/ / Bust of the "eight" - so gently and beautifully

Brute force "eight" - so gently and beautifully

Среди всего разнообразия способов игры на гитаре busting the "eight" has established itself as one of the most beautiful and melodic. Despite the fact that it is not as simple as it seems at first glance, it is certainly worth learning to every guitar player.

First difficulties

Some novice guitarists facebecause it is very difficult for them to learn to play brute force. The fingers of the right hand stubbornly do not want to work properly, are confused in the strings and quickly get tired. Only one way out: patience and stubborn daily guitar lessons. You should not be frightened and give up what you started, if at the first lessons the melody sounds intermittent and not as melodious as we would like. After several hours of training, your fingers will remember the location of the strings, their sequence, and it will become much easier to play.

How to play in such a way as brute force "eight"?

We proceed to the brute force technique.If you are a beginner, do not yet hold the chords with your left hand, let her just hold the fingerboard. With the thumb of the right hand, we pull the bass string. Depending on the chord, it can be the sixth, fifth or fourth string.

guitar lessons

Further, we touch the third string with our index finger, the middle one, again with the index finger of the third string, the nameless first and again the third, second and third, and so on in a circle.

To play the most beautiful, gentle and romantic songs will help search "eight". Its scheme is as follows: b-3-2-3-1-3-2-3, etc., where b is the bass string.

When you already remember the combination well, you cancombine the game with chords. To begin with, we propose to use such chords: Am, Dm, E. The combination is simple for a beginner, and the melody is very pleasant and tender. Take the chord Am. To do this, hold the second string on the first fret with the index finger of your left hand, the fourth string on the second fret with the middle string and the third string on the second fret also on the second fret.

brute eight

Проиграв комбинацию б-3-2-3-1-3-2-3 дважды, берем next chord. To take Dm, you need to hold the first string with the index finger on the first fret, the middle one - the third on the second fret, and the index finger - the second on the third fret. The combination is played 1 time, after which you need to take a chord of E. It is clamped the same way as Am, but 1 string higher. Next, play the chords in a circle.

Do not forget to clamp the strings well to soundwas loud and sonorous. At the same time playing brute force and rearranging chords is not easy at first, but after a few hours of training with the guitar, everything will start to turn out for you.

Ways to extract sound when playing brute force

  • Playing with your fingers. Actually, there is nothing to explain here. The sound is extracted with the fingers of the right hand. This type is perfect for fans of acoustic guitar.
  • Медиатором.If you have already learned how to use a mediator, then there should not be much difficulty with brute force. Before mastering the technique, try to play slowly (although this advice can be attributed to each of the methods).
  • Nail art This type of sound is popular with lovers of classical guitar, as the sound is louder and more resonant.

Do not forget that the right hand in any case should not be long nails, because so you can hardly hold a chord.

Basic rules when playing brute force

Playing busting "eight" on the guitar, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • The thumb plays only on the bass strings (fourth to sixth). Indicative of the third, the middle of the second, and nameless - only on the first.
  • The bass string is always the one above.the chord itself, but not included in it. For example, for the D bass chord, there will be a fourth string, since neither the fifth nor the sixth string is included in it. For Am - the fifth, for G and E - the sixth. If two identical chords are played in succession, alternate bass strings for better sound.
  • Try to play in different ways (with nails, a pick or fingers) and decide which one is closest to you.
  • Do not try to learn several types of busting at the same time, for a start, master one well.

Try not to look at your fingers, in songs with complex chords this skill will give an additional gain in time.

busting eight guitar

Never stop at what has been accomplished, try to independently select various techniques, learn new games, because the search for the G8 is far from the limit.

Final advice

Begin to master the brute force "eight" at a slow pace and gradually increase the speed.

brute eight figure

Remember: you can not play fast if you do not learn to do it slowly. If we have already taken up such a thing - be patient and calm.

Do not be afraid of failures!The first success you can brag to the family, loved ones, if you are too shy - play a cat or dog. After their approval, you can go to a wider public.

Do not disregard the very technique of sound, rhythm, because without this all efforts will be in vain.

And finally - not even advice, but rather a request: learn to enjoy the process of playing the guitar itself, otherwise why all the effort?