/ / Alexander Kuznetsov: biography, filmography and teaching activities

Alexander Kuznetsov: biography, filmography and teaching activities

Soviet and Russian actor, Kuznetsov AlexanderKonstantinovich, was born on December 2, 1959 in the village of Petrovka, Primorsky Krai. After graduating from high school and having worked for a year and a half in the mechanical workshop of his native village, Sasha left for Moscow. He dreamed of becoming an actor in theater and cinema. The biography of actor Alexander Kuznetsov began with the admission to the Theatrical School. Shchukin. Natural artistry, good plasticity and impeccable diction helped Alexander successfully pass the exams.

Aleksandr Kuznetsov

Theater on Malaya Bronnaya

Kuznetsov did not miss classes, he studied perfectly well,the teachers spoke of him as a rising star of the Russian theater. Many theater directors of Moscow already knew that a promising nugget was studying in Shchukinka, which is worth a closer look at. And when Kuznetsov finished the third year, Anatoly Efros, artistic director of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, met him. So the future actor Alexander Kuznetsov was admitted to the troupe of one of the best Moscow theaters in advance.

Filmography of the Soviet period

At the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya Kuznetsov worked until1989 Then the actor received an offer from Hollywood to participate in two American films and went to the United States. Prior to that, he actively starred in Russian cinema. The filmography of the actor Alexander Kuznetsov includes the following pictures of the Soviet period:

  • biography of the actor Alexander Kuznetsov
    Year 1981 - "Heavenly Paths", directed by Zurab Tutberidze. Kuznetsov in a cameo role.
  • Year 1983 - Greetings from the Front, director Ivan Kiasashvili. Character Kuznetsova - Vanya-medicine.
  • Year 1983 - "Non-former" staged by Sergei Ovcharov. Kuznetsov in the role of Neznam.
  • Year 1983 - "Comet", directed by Richard Viktorov. Alexander Kuznetsov in a cameo role.
  • Year 1985 - "Mr. Novgorod the Great", director Alexei Saltykov. Kuznetsov played Misha.
  • Year 1985 - "Men's Anxiety," directed by Anatoly Nitochkin. Kuznetsov - Lieutenant Andrei Kiselev, the main role.
  • Year 1985 - "Sleep in hand, or Suitcase", directed by Ernest Jasan. Character Kuznetsova - pilot Lenya Kulik.
  • Year 1986 - "Forgive," directed by Ernest Jasan. Kuznetsov in a cameo role.
  • Year 1986 - "Jack Vosmerkin - American", directed by Yevgeny Tatarsky. Kuznetsov as Yakov Vosmerkin.
  • Year 1988 - "Love for your neighbor", director Nikolay Rasheev. Alexander Kuznetsov as Ivan Ivanovich.
  • Year 1988 - "Primorsky Boulevard", directed by Alexander Polynnikov. Character Kuznetsova - Sasha.
  • Year 1988 - "Aelita, do not bother men", director Georgy Nathanson. Kuznetsov as a sharper Fedi Sidorov.
  • Year 1988 - "We remain faithful," directed by Andrei Malyukov. Kuznetsov in a cameo role.
  • Year 1989 - "Lawlessness", directed by Igor Gostev. Alexander Kuznetsov as Lieutenant Kasimov.
  • Year 1989 - "Two Arrows", directed by Alla Surikova. Kuznetsov as Eared.
  • Year 1990 - "Bustier Bus", director George Natanson. Character Kuznetsova - flight engineer.

actor Alexander Kuznetsov


The year 1990 was the last year of stayAlexander Kuznetsova in Moscow, he soon moved to America and began acting in Hollywood. The first role of the actor is Sten in the TV series "Alaska Kid", a joint film project of American and Soviet filmmakers. Many Russian actors took part in the shooting, as the series was filmed for two years, there was enough work for everyone. The film director James Hill appreciated the play of Russian artists, all participants from the Russian side were well acquainted with the works of the American writer Jack London, according to the stories of which the script was written.

Joint film projects

Another co-production film underIce Runner was released in 1992. The action takes place on the territory of the USSR, in the center of the plot of the illegal arms trade. The character of Alexander Kuznetsov was the KGB officer Petrov. The intrigue of the film was that the main character, American intelligence officer Jeffrey West, was deciphered at the time of his meeting with a high-ranking Soviet official at the Ministry of Foreign Trade. West was going through him to pass a large bribe to the minister so that he would assist in the purchase of Soviet-made weapons for the subsequent dispatch of an arsenal to Afghanistan. However, an American agent was arrested and put in a Russian prison for 12 years.

actor Alexandra Kuznetsov filmography

Teaching Activities

За прошедший период, с 1990 года и по настоящее time, Alexander Kuznetsov starred in fifty films, some of which are film projects of American cinema, and some were filmed in Russia, during the visits of the actor to Moscow. In addition to participating in the shooting, Kuznetsov gives a lot of time teaching. He organized the International Actors School, a school of mastery with international status for novice actors. The training is based on the Stanislavsky system, and it uses the works of Russian classics: Chekhov, Kuprin, Ostrovsky and Dostoevsky. In Russia, Kuznetsov founded the Moscow International School called the Forge of Cinema and Television. In all his projects, the actor and teacher Alexander Kuznetsov is directly involved.