/ / Sergey Romanovich: biography and films

Sergey Romanovich: biography and films

Today we will tell who Sergey Romanovich is. A biography of the actor and his main work will be given below. He was born in 1992, July 16. Its birthplace is the city of Tomsk.

Tender May

Sergey Romanovich - the actor who in 2010turned into a student of VGIK, as he entered the workshop of I. Yasulovich. Famous for his role in the film "Tender May." The success of the film due to the theme. The band of perestroika is a mysterious phenomenon.

Sergey Romanovich

On the basis of "affectionate May" learn the principlesbuilding a successful group, which consists mainly of pupils of the orphanage. The viewers representing the older generation expected to find nostalgic motifs in the film, some returning to their youth. The approval of Sergei Romanovich for their role slightly disappointed.


Some people agreeing with endowmentsTomsk high school student, expressed displeasure because of the lack of accurate portrait similarity with the singer "Tender May." Sergei Romanovich in 2008 was selected by Vladimir Vinogradov from dozens of possible applicants for the main role of Yuri Shatunov. The director noted that his preference was based on the actor's musicality, his charm and immediacy.

Sergey Romanovich Actor

The opinion of the film’s creator was supported by the former lead singer of the group. Yuri Shatunova arranged the game actor. External similarity is secondary. The main thing is an organic conformity to a film plan.

Further activities

Sergey Romanovich participated in the youth projecton the TV channel "Russia", which was called "The Magnificent Eight". The game format of this show gathered high school students from various cities of Russia. According to the rules it was necessary to show the presence of artistry, sociability and originality of thinking. The program was built as a competition. At the same time, the teenagers competed for the main prize - direct communication with the heads of major world powers.

Sergey Romanovich couldn't hold out until the finalHowever, I got experience in front of the camera. On the set of "The Magnificent Eight" revealed the talent of a teenager. He was advised to think about the career of an actor. He did not object, therefore he considered several other options in order to use his many-sided abilities. One of them is knowledge of English. He studies them three times a week with a tutor for several years.

Sergey Romanovich biography

Professionals rated the student.Soon he received several offers. In 2009 he appeared in the role of the son of the main character in the series called “Escape”. The film is a version of the American film. In the original, it is called "Prison Break". The actor claims that he is interested in playing a dramatic image. He reincarnated in a teenager who was forced to put in difficult life circumstances. When there is no need to think about the appearance of a certain hero, the quality of the game comes to the forefront. The actor argues that he is the most difficult to succeed scene where you want to make tears. At the same time trick productions bring him pleasure. The actor prefers to play without a backup. He claims to be similar to his own character in character.

As a child, Sergei created problems for hisparents, skipped classes, got bad grades. However, now pranks are in the past. He is quite a serious and independent person who planned his future life. In the painting “Once in Odessa” Sergey got the role of a supporting character. He appears as an assistant Mishka Yaponchik - a Odessa thief.


Now you know who Sergei Romanovich is.Filmography of the actor will be presented below. In 2009, he starred in the movie "Tender May." In 2010, he played in the film “Escape”. In 2011, he worked on the following films: “Brother and Sister”, “Leader of Disabled People”, “Returning Home”, “Life and Adventures of Mishka Yaponchik”, “Match”, “Pandora”, “Remember Me”, “Hour Volkov 5”. In 2012

Sergey Romanovic Filmography

Sergei Romanovich got a role in the movie "Escape 2".From 2012 to 2013, he worked on the Sklifosovsky picture. From 2012 to 2014 starred in the series "Kitchen". In 2013, he worked on the films “Third World War”, “Two Winters and Three Summers”, “Only Girls in Sports”. In 2014, she acted in the pictures “Chernobyl”, “Secret City”, “Embracing the Sky”. Sergey Romanovich is an actor who in 2015 worked on the films “The Crew”, “The Box”, “The Oldest Daughter”. Judging by the filmography, this guy has a great future.