/ / Ballet of Igor Moiseev: world recognition

Igor Moiseev's ballet: world recognition

Моисеев внес незаменимую лепту в хореографию не only his country, and the world as a whole. All his life he devoted to creativity and achieved unprecedented success in the development of mastery of choreography. At the moment it is difficult to convey all the talent of the master, even the most high-quality and diverse performances.

ballet named after Igor Moiseev

Igor Moiseyev's ballet is a unique, highly professional academic dance ensemble. He managed to convey in the dance movement different images and folklore of the peoples of the world.


The future artist learned the dance completely by chance.His dad gave it to the dance studio only in order to avoid the negative action of the street. The boy showed his abilities fairly quickly. Having noticed this, his teacher, former ballerina Vera Mosolova, led him to the ballet school at the Bolshoi Theater. Igor was immediately appreciated, and the main choreographer of the institution took him under his wing. Igor very quickly formed in the dance field.

The big breakthrough in his career was stagingparade on Red Square. For this, he involved students of the school. The performance was more than successful, it delighted many. After him, orders of the highest level just fell on Igor. Even Stalin admired his productions and helped with the room for the work of the team.

Ballet Foundation

February 10, 1937 the choreographer founded the balletIgor Moiseev. The main characteristics of its formation were the continuity and creative interaction of tradition and innovation. He managed to correctly prioritize his team. Thanks to this, I achieved success with the fulfillment of goals.

The main goal of Moses was choreographican interpretation of the folklore images of that hour. To achieve their goals, the participants of the ensemble traveled around the country and studied folk customs. They got acquainted with the folklore of different nations, looked for disappearing dances, rituals and songs.

ballet Igor Moiseev

The work done has borne fruit.The unique "Dances of the Peoples of the USSR" (1937-1938), "Dances of the Baltic peoples" (1939) appeared. The master put his soul into his artistic images. In the interpretation of his ballet, they came to life on stage and persisted for many generations of the whole world.

To correctly and clearly bring all the viewerMoiseev did not spare his strength, he used the scenic culture completely: acting skills, all kinds and kinds of dances, drama, set design, symphonic music.

European folklore

Значимым периодом в его деятельности было study and creative interpretation of European folklore. Not being able to go abroad, Igor Moiseyev’s ballet "Dances of Slavic Nations" staged exclusively at home. For this, the manager consulted many specialists. Success was not long in coming.

Igor Moiseyev ballet dances

На гастролях в Венгрии, Чехословакии, Румынии, Poland, the audience was simply fascinated by the ensemble. The performances were made so correctly and the artistic meaning of the stage works was correctly conveyed. Even today, Igor Moiseyev’s ballet is an invaluable example and school for choreographers in many countries.
The works of Moses became peculiarchoreographic tool used by different nations. He put the program "Peace and Friendship", in it he collected images of the dance folklore of eleven countries, including European and Asian. European countries took the example of Igor Moiseyev’s dance performances and created their own choreographic groups.

Always first

At that time in the country reigned not veryfavorable environment for the development of creativity. Igor Moiseyev's ballet was the first dance group that was given permission to tour abroad. The performances of the ensemble were crowned with success; this was the first step towards international detente.

In 1955, artists first performed in London andParis And in 1958 they became one of the first national teams that showed their performance in the United States. Successful touring in America, the press appreciated and paved the way to the confidence of the USSR.

Like many decades, the sold-out is accompanied by Igor Moiseyev's ballet. Poster of concerts it clearly shows. The schedule of speeches was scheduled for several years in advance.

School of Moses

The Mosaic dance school was unique andone of a kind. She was distinguished by professionalism of the highest degree, virtuosity and excellent improvisation. Pupils of the great master were not just actors - they are highly educated universal performers. They impeccably owned any kind of dance, amazingly embodied all artistic images.

ballet Igor Moiseyev poster

Звание танцовщика моисеевской школы является the best recommendation in any country in the choreographic team of different directions. The creative road and the nature of the upbringing of the students are shown in the program “The Road to the Dance”, it highlights in detail the entire path that the Igor Moiseyev ballet went through. For this production the master received the "Lenin Prize", and his ensemble was awarded the title "Academic".

70 years of worldwide recognition

Stage performance of the team lasts alreadymore than 70 years old, he was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples. You can absolutely honestly call Igor Moiseyev's ballet a visiting card of our country. Tickets sold at the box offices of the Moscow Philharmonic Hall are sold out instantly.

ballet igor moiseev tickets

For the invaluable contribution to the art of dance IgorMoses was awarded the Oscar. And even after his death today, he lives in the heart of his ensemble, which holds the appropriate level and is a perfect model.