/ / Rock is a musical style based on a challenge to traditional culture.

Rock is a musical style based on a challenge to traditional culture.

Under the fatal music refers to the synthesisNegro rhythm and blues and country music. A peculiar rhythmic pattern was borrowed from the first direction (reverse bit: emphasis on the second and fourth beat of the beat), from the second - the completeness of the compositions and improvisation compared to the blues. Rock is a protest against the political situation in the country, the values ​​of the older generation, the way of self-expression and the statement of one's own views on life. The confrontation is due to the lyrics of the songs and the aggressive manner of performance.

Rock is


Впервые музыка подобного стиля появилась в 1954 year In the movie Jungle Chalkboards, a song called Rock round the clock was performed by Bill Haley. At the same time, Elvis Presley records were released. Somewhat later, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan appear on the music scene.

Gradually, the music of the fateful direction begins to be performed as a protest against the war in Vietnam, organizations are created, whose members do not welcome armed conflicts and racism.

With the advent of the hippie movement in the United States evolvesunderground (The Doors, Steppenwolf, Blood, Sweet & Tears), and in the UK, musicians are trying to preserve the features of traditional culture (Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd). At the same time, a new form of presentation of compositions - a music album: a few tunes, united by one idea.

Gradually, rock-style is gaining popularity in other countries, it develops and breaks down into different directions.

Rock style

Jazz, hard, folk ...

At the heart of the style is classic rock. Musicians (Elton John, Sting, The Who) play the electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and do not use the stylistic features of other directions.

Psychedelic rock is music thatcompose under the influence of psychotropic substances, and progressive differs in other forms of musical construction, complexity and depth of the supplied material. The progressive rockers include Blood, Sweat & Tears, Gong and others. Creativity of musicians who want to go beyond the style, called experimental rock. The most famous experimenters are The Fugs, The Godz, Red Crayola, and others.

Another direction combines the features of rockand jazz. It appeared not only because jazzmen became cramped in their own style, but also as a result of the fusion of “white” and “black” music in the fight against racism. Famous synthetic musicians - Georgie Fame, The Soft Machine, The Mahavishnu Orchestra, etc. Folk-rock is a synthesis of rock and folk music (Bob Dylan, Joan Boes, Fairport Convention), and hard rock has specific guitar rhythms, heavy rhythm section and excessive volume. Famous representatives of the direction - Jimmy Hendrix, Iron Butterfly, Vanilla Fudge.

Music critics also highlight glam, goth andetc. The definition of style variations is somewhat arbitrary, as groups constantly experiment, change the style of the game, or invent new ways of performing.

Rock opera

Mixing styles is common to all kinds.art, including music. An example of this is the synthesis of rock and drama, called rock opera. This includes a musical performance, consisting of episodes in which the plot is revealed. Arias are performed in the style of rock. Unlike classical opera, a keyboard player, guitarist, and other musicians may be on stage. Most often, the performance is accompanied by the sound of a classical orchestra.

The manner of singing is assertive and aggressive thatcharacteristic of rock music. Sometimes the parties contain elements of other musical directions (jazz, folk, baroque, etc.). In addition to the arias, the musicians perform recitatives and plastic numbers.

Examples of works of this genre are “Hair” by G. McDermott, “Godspel” by S. Schworz, “Juno and Avos” by A. L. Rybnikov, etc.

Rock culture

Over time, the music of the rockers has become sopopular, that elements of style penetrated into other layers of culture, there was a kind of rock style. This is how a special language (slang) appeared, in which style followers and fans express themselves. Slang is used for writing lyrics, but at concerts (sessions) non-verbal communication becomes more important. The unity of music, words, stage movements and images affects the human subconscious, causing certain sensations and emotional reactions.

Rock music

Рокеры увлекаются философией экзистенциализма, Buddhism, other religious teachings, contrary to the psychology of the West. In their spare time from concerts, musicians and fans attend the so-called happenings (meetings), where they communicate, play music, and express their opinions on everything that happens in their lives.

Тенденции рок-культуры проявляются в одежде (indelible dirt stains in hippies), the manner of behaving (rock is the negation of everything and everything, therefore aggression is peculiar to style lovers), the rejection of traditional values, moral and aesthetic attitudes.

Rock opera

Rock and Christianity

The Christian religion does not recognize the right tothe existence of rock, considering the commitment to rock culture impossible for those who believe in God. Strengthened rhythms, increased frequencies, heart-warming texts affect people's subconsciousness, wake up deep-rooted instincts.

Rock is a serious effect on the psyche.After listening to this music a person loses the ability to self-control. The content of many songs is devoted to the topic of death, the other world, depressive states of a person, self-destruction. In many cases, the passion for rock is closely related to drug use, violence, which also does not correspond to the Christian lifestyle.

Art historians and cultural studies of rock music and everything connected with it, is considered as an opposition to traditional culture.