/ / How and how to dilute oil paints?

How and what to dilute oil paints?

Walking through the art gallery and admiringworks painted with oil, you are amazed at their beauty. "How to dilute oil paints?" - a pressing question for any artist who decided to work with them.

Features of working with oil

With butter, everything is much more complicated than with gouache orwatercolor. If, when working with these types, it is enough to walk to the washbasin and type in a can of running water for dilution, then in the case of oil you will have to prepare a special mixture or, at least, visit the store and buy everything you need. However, the result is worth it.

how to dilute oil paints

Oil paintings often look likemore expensive, richer and better. So for a person who has seriously decided to master this material, nothing is impossible. Yes, and special difficulties are not expected. It is only necessary to learn a simple recipe. Some artists do it quite simply. The question of how to dilute the oil paint for drawing, does not cause them discomfort, because they do not add anything at all, but write the substance in the original consistency. But this option is not for everyone, and only in individual works.

How to dilute the paint?

Those who are hampered by the density, still looking for suitablesolutions to reduce it. The most logical would be to resort to oil. It is used separately as a separate solvent or as part of a mixture made by painters.

In every art store you can findbubble with special, already manufactured substances or individual elements for their reproduction. In any case, when it comes to this type of paint, it will not be possible to do without the oilseed extract, since it is in itself the basis of this material. Squeezing of a nut, flax, etc. well approaches. It has no smell that is quite convenient. Other solvents do not have this advantage.

However, like any coin, there is also an opposite, negative side: the picture will dry for a long time. When looking for how to dilute oil paints, it is better to give preference to flax extract.

how to dilute oil paints

Cooking "tee"

A thinner would be useful.In his role often serves white spirit. However, this substance is not used independently. Need a combination with a special solution. Use it to wash the palette and brushes. Directly adding it to the paint in the course of work is fraught with damage to the tools. Canvas may fade, become yellow and age prematurely. Significant damage to the fabric is noticeable. For this substance is to take a separate container. The lid that was previously inactive will do.

Giving an answer to the question of how to diluteoil art paints, it is worth noting that of all the compositions the most popular is the "tee". You can make it in one action, just by mixing the ingredients that you find in the nearest specialty store.

The first version is made on the basis of mastic.or dammar varnish used in painting, flax or hemp oil, as well as thinner (white spirit). All components are mixed in equal shares. There is another variation of the mixture, in which the last element is changed to turpentine.

how can dilute oil paints

What is a scenic and topcoat varnish?

Painted varnish acts as an additive,applied with oil paint. The main thing is not to take topcoat, it is not suitable for these purposes. The purpose is to protect the already painted picture from external influence after it dries. Used varnish a year after the end of the work.

Finally, the same oil image is considereddried only after a few years. It is worth counting on a relative decrease in surface moisture not earlier than in 3 days. During this period, touching the picture, you no longer risk smearing and spoiling it. Of great importance is the layer that was used in the course of work, as well as the fact that the brush was dry or wet. It depends on when to use a top coat. Also a significant role is played by the substance used to dilute the paint, if, of course, it is necessary to resort to it.

Which extract to choose?

Experienced artists, hearing the question of whatto dilute oil paints, it is advised to use hemp and flax in the mixture for the reason that these are quick-drying substances that form a film that does not dissolve from an organic solvent (for example, water). In painting using materials from other plant crops.

than to dilute oil paint for drawing

How you can dilute oil paints depends ontheir composition. As they say, the wedge knock out the wedge. It is necessary to look at the label and find out what kind of oil is included in the material, choose and add the same. As a rule, it will be exactly flax or hemp extract. On their basis, most of the paints sold in our stores are made.

As for the thinner, it is often in his roleuse white spirit and gum turpentine liquid. During Soviet times, these and other compositions had special numbers. Evaporation of such substances occurs quickly, so they are stored in closed flasks.

Dilution with extract

Если вы ищете, чем разбавить масляные краски в home conditions, but do not want to mess around with the compilation of the "tee", you should like the version with a simple addition of plant culture extract. It is poured into a separate container. It is best to take a liquid based on flax, because it dries faster than others. In this case, you will not feel any odors, but you will have to be patient until the picture dries. Masters of painting, telling, than to dilute oil paints, advise not to abuse this method, since it is intended rather for the lazy and those who are not in a hurry to coat their creation with varnish. When work is in full swing and space is required, it is easier to make a “tee”. In the case of creation, it makes sense to underpain without oil at all.

what to dilute oil paints at home

How fast your creation dries out is in many waysdepends on the thickness of the layer applied in the course of writing the picture, temperature and humidity of atmospheric air, the material of the paper or fabric and, of course, the diluent (“tee” or extract).