/ / Ninja Turtle Michelangelo: photo, costume, weapon

The Ninja Turtles Michelangelo: photo, costume, weapons

The ninja turtle Michelangelo is one ofcomic book heroes about mutant turtles living in sewer drains of new york. In the 90s, the image became popular among children and adolescents thanks to the cartoon series, and more recently, the film company Paramount Pictures gave a new life to the story of the fearless green-skinned warriors with a shell behind their backs. So what makes Michelangelo different from his fellows?

Michelangelo Costume - Ninja Turtles

ninja turtle michelangelo
All the ninja turtles look almostthe same way. You can distinguish them among themselves only according to the type of weapon and the color of the blindfold. The ninja turtle Michelangelo, named after the great sculptor and architect, wears an orange mask on his face. What else is this hero wearing?

Ninja Turtles: Michelangelo's weapon

It is not known for some whim creator turtlesgave them the names of the creators of the Renaissance. For example, Michelangelo - the hero of comics - absolutely has nothing to do with art, but he skillfully possesses such weapons as nunchuck.

ninja turtles donatello michelangelo
Nunchuck invented in the East.They represent two sticks connected by a chain. This is quite a powerful weapon, capable of delivering strong blows, splitting objects, pulling out weapons from the hands and strangling the enemy. It is almost impossible to select nunchucks if the fighter constantly performs deft interceptions.

Michelangelo's character

The ninja turtle Michelangelo, according to the comics, is the most sociable, unconstrained and frivolous of the whole four.

ninja turtles weapon michelangelo
Michelangelo easily goes through life.Without thinking, changing jobs. Most of the comics and films discussed the fact that Michelangelo worked for some time as a children's animator. In this regard, the brothers often joked about him, calling him a Santa Turtle.

Michelangelo least communicates with Leonardo.With Rafael, he often organizes joint workouts, although he cannot be in the same room with him for a long time: a turtle in an orange bandage considers his brother to be a bore.

But with Donatello, Michelangelo has a strong friendship. First of all, he respects the turtle in a purple armband for a sense of humor. Often this couple provokes funny situations.

As for the age of Michelangelo, he is knownHe was born first, and he also spoke the first of the whole company. However, Mikey, as his friends call him, is by no means a leader by nature. On the contrary, it is necessary to constantly look after him during complex reconnaissance operations and battles.

History of creation

Michelangelo Ninja Turtle Costume

For the first time, the ninja turtle Michelangelo waspainted by Kevin Eastman in 1984. It was generally the first ninja turtle ever painted. Mutant with nunchaku in the hands of impressed publisher Mirage Studios, so it was decided to release a whole series of comics, in which the main characters would be armed reptiles.

However, the original turtle in the orange bandanalike to call Leonardo. A little later, Peter Laird drew the same hero, but with katanas in his hands. And they gave him the name of Leonardo, leaving Michelangelo the nunchuck.

Michelangelo's first appearance in film and television

Warrior tortoise comics were so popularamong children and teenagers that the first animated series was released on screens as early as 1987. The rights to broadcast the film were simultaneously acquired by CBS and NBC. In the first cartoon about ninja turtles, Mikey is presented to the audience as a rather frivolous character who constantly finds himself in ridiculous situations.

In 1990An independent screen version of comics about turtles, filmed by Steve Barron. This picture made a splash: the New Line Cinema company earned $ 200 million from a comic book story, having invested just 13 million in filming.

According to the plot of the film Barron, the ninja turtlesDonatello, Michelangelo and other guys from the team originally lived in the sewers of New York and were ordinary animals. But then, by chance, a flask with the newest radioactive substance got into the place where they lived. Having been exposed to radiation, Michelangelo and his other brothers turned into human-like turtles. Soon they had a teacher - the same mutant, Sensei Splinter. After training, the ninja turtles joined the battle with the villain Schroeder and defeated him.

In the 1990 film adaptation, Splinter clearly in one of the monologues indicates that Mikey is the oldest turtle in the team.

Cartoon 2003-2009.

In 2003, an updated version of the cartoon “Ninja Turtles” was released. This topic was still interesting for children, so the project lasted six years and a total of 7 seasons were released.

Mikey in this version of the comic looks sometimesnarcissistic and cocky. Looking for fame, a turtle in an orange bandana goes to a multi-multiplayer martial arts competition. And he wins in them, despite the fact that he has to compete with Rafael for the sake of winning.

Michelangelo often speaks nonsense, and the brothers have to besiege him. And he loves superhero comics and jokingly calls himself "The Turtle-Titan."