/ / Elric Alphonse and his brother Edward: the characters of the anime "The Steel Alchemist"

Elric Alphonse and his brother Edward: the characters of the anime "The Steel Alchemist"

Elric Alphonse and his brother Edward arethe central characters of the anime "The Steel Alchemist" and the continuation of a remake called "Brotherhood". These characters from childhood have learned the sorrow of loss, and therefore became incredibly strong. Their adventures lead to one and only cherished dream. The brothers are the complete opposite of each other, but this does not prevent them from being an excellent team.

The Anime Universe

In the multi-part picture Fullmetal alchemisttells the story of the world, which is completely built on the laws of science of alchemy. In some people there is an innate ability to create a variety of things with the help of a circle of transformation. The only rule is an equivalent exchange. This means that you can create an object only if you give something equal to its value in the material and spiritual terms. In addition, all operations with animation are prohibited for any person. People who have the ability to alchemy are taken to serve in a special department of the empire, where they are trained and used as weapons in war.

fullmetal alchemist

The younger of the brothers

Alfons Elric was different from theown brother. He was always calm and incredibly kind to all living beings. The guy never offended anyone and always took everything close to heart. This was especially evident when someone pointed to his attached soul to steel armor. In a team with his brother Alphonse is a deterrent, because Edward completely lacks a sense of danger and self-preservation. He is ready to rush into the thick of the fight at the first desires and then it is Alphonse Elric who points to a more correct decision in this or that situation.

As a child, a guy often fought with his brother for whowill love the neighbor's girlfriend, but these years are in the past after a fatal mistake. It was at that moment that the character lost his own body, and his brother tied his soul to the nearest armor. Even after the tragic events, the guy did not become disappointed in life. He always tries to be good-natured, although he can not sleep, eat, breathe and enjoy life like all living people.

Fullmetal Alchemist Elfric Elric

Head of team

All creative ideas and decisions in the adventures of the twobrothers come from Edward Elric. It was this guy who received the title of steel alchemist and became the youngest soldier in the service of the empire in a special detachment. He did not care that he would have to execute unpleasant orders, because joining the army opened up access to new knowledge, which he wished to use to fulfill his cherished dream of his brother Alfons Elric.

They both burn with this desire and everywheresupport each other. Only Edward always acts as an impulsive leader who is ready to rush to the rescue of close people and even ordinary passers-by. His abilities after the violation of the ban advanced, although he sacrificed it with his foot and hand. Since the day when his brother lost his body, Edward wears artificial limbs and uses them as a weapon.

edvard elrik
He does not need to draw an alchemical circle, sincehe can do the transformations directly. In conversation with other heroes, the anime character can be sharp in the statements, but he always cares about people who are dear to him. A guy often keeps all his cares in himself, just so that others do not worry about him. So Edward Elric shows himself throughout the original anime and a sequel to the remake.

The cause of the tragedy and the birth of a dream

It is worth mentioning that the brothers' father was incrediblya strong alchemist and all their skills are inherited from him. He left the children with his mother and went on a journey for personal reasons. The children waited for him to return and did not know about his mother's illness. Soon the woman died, and the little geniuses could not accept this loss. They learned that there is a forbidden alchemical recipe for the revival of man and decided to use it. When the circle and all the ingredients were ready, the brothers set to work. Owing to the violation of one of the main prohibitions, the gates opened, from which the dark hands took all the body of Alphonse and the arm with Edward's foot.

elric giggles

In the twilight, the elder brother managed to draw a bloodcircle inside the old armor and tie the soul of the only native man that he had left. He managed to do it, and they wandered to the neighbors who managed to put them on their feet.

Soon they were visited by the fire Alchemist RoyMustang, who invited the guys to the service of the empire. In the anime "The Steel Alchemist" Alphonse Elric and Edward agreed to this, because only they could learn more about their new goal - a philosophical stone. This relic could break all established laws due to its incredible power. It was the only way to return your bodies, and from that moment the brothers had a dream.