/ / Olesya Zhukova - speech therapist, teacher and writer

Olesya Zhukova - speech therapist, teacher and writer

How to introduce the child to letters without harmingits development of early teeth? What should be the lessons with the alphabet, if the baby has problems with speech? Olesya Zhukova - writer, teacher, author of teaching methods and founder of the speech therapy center in St. Petersburg - helps parents to find answers to these questions.

Olesya Zhukova

From biography

Olesya Stanislavovna is a pedagogical graduateInstitute of. Herzen. Having graduated from the defectology faculty with honors, she got a job in the department of pathology of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of ENT. In 7 years Olesya Zhukova became the chief speech therapist-methodologist.

Since 2000, for 5 years she has been working as a senior lecturer at the Chair of Speech Therapy at the Institute of Family and Child.

To write Olesya Stanislavovna began in 1999.As a result of cooperation with major Russian publishers, she quickly gained fame. Since 2006 he has been working with the publishing house "AST". In addition to the current position of the leading editor, Olesya Zhukova conducts consultations in her logopedic center.

The total circulation of the writer's books is more than 5 million copies.

"Speech therapist-pro"

The name of the center is applicable to Oles Stanislavovna- she is really a professional. In the center help babies and adolescents with various speech impairments. Classes are conducted with children aged one year.

Olesya Zhukova advises parents, then the speech therapists of the center. To attract attention and increase interest in the classroom, toys are used.

Of the minuses called high cost and not the mostconvenient location. Despite this, parents bring their children to the center to get qualified help. They note an individual approach, high professionalism and quality service.

ABC for babies


Great practical experience contributed to the creation of new techniques. They were used not only in the work, but also in the manuals written by Olesya Zhukova. Books are presented in various categories:

  1. For learning letters and learning to read.
  2. To prepare for the letter.
  3. For the development of intelligence, attention and memory.
  4. To prepare for the school.
  5. For babies from 6 months.
  6. To learn the account.
  7. For the development of logic and ingenuity.

This is not all the categories in which there are worksZhukovoy. Her bibliography includes more than 60 books. They are designed for children from 6 months to 7 years. Enjoy the benefits can as parents who want their child to develop more quickly, and those who are not in a hurry and do not have much time to practice. Books for teaching children to read are very popular.

олеся жукова книги

ABC for babies

This book has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Bright colorful drawings that attract attention.
  2. Stressed stresses in words.
  3. The characters-satellites, present on every page (boy and cat).
  4. Large font, easy to read.
  5. In the alphabet there are names of public places, which speeds up the process of their memorization by the child.
  6. There are various tasks, for example, to lay out a letter with the help of cereals.
  7. There are attached cutting cards, according to which the child can learn syllables and classifications of objects.
  8. The alphabet provides a material for reading, which allows you to consolidate knowledge.

By cons are the location of the texts beforethe alphabet. To read them, the child needs to memorize letters and learn how to make syllables, and this material goes in the second half of the book. Despite this shortcoming, the ABC for babies is popular with parents, because it is pleasant to children.With her help, they quickly learn to read. The book is designed for children from 2 to 5 years. It is important not to confuse it with an edition intended for children from 1 to 2 years.

The ABC for crumbs is a completely different publication.It is intended for those who want to tell friends that the child already knows the letters a year. Psychologists warn of the undesirability of forcing the development of children, but those who wish can try to do this with the help of this book. It is important not to overdo it so that the interest in reading in the child does not fade.


Another popular book, written by Olesya Zhukova, is the primer. One version of this book is designed for children from 3up to 6 years of age without problems with speech. It has beautiful illustrations, a large font and interesting tasks that are gradually becoming more complicated. An important advantage is the availability of advice to parents, because not all can properly help a child cope with tasks.

Olesya Zhukova ABC

The second ABC is logopedic.Its main difference consists in a fundamentally different order of studying letters and sounds. First come those that are easy to pronounce, then more complex. The book is designed for preschoolers who have problems with speech. In addition to illustrations and large print, readers will be delighted with fabulous characters on her pages.

Books Olesya Stanislavovna help parentscorrectly teach children reading, counting and writing. They are perceived by the children positively, because they are made very competently, taking into account age characteristics.