/ / The most hilarious comedies: a list of the best

The most rusty comedies: the list of the best

Комедии – жанр любимый многими людьми, так как It is funny film stories like no other movie that save from a bad mood and brighten up the evening. How did the standards of comedies change, which comedies were popular decades ago and which are loved by the audience today?

Her majesty comedy

Comedy is one of the first genres infilm production. "Poured irrigator" was the first comic scene seen by the audience. However, if in 1895 this corpus made laugh visitors to a cafe on Capuchin Boulevard and left an indelible impression on them, today film fans want to see even more spectacular and funny comedies with bright and charismatic heroes. The times of Charlie Chaplin in the role of a naive simpleton have passed, and now all viewers are watching comedies with Dwayne Johnson and Dmitry Nagiyev, whose witty and cynical heroes will not miss the opportunity to laugh at others. Lists of the most hilarious comedies to tears will be presented to your attention later.

Funny Russian comedies

Russian comedies are classics of the genre.Taken with the soul, they tell about the life of ordinary people, officials and businessmen. Their plot is simple and simple - no matter what the situation in your life, the most important thing is to treat it with humor. What are the best comedy films of the domestic film industry? The following are the top 5 most hilarious Russian comedies:

  1. "Radio day".The plot of the movie takes place on the radio station "Kakbyradio". The presenters urgently need to come up with a new topic for the radio marathon, since their competitors are already conducting a marathon on the topic they have previously chosen.
  2. "Firs". Kinoalmanah tells the story of how the citizens of Russia at different ends of a huge country are preparing for the most beloved holiday - the New Year.
  3. "Sex and the City". Beautiful romantic comedy on how to find your love, and how important it is in the life of each person.
  4. "Love is a carrot." The main characters are a couple who have been thinking about divorce for a long time. Suddenly in the morning they wake up and realize that they exchanged bodies.
  5. "Bitterly". A young couple dreams of a European-style wedding, but parents arrange a celebration for them, seasoned with national color.
most horny comedies

The most hilarious Russian comedies, purely rural

The depths of time became a platform forplot development in Russian comedies. Simple people who work hard from morning to evening, and their difficult life is the basis of the film. Top 5 Russian most horny comedies about the village include:

  1. "Live in joy."The talented inventor Mityaj Prjazhkin received a task from the management of the collective farm: to get special equipment for the construction of the bridge. But before the gullible Mityai had time to leave the village, he fell into the hands of rogues.
  2. "Wedding in Robin". In the village they are preparing for the wedding of the beauty Yarinka and her chosen one, when suddenly all the cards for young lovers are confused by the ataman Gritsian, who wants to marry the girl.
  3. "About businessman Thomas". Another hilarious village comedy. After the collapse of the collective farms, the mechanic Foma decides to open a business in his village - to build a paid toilet.
  4. "Girls".A graduate of the culinary school Tosya comes to the forestry. Having a recalcitrant character, she puts in place the first handsome Ilya, who then argues with her friend that she will be able to win the heart of a proud girl.
  5. "Soldier Ivan Brovkin".A list of the most hilarious Russian comedies about the village would be incomplete without this film. For whatever work on the collective farm Ivan did not undertake, he does not succeed. Soon the guy is taken to the army and there, finally, the guy begins to understand what a friendly team is, dedication and hard work. He writes love letters to his bride, but his rival intercepts them.
rzhachnye comedies to tears

The best Soviet hilarious films- comedy

Comedy of Soviet cinema has become a real legend, and today they do not lose their charm. What films are included in the list of the most hilarious comedies of the USSR? It:

