfect copy will not work anyway. This causes the uniqueness of the original works of art.

Preparation of materials

To create oil paintings for beginners, you will need the following:

  • base (canvas or fiberboard);
  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • solvent (white spirit) and a small container for it;
  • palette for mixing colors.

oil paintings for beginners
Профессионалы также используют мастихины — special metal flexible shovels with a wooden handle, which paint on the canvas. A beginner can master brushes. In addition, professionals write pictures on an easel or a special sketchbook, if they go to work for nature, in order to write oil paintings from life. Landscapes for beginning artists - the plot is quite complicated. It is better to do them by imagination or using a photo. It will be easier.

From the point of view of professionals, work onThe easel is more convenient, as it is easier to move away and evaluate the result from afar. In your first experience, you can study on the surface of the table, although it is better to take some veneer and put it on your lap or put it on a chair at an angle. Such a review of your work allows you to better assess its quality and notice errors in time. Although for the first experience it is worth doing as it is convenient and comfortable for you, so as not to be distracted from the main thing.

Note that paint is consumed.uneven, so for a beginner it is better to purchase them separately. The form of release is offered in various sizes. Whitewash most quickly disappears, but black paint is used in very small quantities. It makes sense to decide first with the plot, and then buy paint the appropriate shades. For the autumn bouquet, you will need one set, and for the summer landscape - another. In order not to waste money on unnecessary colors, it is better to buy only those that are needed in approximately the required quantity. Although in fact all shades can be obtained with only three primary colors (yellow, red, blue), as well as white and black.

Which base to choose?

oil paintings by emerging artists

Традиционно маслом пишут на холсте, но новичку This may seem complicated, as the fabric must be tied onto the subframe and primed. However, modern technologies have advanced in this direction. In specialized stores sold ready-made bases, which immediately put paint. They cost dearly, but the newcomer will be just right, as they greatly facilitate the work.

Another option is to use fiberboard.In the household of any man there are scraps of this material stored after repair work. Find it is easy by asking friends, relatives or acquaintances. Someone always used it and keeps the rest in the pantry just in case.

The texture of the sides of the hardboard is different, one lookscompletely smooth and the other rough, vaguely resembling a woven structure. You can use both, but on a rough surface it is better to apply a larger number of layers of soil, otherwise the color may seem dull in the future, as the paint will fall into the structure of such a "canvas".

simple oil paintings for beginners

If you decide to try the technique for the first timeoil painting for beginners, you can use the finished fiberboard base with already applied primer. They are also sold in specialized stores for creativity. Sheet size is better to take a small, not larger than the album. When you gain some experience, you will acquire or prime yourself a format of any size.

You can order a frame immediately for your futurethe pictures. Decorated, any canvas looks elegant and complete. However, most often the baguette is selected in color, width to the already finished work. This is also an interesting and creative process. Having seen the same image in different frames, you will understand how different the impression is made by the canvas. Even oil paintings by beginning artists look exquisitely framed in a good frame, and poor design can spoil a professional's canvas. So this stage should also be treated very carefully.

If you still decide to prepare the foundation of the ABSOn your own, a simple and cheap way is to use regular gelatin, you can add PVA glue to it to turn white. Apply this primer should be in several layers with a preliminary drying of the previous one. Three times will be quite enough. You should feel that the surface has become different. When the base is prepared, you can proceed to create a picture.

Types of brushes

Для работы маслом используют щетину или синтетику.Their villi are firm, elastic, interact well with the composition of the paint. For starters, you can buy two or three pieces. Thin, for example, No. 1, will be needed to work out the details, broad ones are needed to make large surfaces of the background in the case of a landscape — sky, grass, water, draperies in a still life. Do not use squirrel brushes for oil. They will spoil. After each application, especially if you are going to take a long break in the creative process, wash the tools thoroughly with a solvent so that the paint does not dry on them.

Oil paintings for beginners in stages

oil paintings landscapes for beginners

If you consider that the materials and the basis you have prepared, the creation of the canvas regardless of the plot consists of the following steps:

1. Apply a linear pattern to the canvas with a simple pencil or paint immediately.

2. Distribute shadows and highlights - the darkest and brightest areas of the image, respectively.

3. Run the background and all large objects.

4. Draw small parts.

Do not forget to constantly move away from the picture,evaluating the result from afar. In the process, try to mix on the palette a variety of shades of colors. The final touch will be the design of the picture in the frame.


Чтобы сделать простые картины маслом для beginners, choose the appropriate theme. The easiest way to make a still life, that is, a composition of household items, a vase with flowers. If you work from life, and you need a lot of time for the first time, use such objects that will not change in a week. You may have to make a picture in a few tricks, therefore, making up a still life for the plot with oil paintings for beginners, it is better not to use flowers. They can change color, wither, or bloom new buds. The perception of the composition will change. It will be difficult for you. The easiest way to work with a photo or copy your favorite picture is not difficult. Do not take plots with more details. It is very difficult to write a portrait.

oil paintings for beginners in stages

How to make a landscape?

If you want to decorate the wall with a view of nature,done independently, it is better to use the manual on how to paint oil paintings for beginners in stages. According to the finished instructions it is quite possible. The main thing is to understand what elements the image consists of, and it is better to start working from the background and the common space, moving successively to smaller details closer to the viewer.

Go to the open air

Painting oil in nature is very nice,However, it is necessary to work quickly, because the weather can deteriorate, and the sun is constantly moving, changing the direction of light and shadows. Novice artists can use the camera, having captured the original view of the landscape. If you get tired of working for a long time for the first time, then you will be able to finish the painting at home.

How to draw flowers?

oil paintings for beginners flowers

If you want to decorate the interior of the roomoil painting with a bouquet in a vase, as the first experience it is better to choose autumn compositions. Perfect asters. They are easy to make, since they are a simple elliptical shape, and small petals are easy to perform with separate strokes in a circle. Chamomiles, sunflowers, lilacs, lupins, and mimosa are also suitable - in a word, choose those that have inflorescences or individual elements of a simple, clear form that can be created in one stroke by drawing several details later. Your task is not to transmit the photographic accuracy of the object, but to create a beautiful impression of what you see.

So, you learned how to create oil paintings for beginners. Choose your favorite story, buy the necessary materials and begin an exciting creative process.