/ / Irina Rossius - popular TV presenter

Irina Rossius - a popular TV host

October 22, 1978 was born the future TV presenter Irina Rossius. Her biography began with a typical "Soviet childhood."

Childhood memories

Ordinary kindergarten, regular school, visiting various circles. Learning the girl was easy, the lively mind and sociability made her a clear leader in the team.

One of the most vivid memories was the restructuring withthe coming to power of Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev - this was the first politician she remembered well. Irina clearly remembers both the lines and the appearance of cost accounting, the occurrence of which hurt the family budget. For music education parents had to pay much more. She remembers the huge queues near the shops.

In the era of Yeltsin, Irina studied in the upper grades of the gymnasium with an economic and mathematical bias. This specialization greatly helped her in the future.

Irina Rossius

Carier start

After the gymnasium was training in the StateUniversity of Management at the Faculty of Economics. Already in the third year, the girl began to cooperate with the media as a correspondent. In the same period, she married, and after a while a son was born.

When in 2004 Vladimir Putin was re-elected tosecond term, Irina began working on the RBC channel. The management quickly noticed and appreciated a bright and ambitious young specialist, which allowed the girl to make an excellent career. It was during this period that Irina Rossius began to understand what was happening in the world economy and how Russia was rapidly gaining strength. She opened the curtain of the subtleties of the geopolitical game.

Work experience

From 2005 to 2006, Irina led a column in the Russian news service.

In 2008, the program "Vesti" liveIrina announced the results of the presidential election. An indelible impression was made by the moment when Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev walked along Red Square to the music of Lube. For her, this frame was remembered for a lifetime.

Называется на данный момент канал, на котором works leading, "Russia 24". Irina Rossius is closely following the events in world politics. She is particularly interested in relations with the United States and the Western powers. She empathizes and very closely takes to heart all the successes and failures of the country on the world stage.

Leading Russia 24 Irina Rossius

One of the most brilliant works as an interviewer- This is an interview taken from the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. After that there were interviews with German Gref, Valentin Gavrilov and Berl Lazar. Many note the high professionalism of Irina Rossius, she skillfully leads the conversation, easily avoids unpleasant topics, and knows how to listen carefully to the interlocutor. Her charming smile immediately attracts.

Many times, Irina had to work in “hotpoints. " A talented person, who is Rossius, is not afraid of difficulties, he is talented in everything. The heroine honorably confronts all the tests that fall on the representatives of this difficult profession.

At the moment, Irina Rossius is the official representative of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Popularity and demand

Popularity has become her constant companion.The appearance of the model and the pronounced charisma broke the heart of more than one fan. Confessions of love and simply delightful compliments overwhelm the forums on the Internet. She is often called for a variety of programs, shows. Irina is also a frequent guest on the radio. So, for many fans, her candid story about her family was discovered on Radio Mayak. In the program “School of Young Fathers”, Irina expressed her opinion on the upbringing of children, taking into account contemporary realities. She noted that both spouses are obliged to participate in raising a child, the father should be an example to follow and educate more strictly, and the mother is charged with the function of instilling in the child a love of peace and kindness.

Irina Rossius biography

Given how much latelythe screen appeared all sorts of professionals in quotes, Irina Rossius always pleased with his appearance on the air. Her professionalism, alas, remains an unattainable height for many new presenters.