/ / Scandalous foreign singers. Top 5

Scandalous foreign singers. Top 5

Foreign singers often please their fans not only with new hits or roles in the cinema, but with scandalous antics, which sometimes you do not know how to react.

Madonna - the queen of the pop scene and the star of scandals

Heads the top parade of the scandalous divas Madonna.She rightly gets this place of honor. The girl is shocking the audience for a long time and successfully, and her age is not a hindrance. Everything began in the distant 1980s with famous unpaired stockings and smoothly passed to frankly sexual and provocative costumes. And what? Everyone stands out as best they can, competition in Hollywood is high, and for another nice girl with good vocal data, they could not pay attention.

foreign singers

Хорошо продуманный образ, удачно подобранный repertoire and a wonderful flair for both the singer and her team brought her to the top. To stop on the reached Madonna did not gather and has released not less provocative, than its program, the book "Sex", instantly bought up by admirers. Frank shootings and no less frank statements excited the public. The singer was blamed, cursed, but not ignored. Each novel, like new singles, was sub-divided in the press. But Madonna was used to not paying attention to it. Discuss a new boyfriend, girlfriend or a kiss with Britney Spears? Well, then it's still in the trend. Foreign singers are used and not to this.

Britney Spears - The Pop Princess

Adopts the baton of the Queen youngstar of Britney Spears. A sweet voice and sweet appearance hide the real imp. The girl grew up and showed the world a bald skull, lack of underwear, drunk driving, a few divorces ... Just somehow over the edge. It seemed that after a few years of success, the girl started a long black band. Instead of information about the release of new albums, the tabloids were full of photos of frank content or details about their personal lives.

foreign singers

But Britney could get through this and releasednew album. The joys of the critics were boundless: failure. Yes, the voice has changed a bit, the songs too, but it still remains a pop princess and is not going to give up. Foreign singers are famous for their abilities to callbacks. Bring the body and thoughts in shape and again storm the music charts with new compositions, climb to the very top, refuse to kiss the awarding of the MTV Video Music Awards with Lady Gaga ("I already did it!"), Establish a personal life - yes, that's all she, Britney Spears.

Lady Gaga

In the hit parade "scandalous foreign singers"The list continues with Lady Gaga. It can be called a queen of shock. The singer is often amazed by her appearance, but Gaga ... Unusual, strange stage costumes, unimaginable hairstyles and platforms, appearance in public in a famous dress of meat or transparent pantyhose and blouse ... Stephanie Joanne Angelina Germanauta is able to express herself and draw the attention of the already accustomed to all spectators. Each concert, as well as a simple appearance in public places, is accompanied by a heightened interest: what else this time will it throw out? Recently, the girl has moderated the speed a little, perhaps she has already proved everything to everyone, she probably just grew up.

singers foreign list
She is not afraid to look weird or ridiculous (thisespecially noticeable if you compare the photos of foreign singers), she is not afraid of oblique glances from the side, she is completely confident in herself and the chosen path, which is confirmed by numerous awards and top lines in the music charts.

Katy Perry: girl scandal

Яркие волосы самых необычных цветов, хулиганские songs, sweet looks, bold sayings - get acquainted with Katy Perry. The girl stubbornly does everything that goes against the foundations of her family, and she does not regret it. Well, scandalous accidents accompany the singer everywhere: disassembly with Lady Gaga because of the color of hair or the use of similar production numbers, parting-reconciliation with boyfriends, scandals because of clothes, put on a ceremony ... However, this does not prevent the girl every time nominated for a Grammy Award, which many foreign singers can only envy.

photo of foreign singers

Fame for Cathy came with the song "I kissed agirl ». The singer still has questions about whether she is autobiographical or not, but Cathy does not tell the truth, coquettishly announcing that, she says, she liked one girl, but there were no kisses. However, now, after a kiss with Miley Cyrus, it is already irrelevant.

Miley Cyrus: out of modest - to the tops of shocking

Many remember the sweet Miley of Hannah Montana,an idol of teenagers, the princess of the channel "Disney" (many foreign singers start their way from here). At one time it seemed that this image would forever be associated with Cyrus. But, apparently, the singer was also fed up with this order, and she decided to prove to everyone that she was not quiet. To begin with, the girl cut off her hair and removed the provocative clip We can not stop. Further - more: frank dances on stage, costumes that are difficult to call clothes, a lot of tattoos, constantly sticking out their tongue ... This definitely was not Hannah. Breaking the relationship with Liam Hemsworth after a shocking performance with the song Blurred Lines finally freed the singer from any brakes.

foreign singers

Nude photo shoots, appearance in publicplaces in strange outrageous outfits, against which such foreign singers as Madonna and Lady Gaga looked like real shy ... It seemed that Miley's rampage would not end. But the new love is capable of doing miracles: meeting with Patrick Schwarzenegger at the time calmed the brawler, though not for long. As early as September 2015, at the MTV Video Music Awards, Miley sported her favorite "bare" dresses that left no room for imagination. It remains to be surprised how the girl still manages to record albums.