  1. "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik." The warehouse keeper asks his lodger Shurik to leave for him on the night shift. At the same time, warehouses are going to rob Balbes, Trus and Byvaliy.
  2. "Business people".Two hapless friends make the decision to steal the son of a wealthy entrepreneur in order to demand a ransom. To the surprise of the kidnappers, the father is in no hurry to give money, and soon they understand why.
  3. "Dog Mongrel and unusual cross." A gang of poachers goes fishing, taking with him dynamite and a dog.
  4. "Striped flight". On a huge ship that carries tigers in cages to the zoo, a love story unfolds - the beautiful Marianna can’t get her commander in position.
  5. "Sportlotto - 82".Beauty Tanya gives a lottery ticket to her travel companion Kostya and he loses it. Having learned about the girl's win, the guy starts looking for him, and this becomes the beginning of an incredible adventure.
  6. "По семейным обстоятельствам".Lida and Igor - a young married couple. They recently became parents. None of them can leave their work and devote themselves to raising a child, because lovers are hoping for the help of Lida’s mother. However, being the boss, Galina Arkadyevna does not even think about staying at home. Because of this, the family conflict flared up.
  7. "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession."The scientist Shurik creates a time machine and, incidentally, Ivan the Terrible enters the modern Moscow, and the tsarist Russia, the housewife of Bunsh and the thief of Miloslavsky, enters tsarist Russia. Now Shurik must do everything possible to return the king in his time.
  8. "Caucasian Captive".Beauty Nina comes on vacation to her uncle. At the same time, a student Shurik arrives in the city and collects old parables and legends. By deception, the guy is persuaded to kidnap Nina, convincing him that he participates in the old Georgian rite of bride abduction.
  9. "The Diamond Arm".During the overseas cruise Gorbunkov, a Soviet citizen, breaks his hand. Thinking that they are facing a criminal, the smugglers wrap diamonds in his plaster. Immediately upon arrival, the hero goes to the police and becomes a member of a secret operation.
  10. "12 chairs".When dying, the mother-in-law informs her son-in-law that jewels are in one of the chairs of the old headset. The hero immediately begins to search for jewelry, hunting for chairs that are in different parts of the country.
rzhachnye Russian comedy

The most funny comedies of all time

These films entered the history of world cinema as the best comedy films. What does the top 5 gold collection look like?

  1. "В джазе только девушки".Musicians Joe and Jerry are witnessing a mafia showdown. To save their lives, they put on women's clothes, become members of the women's orchestra and leave on tour with their charming soloist Dushechka.
  2. "Groundhog Day". TV presenter Phil falls into a temporary loop and is now forced to experience February 2 again and again.
  3. "The Adventures of Italians in Russia".Olga's grandmother, an Italian immigrant, tells her granddaughter before her death that under the statue of a lion in Leningrad she once buried jewels, which now will be inherited by her. The girl not only needs to go to Russia and find a statue of a lion, but also to protect the treasures from all those who witnessed her conversation with her grandmother.
  4. "Annie Hall". The comedy tells the story of the development of relations between a couple in love - Alvy and Annie.
  5. "Producers". The producer of musicals, in order to save his financial situation, decides to put on a deliberately disastrous play, in order to write off everything for expenses, and appropriate the money to himself.
most hilarious comedy to tears list

Most horny American comedies

Top 5 best comedies of American production, you can watch alone or in the company of friends, turning off your head, and just enjoying watching. What comedies, according to viewers, are considered the best?

  1. "Dumb and Dumber".Lloyd, the silly limo driver, falls in love with his passenger. When he sees how she leaves a suitcase in the airport lobby, he thinks that as soon as she returns it, he will immediately win her love. It remains only to find Mary and return her lost. Lloyd takes his best friend Harry to the trip.
  2. "American Pie".Having decided to say goodbye to virginity, four high school students promise each other that they will sleep with girls in their prom night. The problem is that the guys don't even know how to talk to the opposite sex.
  3. "Alone at home". Eight-year-old Kevin is left completely alone when his entire family leaves for Paris and leaves him at home by mistake. The situation is complicated by the fact that the house of Kevin want to rob two thugs.
  4. "Cops in skirts". Two absolutely different girls - charming Sasha and impudent Shannon become partners. Together they need to catch the Russian drug lord.
  5. "Мальчишник в Вегасе".The groom and his friends go to Las Vegas to arrange a bachelor party. In the morning, waking up after drinking, the heroes do not find the bridegroom, but a tiger and a six-month baby are found in their room.
comedy comedy list

Subtle french humor

Как известно, у французов особое чувство юмора.In the French comedy there is everything - both incredible adventures, and a love line, and an unpredictable plot, but the most important thing is that every viewer will have a wonderful play of actors and a great mood. What comedies of France are considered the best?

