/ / Domestic films of recent years. Best Russian cinema - what is it?

Domestic films of recent years. The best Russian cinema - what is it?

Современный зритель привык смотреть только самое the best. Russian cinema, unfortunately, has lately been far behind the foreign one in quality. Of course, there is no argument about tastes, but most films receive justifiably low marks. However, they still shoot good worthy cinema in Russia. And some films that can be safely attributed to quality, it is worth listing.

best russian cinema


If this is not the best Russian cinema, then howat least one of those. The film "Friday" has only one drawback - this is his poster. It is made in the style of such "comedies" as "Bitter", "Classmates", "What girls are silent about," etc. The word is not quoted in quotes because these films are not funny. Rather, sad. From the level at which there is humor. And many connoisseurs of high-quality cinema at the sight of such a poster will not have very good associations, because of which they can refuse to view. But in vain, because the film is worthy.

In Friday, released in the current, 2016,Danila Kozlovsky, Nastasya Samburskaya, Pavel Derevyanko, Aristarkh Venez, Katerina Shpitsa and many other famous actors starred. The action takes place in a nightclub, but, despite this, alcohol does not play a separate role in the comedy. Light pleasant humor, excellent cinematography, decent soundtrack, interesting plot - this film has everything, thanks to which the viewer will watch the movie in one breath.

Russian films


This new product in 2016, many also refer to as the best Russian cinema. And some said that “The Duelist” is the most intriguing film of late.

However, it turned out quite good.The genre goes back to the novels of city secrets, which were popular in the XIX century. In the center of the plot - a retired officer with a complex life story and a cold heart. However, in the course of the development of history, the latter is refuted. The only way for him to make money is to kill the ordered individuals in a provoked duel.

There are, of course, some complaints.For an actress who is too inemotional to playing Martha Tuchkov, for example. To the speech and diction of some characters. But in general, few Russian films have no flaws. The "duelist" turned out quite good - without historical inaccuracies, with a dynamic plot. It is unusual to see Peter Fedorov in the serious role of a duelist. Especially considering that he starred in “Odnoklassniki.ru: Shout out luck” as a silly loser student.

best russian comedies


Talking about Russian films, it is impossible notnote the attention and this social drama. She is little known, she does not have multi-million dollar fees. This is not the generally accepted best Russian cinema. Many have not even heard of such a film. Needless to say, "Fool" gave less than 20 sessions in cinemas.

And the film is really worthy.He demonstrates the indifference of the authorities to the problems of ordinary people. In the center of the plot - Dmitry Nikitin, a plumber, who was summoned to a hostel in which a pipe was broken. A young man during the inspection of the building understands that it is in a critical condition and is about to collapse. And residents are not aware of anything. And here begins the struggle of one little man for the public good. Throwing in search of help, an attempt to reach out to higher personalities, hard failures, coldness, indifference - everything that is close to us, understandable and vital. And injustice. Plus the cruelty of the people for whom all this was done. I don't want to reveal the whole plot of the drama - you just need to watch it. No wonder because “Fool”, according to network critics, is included in the list of “Russian films with a high rating.”

top rated russian movies

Other films worth seeing

Of the new films is difficult to note more attentionsomething worthy. If we talk about the best Russian comedies, then it will definitely be films from Quartet I. The most famous is “What men talk about” (the third part, by the way, is planned for 2017), “Radio Day” and “Election Day”.

Definitely worth watching crime drama"House", released in 2011. With a budget of 130,000,000 rubles, fees amounted to only 4,500,000 rubles. Absolute unprofitability. But the film turned out to be atmospheric, in every sense of the word beautiful. And, most importantly, sincere. By the way, the atmosphere with “Home” is similar to the drama of Vasily Sigarev “To Live”.

In Russia, still make good films.And this is good news. The most important thing is to watch them. After all, a not very attractive poster or the names of lesser-known actors can hide a cinematic masterpiece.