/ / Films about orphans - we look, we think. compassionate

Films about orphans - we look, we think. compassionate

The problem of orphanhood, orphanages rose incinema almost from the beginning of its foundation. Many watched films about orphans. Older people are familiar with the movie “Republic Shkid”, filmed in 1966. It highlights the problems of homelessness after the revolution. Trust, respect for children on the part of teachers helped the children to change, forget their fraudulent habits and re-educate themselves.

"The Sandpit Generals"

films about orphans

In 1971, American filmmakers took offthe film “Generals of sand quarries”. So people call homeless children. After all, homeless teenagers had no shelter. Sand quarries have become their home. Many were afraid of homeless children. After all, they had to somehow survive, so they were forced to fight in any way for their piece of bread. But while the guys have not forgotten how to love. Their hearts are not hardened from the hardships of life. They give shelter to Dora and her brother, who were ousted by their relatives on the street. Fearless and sympathetic young girl quickly joined the team, replacing the children mother and sister.

Such films about orphans cause sympathyand compassion. This contributes to the beautiful music. It is tragic that half of the guys who starred in the film died a year later. After all, these were real orphans, not actors. It was difficult for them to survive in reality.

"Mistress of the orphanage"

list of films about orphans

Soviet films about orphans moreoptimistic, although also cause compassion for young citizens. The main role in the film "The Mistress of the orphanage" (1983) was played by the famous Natalia Gundareva. Few viewers of the time could believe that the actress herself had no children. After all, she so earnestly played a loving mother in "Once, 20 years later." In "The Mistress of the Orphanage," the actress became a mother for several dozen children who were under the care of the caregivers and her director.

According to the plot of the film, the main character adopted the boy, but he does not know that he is non-native. At the end of the film, Alexandra Ivanovna (N. Gudareva) takes another child.

"Boys" and other movies on this topic.

In the same 1983, the film “Guys” was released on the screens of the country. In the center of the story - teacher Pasha (Valery Priemyhov) and 13-year-old teen Andrei Zykov.

Documentary film about orphans

Pavel Vasilievich Antonov, or Pasha, as children call him, works as the head of the summer sports and labor camp. He was not afraid to gather in one place difficult teenagers.

The film tells how many difficultiesthe guys had to overcome, until they understood how to live. Until they learned to separate evil from good. Antonov could become for teenagers not only a mentor, but also a true friend. After all, boys of this age really need a father next to him, playing the role of sometimes even a strict, but loving and just mentor.

Every evening he invites the teenagers to sit down and think what good they have done during the day. By his example, by the correct methods of influence, the teacher was able to rehabilitate difficult teenagers.

The list of films about orphans can be continued with the list of the following film works:

  1. Evdokia (USSR).
  2. “Without family” (Japan).
  3. “I trust in you” (Russia, Belorussia).
  4. "Italian" (Russia ").
  5. “Fly Home” (USA).
  6. "Central Station" (Brazil, France ").

Russian films about orphans: “Vanechka”, “Their Children”, “Cook”, “Bastards”. The latter tells about the feat of teenagers from the Orphanage, who are trained to fight the German invaders.

Orphans with living parents

documentary film about orphans

Documentary film about orphans "Orphan:an extra thing ”tells about the children who live in a shelter. The majority have parents, but they do not need sons and daughters. The film says that even after the war there were not as many orphans as there are now, sad statistics are cited. Currently, there are 130,000 children in shelters and homes, and 95% of them have parents. Every third pupil of the orphanage falls into the dock, one out of five becomes a homeless person, and each of the ten makes a count with life. Such is the fate of children who lack parental love.

Yes, in orphanages they have shelter, food, theystudy, but this is not enough. The kids need a family, caring mother. In the film, the girl reporter asked a boy from a shelter to remember that he had a good life. He could not do it. Another girl said she was in this life for herself. This is how kids who are left without parental support think.

Films about orphans make everyone think ...