  1. "1 + 1". Philip is a wealthy aristocrat.After the accident, he remained completely paralyzed and every day more and more loses the taste of life. Choosing himself another nurse, he chooses a black guy with a dubious reputation named Driss. It seemed that this man could not take care of Philip, but soon they became best friends.
  2. "Unlucky".After the disappearance of his daughter, the millionaire appeals for help to Detective Kampone. The girl has one feature, she literally attracts failures, because the resourceful detective decides to take a partner, the same chronic loser as the disappeared.
  3. "Фантомас".After journalist Fandor publishes a fake interview with the elusive criminal Fantômas, he kidnaps him and demands that he write a true article about him. Not getting the desired, the gangster begins to commit robberies, assuming the appearance of Fandor. The latter has no choice but to cooperate with the police to stop the villain.
  4. "Asterix and Obelix against Caesar".The Roman emperor conquered all European countries. Only one small village in which the Gauls live did not submit. They are invincible warriors who are not afraid of Caesar’s army. The secret is in a special drink. But what will the two best friends, Asterix and Obelix, do if the secret of its preparation becomes known to the Roman legionnaires?
  5. "Papas".When Tristan, the son of Christina runs away from home, she asks for help in finding her two former lovers - Jacques and Francois. One of them may be the father of Tristan, because a woman hopes that dads will be able to help bring her son back home. Between Francois and Jacques begins a serious confrontation.
rzhachnye comedy to tears list

The best romantic comedies of all time

If melodrama can be sad, thenromantic comedy is always a story with a happy ending, in which there are a lot of funny moments. The best comedies about the relationship between a man and a woman are ideal for watching in the evening with your loved one.

The list of such films:

  1. "Love and pigeons".Vasily, who lives with his family in the village, gets a ticket to the sea from work. There he meets Raisa. Her interesting stories are so impressive ordinary peasant man that he falls in love with her. Upon arrival from the sea, Basil immediately settled at Raisa. At home, a wife with three children receives a letter saying that the father has found a new love and will not return to them anymore. Time passes and Vasya realizes that he cannot live without his family.
  2. "Love affair at work".Wanting to get a promotion, on the advice of a friend, Novoseltsev makes a decision to fool after her boss, Lyudmila Prokopyeva, although she considers it a real gloom. The principal career woman opens up to her subordinate from the new side and an office romance begins in front of the whole team.
  3. "Любовный напиток № 9".To fall in love with his colleague, the scientist Paul goes to the gypsy and she gives him a special potion. At first, he refuses the idea of ​​so falling in love with a girl, but after learning that her fiancé also uses a potion, he asks the gypsy to give an even stronger potion.
  4. "The Taming of the Shrew".Elia is a staunch bachelor and woman-hater. When the beautiful Liza is at the threshold of his house and asks him to spend the night because of the weather, he is trying with all his might to expel her. Seeing that Elia, unlike other men, does not pay any attention to her, Lisa decides to do everything possible to tame the obstinate.
  5. "Runaway Bride".Maggie is afraid of marriage, because as soon as she reached the altar, she immediately runs away from the wedding. To write an article about a runaway bride, a famous journalist from New York - Ike arrives in a provincial town. The guy himself does not notice how he falls in love with the girl and makes her an offer. There is less and less time before the wedding party, and Ike is constantly plagued by doubts - will Maggie run away from their wedding?
most hilarious comedy to tears

Best Comedy with Black Humor

When comedies with commonplace situations and clichés get bored, and you want to watch a movie with “cunning” jokes, it's time to turn on one of the most interesting films with black humor.

