/ / Aliyev's phase: biography of the last of the greatest poets of the twentieth century

Aliyev's phase: the biography of the last of the greatest poets of the twentieth century

On the first day of the new year 2016, there was no greatAvar and Soviet poetess and writer with an exotic and unusual name for the Slavs - Aliyev's Phase. The biography of this outstanding woman is an example for many people of art. Since the poetess lived according to the principles she wrote about, and every line of her poems or prose is permeated with sincere experiences, her works capture any reader.

Biography of Aliyeva: early years

The future world-famous poet inearly December 1932 in a small Dagestan village Ginichutl. The girl's father died very early, the Phase was not even five years old. Care for the future poetess and three other children lay on the shoulders of the mother, who worked as a simple nurse in the hospital. Despite the material difficulties, the mother was able to put all her children on her feet and help everyone to get higher education.

Aliev's biography
It is an example of everyday and hard workhis mother had a strong influence on the work of Fase Aliyeva and helped to shape her the image of the heroine of her poems - a brave and courageous woman who, despite all prohibitions, achieves her goal.

Aliyev's phase, biography: the beginning of the creative path

To compose verses The phase began in a rather earlyage. Her poetic skill grew, as they say, by leaps and bounds. Already while studying at school, the girl was considered a serious poet. The first significant verse was written during the Second World War. Aliyev's phase (the biography of the poetess is not exactly accurate, some say she was 10 at the time, others - 11 years old), then she was very impressed by the teacher's story about the difficulties of the soldiers and wrote a verse that everyone liked very much. It was printed in the school wall newspaper.
When the girl turned seventeen, herthe poem was printed by the Bolshevik of the mountains. Later the work was young, but incredibly bright and talented, the poetess from the village became interested in more serious periodicals.

biography of the phase of aliyeva

After graduation from Aliyev's school, four yearsworked as a teacher, until finally decided to get a full higher education. Therefore, in 1954, Aliyeva began her studies at the Dagestan Women's Pedagogical Institute in Makhachkala. However, there she studied for only a year, and then, on the advice of friends, decided to try to pass the exams at the Literary Institute. Having sent her poems to the contest, she received an invitation to come to Moscow. Here she successfully passed most of the entrance examinations, except for the Russian language, and she was not accepted. However, the desire of the poetess to learn was so great that she went to the admission committee and, having communicated with her, eminent literary critics and writers of that time were extremely surprised what a talented and educated person Faz Aliyev.
The biography of the poetess would be incomplete, if notmention the period of study at the Literary Institute. In those days, the classics of Soviet literature were taught in this educational institution, and Alisa learned a lot from them and expanded her horizons. Also here the poet learned the Russian language better and began to write more Russian-language poems.
After graduation (in 1961), the Phase returned to Dagestan.

Literary and social activities

Even while studying in Moscow was publishedthe first collection of poetry poems in the Avar language. "My native village" - that's what Aliyev called him (the full biography of the poetess sometimes contains another name for this book - "Native Village").
After returning home, the poet began to write a lot. So in 1961 her poem "On the Seashore" was published. And in the next two years - the poetry collections "Spring Wind" and "Rainbow Distribute."

Aliev's phase in the Avar language

In 1962, the poet becomes an editorpublishing house of educational and pedagogical books in Dagestan. During this period, she not only wrote a lot, but also edited the works of other authors. In addition, she tries her hand at prose - writes the novel "Fate". Creativity writer is gaining popularity not only in Dagestan and other republics of the USSR, but also far beyond their borders. It begins to translate into Russian, Swedish, French, German, English, Polish and other languages.
In addition, Aliyev's Phase receives membership in the Writers' Union of the USSR.
1971 is turning point in the publicactivity of Fase Aliyeva. It was at this time that the writer became the editor-in-chief of the progressive edition "Women of Dagestan", as well as the chairman of the Dagestan Peace Protection Committee. Also during this period it "takes under its wing" the branch of the Soviet Peace Fund of Dagestan and participates in the work of the World Peace Council.
Actively participating in the political and cultural life of his homeland, Aliyev's phase for a decade and a half served as deputy chairman of the Supreme Council of Dagestan.
the phase of Aliev's biography is complete

The heyday of the creativity of this poetess fell onsixties and seventies. It was at this time that other peoples became interested in her works, and therefore they began to translate them into other languages ​​(Aliyev's phase, despite her fluent Russian, most often wrote her works in her native Avar language). It was during this period that she wrote the legendary "Lump of the Earth the Wind Will Not Take", "150 Branches of the Bride", "Letter to Immortality", "Eternal Fire", "When Joy in the House" and other works no less famous to admirers of her work.
During the eighties and nineties, the PhaseAliyev focuses more on prose, although at this time two volumes of selected works of the poetess are published in Russian and Avar languages. In the nineties, Aliev's Phase publishes three novels: "Two Peaches", "Listopad" and "Sign of Fire." In addition, the collections of her prose are published in the light - "Break", "Why do women grow gray" and "Dagestan toasts".
By the seventieth anniversary of the poetess was given a gift twelve-volume collection of her works "Talisman".

Awards and achievements

Interesting fact:in Dagestan, the poetess is simply called the Phase, not mentioning the surnames, implying that it is unique, exists in the singular. However, in addition to the veneration and love of compatriots, Aliyev's Phase received many other awards outside of her country.
So, for example, for the collection "The Lump of Earth the wind does notthe poetess was awarded a prize to them. N. Ostrovsky. Aliyev also received prizes at various times from such well-known Soviet publications as Krestyanka, Ogonek, Rabotnitsa, Sovetskaya zhenshina and others.

Aliev's biography

In the sixty-ninth year, the poetess was awarded the title "People's Poet of Dagestan".
Among other things, she is the ownermany awards for propaganda and protection of peace not only in Dagestan, Russia, but throughout the world. Among them are the gold medal of the Soviet Peace Foundation and the medal "The Fighter for Peace" of the Soviet Peace Committee.

The creative heritage of this poetess is more than a hundredbooks and collections, which are translated into more than sixty languages ​​of the world. It is a pity that such a talented writer, a bright personality and an extraordinary woman did not become. Despite this, her works will continue to live and delight many more generations, since it is unlikely that in the near future there will appear in the literature the same star as Aliyev's Phase. A biography in the Avar language is what would be interesting to read to her compatriots today. And I very much want to hope that there will be people who can describe the fate of this incredible woman, because she really deserves it. For now, there are her sincere and bright poems, defiantly the brightest feelings and impulses of each of their readers.