Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a significanta figure in Russian classical literature. But, it should be noted, our author is well known abroad. Many parents, whose children study at school, often ask themselves: how to choose Krylov's fables, which are easy to learn? It's no secret that children are often asked to learn a certain text as a homework. Many people are really worried about what Krylov's fable is the shortest? To find one, many children agree to reread almost the entire collection, which in itself is very good. This article reveals the significance of the most popular fables of Ivan Andreevich and gives advice on how to improve home literature lessons.
Why are these texts still relevant?
No matter how much time has passed since the moment of creationthese original masterpieces of Russian classics, their themes remain in demand and in the present moment. After all, whatever the yard age, the problems, in fact, exist the same.
Жанр басни в творчестве Крылова занимает special place. With the help of small and instructive texts, the writer shows the morality of each particular story, reveals its meaning and meaning. In addition, in our time it will be absolutely superfluous sometimes to stop in time, switch from everyday cares to funny stories, especially since they are always based on an interesting idea.
Krylov's short fables teach a holistic attitude to life, open up new opportunities for children and adults, form the ability to look differently at the everyday reality that surrounds us.
"Dragonfly and the Ant"
A wonderful fable for sure every adultknown since childhood. Its essence lies in the fact that the dragonfly and the ant existed side by side. If the first lived in the same day, appreciating only the present moment, then the latter had to work diligently, prepared for wintering and cold weather. Ant's wisdom and his diligence are contrasted with the idleness and cheerful life that Dragonfly leads. As a result, the worker gets a win, and the slacker is forced to ask him for the night.
Morality is easy to understand:it is necessary to work hard and hard to achieve the goal, otherwise you can stay without a roof over your head and eat. If you choose Krylov's fables with the child, which are easy to learn, then this text is perfect for this purpose.
"Monkey and glasses"
At the beginning of the narrative it is indicated that the monkey,the main heroine of the fable, began to see badly towards old age. She herself did not know how to solve this problem, so she began to listen to the opinions of others. The price of some incredible effort in her paws suddenly turned out to be glasses. But the trouble is: she still did not know how to use them! After a series of unsuccessful attempts to use the points could not be found, and the Monkey broke them, knocking the ground.
Krylov's short fables, like this one, are taughtto accept the various circumstances of life in the manner in which they appear before us. If Monkey was sufficiently competent to resolve the situation, the result would be positive. She should have collected more information, tried all the tricks and methods of using glasses. She showed impatience and anger, for which she was punished.
"Swan, cancer and pike"
If we take into consideration the fables of Krylov,which easily learn, then this text can be noted as easily perceivable by ear and well remembered. There is nothing complicated here, history is read in one breath. In addition, it is quite small in volume. After several repetitions the child will be able to memorize it by heart. The moral of the fable teaches us that in any affairs that are committed together, it is necessary to achieve a state of unity with partners.
За какое бы дело мы ни принимались, но если при this one will pull in his direction, achieve harmony and a good result will not work. Learning the text will not be difficult. Children will like it. To achieve a better effect, it is recommended to stage a fable and play it by roles. Here, for sure, no one will remain indifferent!
"Fox and Grapes"
This story is familiar to everyone.The fox looked at the desired delicacy, but could not reach the branch to get it. In the end, she decided that "he is green," so she does not need it. The essence of the fable is this: when we can not achieve some important goal for ourselves, we often underestimate its importance. So the fox, after having judged that she was not at all able to eat grapes, devalued him altogether. This story shows a lot about the desired purpose and character of the person who wants to achieve it. For learning, you can take this fable.
How to teach Krylov's fables with a child?
Children are often asked at school ashomework to learn a small text of Ivan Andreevich. And not a specific fable is given, but the right to choose the one you like. And this is more than the right approach! Before dwelling on any one, the child re-reads even a few instructive and ridiculous stories.
Many parents ask how to choose fablesKrylov, who easily learn? Start simply by introducing your son or daughter to the work of this writer. Tell us about it, what you know yourself, it will be better than to limit yourself to reading a textbook and searching for information on the Internet. Share your own experience about how you yourself learned fables by heart, how much fun it is. Your goal is to interest the child, to awaken in him the desire to learn most of the short texts. But even if the child does not show special zeal, choose the most suitable fable with him and learn by heart.
In this article, of course, not all the fablesIA Krylov. The list of them is much broader and in the aggregate constitutes a large, thick volume. But even among the texts presented here, you can choose one story that you like the most, and learn it. The main thing at the same time is not to force the child, not to demand from him the earliest possible mastering of the material, but to act gradually, not hurrying up. Remember, children are least willing to do what seems boring and uninteresting to them.