  1. "After reading burn."Wishing for a divorce, the spouse steals a disk from her husband, an analyst from the CIA, believing that his bank account numbers are stored there, which is useful for her in dividing property. Accidentally the disc falls into the hands of the instructor and he is sure that an important state secret is recorded on it and you can earn money by disclosing it. No one realizes that the disc contains the memoirs of a CIA agent and they are of no value.
  2. "Kick-Ass".A list of hilarious comedies to tears would be incomplete without this picture. Should we accept the fact that criminals and hooligans will always have an advantage over weak people? Schoolboy Dave is haunted by the fact that superheroes that he reads in comic books have no followers in real life. The guy buys a tight-fitting suit and, taking for himself the name of Kick-Ass, goes to the streets of a big city so as not to give the crime any chance.
  3. "Seven Psychopaths".Trying to finish the next novel, the writer, in search of inspiration, accidentally becomes one of the kidnappers of a small dog who belongs to the local leader of the gang. Behind him and his buddies begins a merciless hunt.
  4. "Добро пожаловать в "Зомбиленд".Survivors of the zombie apocalypse are trying to find a way to live on. The heroes have heard that there are no zombies in the territory of the amusement park and go there, not realizing what an unpleasant surprise awaits them there.
  5. "Смерть ей к лицу".In pursuit of beauty and eternal life, actress Madeleine takes the elixir of youth. Now she is not afraid of years or illness. Soon, her husband’s ex-wife appears in her way. Trying to kill Helen because of jealousy, Madeleine discovers that her opponent accepted the elixir of youth.
comedy films

Top 5 national comedies of the last three years, mandatory for viewing

Every year there is a growing numbernew comedies. As you know, laughter is mandatory for a person who dreams of good health. What rzhachnye Russian comedies 2015 - 2017 are required to view the audience?

  1. "Chill out Vasya".Mitya, inadvertently making an offer to his girlfriend, immediately leaves for her hometown in order to divorce, since his not quite adequate wife Vasya never agreed to divorce. In order to convince the former that he needs a divorce in order to marry, Mitya asks the bartender Asya to become his bride for a few days.
  2. "Последний богатырь".Moskvich Ivan enters the world of fairy tales. Trying to find the way home, he promises Baba Yaga, Koschei the Immortal and Vasilisa to help find the Sword of the Covenant, since, according to legend, only he, the last of the heroes, has enough strength to take him out of the stone.
  3. "The best day".Petya, a traffic police officer, makes a proposal to his bride Ole. While she is preparing for the acquaintance with the groom's mother and is planning a wedding celebration, the man turns his attention to the star that arrives - Alina Whisper.
  4. "Eight new dates".Really rzhachnaya Russian comedy, worthy of the attention of every connoisseur of good cinema. Nikita and Vera are married for several years. The couple has many claims to each other. One morning, Nikita wakes up with a beautiful wife, and Vera with a caring oligarch husband.
  5. "SuperBobrovy". After a meteorite shard falling onto the roof of the house, each of the Beaver family receives superpower. Heroes decide to use it for their own benefit and rob a bank.
most hilarious comedy list

Best comedy 2015 - 2017 foreign production

Best rzhachnye comedy to tears, who saw the world forthe last few years, will give a great mood and on weekdays and days off. What movie comedies of world filmmaking critics recommend for viewing?

  1. "Take me by storm."After the women were allowed to enlist in the special forces and the police, the charming French woman Joanna decides to join the ranks of the elite special forces. The division commander is doing everything possible so that the girl leaves his team, as there is no place for anyone, but sentimental and tearful women.
  2. "The killer's bodyguard".Michael is the highest level bodyguard. The CIA appeals to him for help - it is urgently necessary to ensure the safety of Darius, a professional killer who is an important witness in the case of the prosecution of the dictator of one of the countries. It seemed that Michael was no stranger to such responsible work, but only he and Darrius were mortal enemies and hated each other.
  3. "Malibu safeguards".In the rescue team on the Malibu coast comes a new one - Matt, a swimmer with two gold medals. The self-confident type does not inspire confidence in the head of the rescue squad, Mitch, and he arranges one check after another to make sure that in a difficult situation he will not fail.
  4. "Hello, Dad, New Year!".Dusty after a divorce from Linda comes to visit his children and meets with their stepfather - soft and sentimental Brad. Between the fathers begins an unspoken contest to determine which of them children love more.
  5. "Очень плохие мамочки".The list of rzhachny comedies knowingly completes this particular film. She immediately conquered the modern viewer. Annie gets tired of the huge burden on modern mothers - they have to look great, manage the household, raise children, and make money. Tired of being a good and understanding mom, she becomes a bad mom and gets allies - Kiki and Carla.

Do not waste your time, watch the most hilarious comedies to tears with your family and friends, raising your spirits and charging you with positive for the whole week.